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The Address Siam Ratchathewi
500 Phetchaburi Rd, Thanon Phetchaburi, Ratchathewi, Bangkok 10400, Thailand
Starting from: RM 1,214,015
XT Phayathai
515 Thanon Si Ayutthaya, Thanon Phaya Thai, Ratchathewi, Bangkok 10400, Thailand
Starting from: RM 840,501
Starting from: RM 2,958,383
Starting from: RM 2,594,274
Amaya Residences @ Bdr Sri Damansara
52200 Kuala Lumpur Federal Territory of Kuala Lumpur
Starting from: RM 561,000
Agile BB @ Bukit Bintang
Lot 1160, Jln Bukit Bintang, Imbi, 55100 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur
Starting from: RM 1,535,000
Starting from: RM 250,000
Levia Residence - Cheras
Jalan Perdana 3/1, Pandan Perdana, 56100 Cheras, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur
Starting from: RM 684,000
Aetas Seputeh - Seputeh
Persiaran Syed Putra 2, Taman Persiaran Desa, 50460 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur
Starting from: RM 3,265,800
Papyrus - North Kiara
Jalan Dutamas Dahlia, Dutamas, 52100 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur
Starting from: RM 868,000
Kamelia - Bandar Sri Damansara
Persiaran Meranti, Bandar Sri Damansara, 52200 Kuala Lumpur, Wilayah Persekutuan Kuala Lumpur
Starting from: RM 250,000
Subang Freehold Township Project
Jalan FA 1, Federal Avenue, 47500 Subang Jaya, Selangor
Starting from: RM 356,000
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Version: EN, BM你知道吗?如果漏签了这份‘文件’,你的房产所有权可能还不在你名下! 试想一下,经过多年辛苦积攒,终于买下了心仪的房子,结果却发现房产的所有权并不是你的名字! 这是因为许多人在签订了买卖协议(SPA)后,以为买房手续已经完成,却常常忽略了“产权转移”这一关键步骤,也就是我们常说的“ 割名 ”。 无论你是准备买房,还是打算将房产过户给他人,都应该先了解一下什么是产权转让协议备忘录(MOT)吧! 阅读内容:什么是产权转让协议备忘录(MOT)?买卖协议(SPA)与产权转移备忘录(MOT)的区别5个割名所需步骤和文件如果购买的房产尚未分割为个别产权或分层产权怎么办?割名 印花税的计算方式 什么情况下需要缴纳割名印花税? 家庭成员之间的产权转让 什么是产权转让协议备忘录(MOT)?产权转让协议备忘录(Memorandum of Transfer,简称MOT或Form 14A)是一份用于证明房产所有权变更的法定文件。 简单来说,就是从房产产权人名单中删除某人的名字。如果你所购买的房子已经取得了个别地契或分层地契,那么进行房产割名的程序必须通过MOT来完成。 MOT中包含了土地所有权信息、转让人(原屋主)和受让人(新屋主)的详细信息: 转让人(Transferor):原屋主,将房地产的所有权转让给受让人受让人(Transferee): 新屋主,接受房地产转让并成为该房产的新主人 一旦相关部门完成登记,该房产的所有权就正式归属于你!简单而言,这份看似简单的文件,实际上是你房产所有权的法律凭证,明确显示这套房产归你所有。 买卖协议(SPA)与产权转移备忘录(MOT)的区别很多人容易将买卖协议(SPA)与产权转移备忘录(MOT)混淆。SPA是买卖双方达成交易意向的证明,而MOT才是真正将房产所有权转移到买家名下的法律文件。打个比方,SPA相当于“订婚”,而MOT则是“结婚”。如果没有MOT的登记,房产交易就如同“未婚同居”,随时可能出现问题。因此,MOT是你拥有房产的法律凭证。 5个割名所需步骤和文件 1. 找到合适的房屋贷款和律师 在买房之前,首先要找到最适合你的房屋贷款。多方比较,以确定哪家银行提供的房贷利息最优。此外,找一个靠谱的律师也非常重要。 在处理繁杂的文件时,律师的帮助能让你顺利完成交易过程,包括:拟定SPA处理贷款文件印花盖章向内陆税收局提交申请申请州政府批准(如适用)向国家部门登记你的新所有权 2. 报价函(Letter of Offer)/预订表/销售确认函 这是购买房产所需的首要文件,用以表明买家愿意购买、卖家愿意出售的意向。 文件中包含了房产的相关配置、约定售价、签署SPA的时间范围及其他预定条件,以保护双方的合法权益。 3. 买卖协议(SPA) SPA是房产交易中至关重要的文件之一,列明了交易的条款和条件,包括转让时间范围、产权状况、财产所有权、双方的担保和保证、及其他相关条款。 4. 贷款协议 贷款协议是买家与银行之间达成的主要协议。这与SPA无关,可能需要另请律师介入。因此,建议事先查询指定银行的律师名单。 5. 签署产权转移备忘录(MOT) 最后一步是签署MOT。成功登记后,你将收到一份反映新所有权的地契。通过这些步骤,你就顺利完成了房产的转移过程。 如果购买的房产尚未分割为个别产权或分层产权怎么办?如果你购买的房产尚未分割为个别产权(Individual Strata)或分层产权(Strata Title),在正式分割前,你与卖家之间需要签署一份转让契约(Deed of Assignment,简称:DOA)。 这份契约相当于对未来产权的预先约定,表明你已经取得了该房产的受益所有权。一定要妥善保管DOA及所有相关文件,因为这些文件是你未来申请产权的关键。 当房产完成分割后,你和卖家需要共同签署一份由律师准备的MOT,然后在相关政府部门进行登记。简而言之,房产交易分为两个阶段: i. 签署DOA:预先约定未来的产权归属ii. 签署MOT并登记:完成产权转移,获得正式产权割名 印花税的计算方式 和其他物业交易一样,物业的出售和转让都需要缴纳税费。作为购房过程中至关重要的文件之一,割名也附带了从价印花税。 顾名思义,从价印花税是根据房产价值征收的印花税。这个税费会在进行割名时缴纳。 以下是计算割名印花税费用的方法: 房价印花税率首 RM100,000 1%接下来的 RM400,000: RM100,001 至 RM500000 2%RM500,001 至 RM1,000,000 3%RM1,000,001 以上4%举个例子,如果买了一处价值 RM800,000 的房产,买家需要缴纳多少印花税呢? 可以参考以下算法: 首 RM100,000 = RM100,000 x 1% = RM1,000 接下来的RM400,000 = RM400,000 x 2% = RM8,000 剩余金额= RM300,000 x 3% = RM9,000 印花税总额:RM1,000 + RM8,000 + RM9,000 = RM18,000在这种情况下,买家需要缴纳 RM18,000 的印花税。 如果我的房产价格超出政府提供的购房政策上限,那我应该如何计算印花税? 许多人可能会好奇,在政府推出HOC和i-Miliki购房优惠时,如果所购房产超出了政府规定的上限(RM500,000),印花税应如何计算?在这种情况下,超出部分的印花税需要购房者自行承担。例如,如果你在优惠期间购买了一套价值 RM600,000 的房产,那么你需要为超过上限的部分,即RM100,000,缴纳印花税。以下是计算印花税的参考方法: 首RM500,000 豁免印花税 其余的RM100,000 RM100,000 x 3%(根据上述提供的印花税率) =RM3,000 什么情况下需要缴纳割名印花税? 情况 1:购买正在建造中的 Master Title 房子 当你购买一个正在建设中的房产时,由于房产还属于整个开发项目的总地契(Master Title),因此你暂时不需要支付割名印花税。只有当房产建成,发展商取得了这两类证书后,发展商才能为你的房产申请个别地契(Individual Title)或分层地契(Strata Title):竣工与合规证书(CCC)适合居住证书(CFO)一旦你获得了地契,你就可以办理过户手续,并按照规定缴纳割名印花税。 情况 2:购买正在建造中或转售的 Individual Title 或 Strata Title 房子 相比于情况1,情况2 所需时间较短。如果你购买的房子已经拥有个别地契或分层地契,那么在签署SPA后,你就需要立即支付割名印花税。 家庭成员之间的产权转让 在马来西亚,当家庭成员之间进行房产赠与时,可以使用一种称为“Love & Affection”(马来文:Kasih Sayang)的特殊过户方式,并且可享有印花税减免优惠。这是一种基于亲情的房产转让方式,通常无需涉及金钱交易。不同亲属关系所享受到的税务优惠: 关系印花税减免夫妻之间 100%印花税豁免 i. 祖父母 ii. 父母 iii. 孩子 首RM1,000,000可享有100%印花税豁免;剩余部分可享有50%的印花税优惠。 兄弟姐妹之间 无 尽管是家庭成员之间的房产转让,仍需遵循严格的法律程序。在办理过户手续时,除了签署MOT,还需要提供充分的证明文件,以确认双方之间的亲属关系。 常见的证明文件包括出生证明副本、婚姻证书(如果是夫妻之间的转让)等。这些文件有助于确保转让过程的合法性,并确保符合相关的税务优惠或豁免条件。 产权过户,马虎不得!一个小小的疏忽,可能让你多年的积蓄打水漂。找对人,办对事,才能安心入住新家。 房贷、税费、手续...... 这些烦心事,交给IQI吧! 我们帮你理清头绪,让你安心购房。[hubspot portal="5699703" id="f5d64d5d-84bb-46cf-991c-77d4db9fbea9" type="form"]延伸阅读:除了10%头期钱,那些Agent不会告诉你的买房隐藏费用!房贷利息这样省!房地产Agent亲授3个妙招,最快20年还完房屋贷款!90%首购族的最爱!马来西亚最火的7个可负担房屋计划【2024年】
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Versi: EN & CN IQI Global adalah platform perantara hartanah antarabangsa yang telah berkembang pesat sejak penumbuhannya. Bermula dengan hanya 10 ejen pada tahun 2011, kini IQI Global mempunyai 41,000 ejen di 25 negara. Termasuk juga dengan Malaysia menjelang tahun 2024. IQI Global memberi penekanan yang kuat terhadap teknologi hartanah untuk memacu pertumbuhannya. Strategik di Malaysia, Kami Ada 8 Pasukan Berdedikasi 1. IQI ACE2. IQI SUCCESS ONE3. IQI ELITE4. IQI UNITED5. IQI IREALTY6. IQI DREAMMAKERZ7. IQI CS8. IQI AG1. IQI ACEPengasas ACE dan IQI GVP, Calvin Law, menyatakan bahawa ACE mewakili 'A'wesome, 'C'razy dan 'E'xtraordinary fighters. "Kami ingin menjadi pemain pasukan antarabangsa untuk memberi manfaat kepada pelabur kami melalui pelbagai pelaburan di seluruh dunia."Diasaskan pada tahun 2012, IQI ACE menjadi pasukan yang bekerjasama dan bercita-cita tinggi dalam perniagaan mereka. Serta dihubungkan dan diberi kuasa oleh orang mereka.2. IQI SUCCESS ONE Pengasas Success One dan IQI GVP, Sunny Leow, menubuhkan pasukan ini pada tahun 2013. Dan tujuan mereka kekal stabil hingga kini. "Untuk diiktiraf di tahap global sebagai salah satu pasukan yang paling berjaya, untuk memberi inspirasi kepada perniagaan, dan untuk mencipta visi yang menginspirasikan generasi-menjadikan yang mustahil menjadi mungkin.Sumber: IQI Success OneSebagai sebuah pasukan yang kaya dengan pengalaman, Success One sentiasa memimpin dalam mengatasi setiap cabaran. Ianya untuk menyelesaikan masalah dan mencapai perspektif yang lebih luas.3. IQI ELITEMemperkasakan orang kami, menginspirasikan impian anda.IQI ELITE GROUP Apabila membahas pasukan Elite yang ditubuhkan pada tahun 2016, pengasas dan IQI GVP, Aaron Siow, menjelaskan seorang Elitian sebagai penyelesai masalah dan pemotivasi diri, penuh dengan ketabahan untuk mengejar setiap peluang dan mendapatkan pelanggan."Di IQI Elite Group, kami percaya bahawa ejen perlu mahir dalam komunikasi lisan untuk menyampaikan info dan tidak menjual dengan cara yang susah!""Mendapatkan ilmu yang bernilai adalah asas bagi seorang REN untuk memberikan perkhidmatan yang berkualiti." View this post on Instagram A post shared by STG - Sean Teo Group (@seanteogroup)4. IQI UNITEDIQI United ditubuhkan pada tahun 2011. Pada masa itu, mereka dikenali sebgai RINA; pada 2020, RINA, kumpulan agensi hartanah ketiga terbesar di Malaysia, bersatu dengan IQI-maka terjadilah IQI United. Pengasas pasukan dan VP Jordan Yeoh & Fiona Chin percaya bahawa visi teras United adalah untuk bersatu sebagai satu pasukan, tanpa mengira geografi atau kelas, dan untuk mengintegrasikan "i" ke dalam pasukan."Belajar dari sistem, untuk menyokong antara satu sama lain, untuk berkongsi, untuk berkembang dan untuk berjaya!" View this post on Instagram A post shared by IQI United Group (@iqi_unitedgroup)5. IQI IREALTYIRealty VP, Muhazrol Muhammad, sangat berbangga apabila bercakap tentang pasukan IQI Realty, yang diasaskan oleh sekumpulan Ejen Bumiputera."Nama pasukan ini mewakili Iman, Hormat, Semangat, Hebat, Setia, Kepercayaan, dan Hasil."Pasukan yang berkembang bersama, juga jenama yang kekal selama-lamanya.Muhazrol Muhammad, IRealty VpIni mencerminkan bahawa pasukan IQI Realty sentiasa bertekad untuk mencari penyelesaian terbaik untuk pelabur hartanah. Pasukan Realty diasaskan pada tahun 2016. Kemudian pada tahun 2020, IQI Realty bersatu dengan IQI Global untuk mencapai lebih banyak kejayaan dan pencapaian. 6. IQI DREAMMAKERZSalah seorang pengasas IQI Dreammakerz dan VP, Larry, berkata Dreammakerz telah bersatu dengan Juwai IQI Real Estate Technology Group. Bertujuan untuk berkomitmen dalam membangunkan platform dan rangkaian hartanah yang diperibadikan dan diperhalusi. "Dengan platform mereka, kami dapat memimpin pelanggan dan rakan kongsi keluar dari Asia. Selain itu juga dapat memastikan portfolio pelaburan mereka mengikuti trend dunia."kami berani bermimpi besar, kami tahan berkongsi, kami mesti lakukan yang terbaik, kami tidak takut berubah; semangat kami saling berhubung.Victor Lim, Pengasas Dreammakerz dan Pasukan VPIQI Dreammakerz telah menyediakan perkhidmatan nasihat hartanah yang teliti kepada pelanggan kami dengan konsep ini sejak 2017 hingga kini. 7. IQI CSIQI CS diasaskan pada tahun 2013. Pengasas dan IQI GVP, Chen Tse Ping, berkata bahawa Kumpulan CS terdiri daripada ejen yang bersemangat dan berdedikasi. "Kami ada matlamat bersama untuk mencapai lebih banyak dalam kehidupan mereka. Contohnya seperti mewujudkan gaya hidup work-life balance di samping memperoleh pendapatan yang menarik."Chen berkata, Kumpulan CS telah berkembang pesat dan kini terdiri daripada lebih 3,000 pengurus hartanah yang berdaftar. "Dalam masa yang sama, misi kami adalah untuk menjadi firma penasihat dan pemasaran hartanah global yang terkemuka, menggunakan amalan terbaik antarabangsa dan berpegang pada nilai serta prinsip teras kami." View this post on Instagram A post shared by IQI (@iqiglobal)8. IQI AGTiada Siapa yang Buat Lebih Baik daripada Kita. Ts. Kamal Abd Ghafur, Pengasas IQI AGIQI AG (ALL GREAT), diasaskan pada tahun 2020 oleh Ts. Kamal Abd Ghafur. Dahulunya dikenali sebagai AG Realty Sdn Bhd, kini dikenali sebagai IQI AG selepas bergabung dengan IQI.“Matlamat kami adalah untuk menyediakan perkhidmatan hartanah yang berkualiti tinggi bagi memenuhi keperluan dan kepuasan pelanggan, memastikan pelanggan menerima manfaat maksimum daripada perkhidmatan hartanah kami.”Pasukan ini juga telah menubuhkan syarikat hartanah yang terkemuka dan diutamakan, memegang nilai-nilai seperti kejujuran, integriti, dan kerjasama.“Kami berhasrat untuk memupuk pembangunan pasukan dan menyumbang kepada masyarakat dengan menyediakan perkhidmatan hartanah yang tidak tertandingi.”Jika anda sedang mencari pasukan yang boleh membantu anda membuat keputusan pembelian atau pelaburan hartanah terbaik, datang kepada kami! Kami mempunyai tujuh pasukan berdedikasi di seluruh Malaysia yang sedia berkhidmat untuk anda![hubspot portal="5699703" id="c063034a-f66d-41ab-881b-6e6a3f275c33" type="form"]
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The Penang Turf Club, located near George Town, established in 1864, is an iconic institution in Malaysia, boasting a rich history intertwined with the sport of kings—horse racing.However, as times change, so do the fortunes of such historical sites, leading to new possibilities for its vast land.Before we discuss what happened to Penang Turf Club, let's learn about its amazing history.Penang Turf Club and Horse Racing Gambling HistorySource: Universiteitsbibliotheek LeidenHorse racing has always held a special place in the gambling world, and the Penang Turf Club is no exception.Since its establishment, it has been a cornerstone of horse racing in Malaysia, attracting bettors and spectators alike.The thrill of the race, the strategy behind placing bets, and the community that formed around this sport created a unique atmosphere.The Penang Turf Club became synonymous with high stakes and elite gatherings, where fortunes could change in a single race.What made horse racing at the Penang Turf Club particularly special was not the races but the entire experience. The grandstand, capable of hosting thousands of spectators, offered an unobstructed view of the racecourse.The turf provided the perfect stage for local and international events, adding to the allure and prestige of the club.For many, visiting the Penang Turf Club was about watching horses and being part of a longstanding tradition of excitement and sophistication.What is so Special About the Penang Turf Club?The uniqueness of The Penang Turf Club lies in its vast land and state-of-the-art facilities.This prime 202-acre piece of real estate is located on the outskirts of George Town, near Jalan Batu Gantong.This location offers easy access to the amenities while providing a serene environment for sports and leisure activities.One of the standout features of the Penang Turf Club is its 1,900-meter-long racetrack, which is also 24 meters wide.The three-story grandstand surrounding the track can accommodate up to 14,000 fans.The grandstand offers every spectator an unobstructed view of the racecourse, enhancing the overall experience.Additionally, the club boasts a unique 9-hole golf course integrated into the racetrack.This feature boosts the desirability of the club and makes it a one-of-a-kind destination in Malaysia.The combination of horse racing and golf in one location reflects the historical significance of the club and its commitment to providing diverse recreational activities.What Happened to Penang Turf Club Now?Source: The StarAs times have changed, so has the relevance of the Penang Turf Club.While it once thrived as a hub for horse racing and elite gatherings, the popularity of horse racing has waned, leading to declining attendance and financial struggles.The recession of the club has sparked discussions about its future and potential land use.In recent years, the Penang Turf Club has signaled its intent to sell its land, potentially fetching up to RM6 billion.The land, which sits in a prime location in George Town, has attracted interest from both local and international developers.The club members were poised to decide on the sale, which would mark the end of an era for horse racing in Penang.Land Use PredictionsCommercial or Residential BuildingGiven its prime location and the high value of land in George Town, the Land of the Penang Turf Club is likely to undergo a conversion to commercial or residential use.Developers are eyeing the land for high-end residential projects or mixed-use developments that combine luxury living with commercial spaces.The proximity to shopping malls, tourist attractions, and other amenities makes it an attractive proposition for investors.Golf Club or Football FieldAnother possibility is the continuation of the land’s recreational use.Developers may choose to preserve the heritage of the Penang Turf Club by converting the land into a golf course or a football field.This preserve would allow the land to maintain its status as a recreational hub while adapting to modern interests and demands.Residential development could yield high ROI for investors due to its prime location near shopping malls and tourist attractions, driving powerful rental and investment income.What potential activities or attractions could Batu Gantong or George Town offer if residential development occurs in the land of the club?Things You Can Do Near Batu Gantong or in George TownShopping MallsGurney Paragon MallSource: TripadvisorThis premier shopping destination offers a mix of high-end retail stores, dining options, and entertainment venues. The mall is known for its beautiful architecture, drawing inspiration from the heritage of the Penang, and providing a unique shopping experience.1st Avenue MallSource: 1st Avenue PenangLocated in the heart of George Town, this trendy mall is popular among young professionals and fashion enthusiasts. Boasting a diverse range of shops and restaurants, it’s a go-to spot for urban shopping and socializing.Gurney PlazaSource: Gurney PlazaGurney Plaza is a nine-level shopping complex offering diverse international and local retail brands. This premier destination caters to the discerning tastes of both residents and visitors.Prangin MallSource: Prangin Mall PenangThis mall is known for its affordable shopping options and vibrant atmosphere. It’s a favorite among bargain hunters and those looking for a more local shopping experience, complete with a cinema and gaming arcade.Tourist AttractionsPenang Hill (Bukit Bendera)Source: my PenangOffering a panoramic city view and a cool climate, Penang Hill is a must-visit for nature lovers and those seeking a peaceful retreat from the bustling city below.Chew JettySource: TripadvisorA renowned heritage site in George Town, offering a glimpse into the distinctive waterfront communities of Penang. Visitors can explore the stilt houses, visit the small temples, and enjoy the local street food.Little IndiaThis vibrant neighborhood is the heart of Penang’s Indian community. With its colorful shops, aromatic food stalls, and lively atmosphere, Little India is a sensory delight and a cultural treasure.ChinatownGeorge Town’s Chinatown is a captivating fusion of history, culture, and commerce. With its bustling streets, traditional shophouses, and iconic landmarks like the Khoo Kongsi temple, Chinatown is a window into Penang’s rich Chinese heritage.Penang and George Town are food and shopping paradise! You’ll find amazing places to eat and shop that you won’t find anywhere else. And this is just the start! There are tons of other shopping malls and cool spots to discover.Source: Penang Turf ClubAfter many years, the Penang Turf Club has finally retired from its role as a racing venue and is now looking toward a new future. What do you think the new owners should develop on this iconic site? Should it be transformed into housing, shopping malls, a tourist attraction, or perhaps even remain as a turf club? Or is there an even better idea that could continue the legacy of the Penang Turf Club?Are you Interested in the Penang property? Let's find your dream home together! Please fill out the form below and our property expert will help you every step of the way.[hubspot portal="5699703" id="85ebae59-f425-419b-a59d-3531ad1df948" type="form"]Continue Reading:Is it Legal to Have a Rottweiler in a Pet-Friendly High-Rise Condo? Discover the Shocking Truth in This Guide!Comprehensive Guide to Rent a House as a University StudentAre You a -P or -J MBTI Personality Type? Unleash Your Hidden Talent as a Real Estate Agent Based On Your Type!
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Version: CN, BMIQI Global is an international real estate brokerage platform that has grown from 10 agents in 2011 to more than 40,000 agents in over 20 countries including Malaysia by 2024, with a strong focus on real estate technology.Strategically placed in Malaysia, we have 8 dedicated teams here.IQI Dedicated Teams:1. IQI ACE2. IQI Success One3. IQI Elite4. IQI UNITED5. IQI iRealty6. IQI Dreammakerz7. IQI CS8. IQI AG1. IQI ACEACE represents 'A'wesome, 'C'razy & 'E'xtraordinary fighters.IQI ACE"We want to be an international team player to benefit our investors with various investments around the world."Founded in 2012, IQI ACE has always been a team that works together and is ambitious in their business, connected and empowered by their people."We want to be an international team player to benefit our investors with various investments around the world."Click to read tips to investor from Calvin Law and other property professionals.2. IQI Success OneDegree of success for everyone.IQI Success OneSuccess One was founded in 2013, and their goal has remained steady until now. "To be recognized globally as one of the top successful teams, to inspire businesses, and to create a vision that inspires generations—make the impossible possible."As a team with a wealth of experience, Success One has always led the way over every hurdle to solve problems and achieve a broader perspective.Source: IQI Success One3. IQI EliteAn Elite team that prioritises teamwork. We gather to pool our resources and influence our team members.IQI EliteThe founder and IQI GVP Aaron Siow described an "Elitian" as a problem solver and a self-motivator, packed with the tenacity to pursue every lead hustle assertively to chase clients. "In IQI Elite Group, we believe agents need to be proficient in verbal communication to transmit information and to not hard sell." Acquiring valuable knowledge is fundamental for every Real Estate Negotiator (REN) to provide quality service. View this post on Instagram A post shared by IQI ELITE Group (@iqielitegroup)4. IQI UNITEDWorking happily to achieve your dreams; Working together as one family to win the world.IQI UnitedIQI United was founded in 2011. They were known as RINA and became Malaysia's third-largest real estate agency group in 2020. After merging with IQI, RINA became IQI United.Jordan Yeoh and Fiona Chin believe that the core vision of United is to unite as a team, regardless of geography or class."Learn from the system, to support each other, to share, to grow and to succeed!"Jordan Yeoh and Fiona Chin believe that the core vision of United is to unite as a team, regardless of geography or class. View this post on Instagram A post shared by IQI United Group (@iqi_unitedgroup)5. IQI iRealtyA team that grows together, also a brand that lasts forever.IQI iRealtyiRealty VP Muhazrol Muhamad was very proud when he talked about team iRealty, which was founded by a group of Bumiputera agents."The team's name represents "I"man, "R"espect, "E"nthusiasm, "A"mazing, "L"oyal, "T"rust & "Y"ield."And this reflected that team iRealty is always determined to find the best solution for property investors.iRealty team was founded in 2016, and in 2020, iRealty merged with IQI to seek more ambitions and achievements. 6. IQI DreammakerzA group of warriors who support, assist, and promote the personal dreams and desires of others to make everyone's dreams come true.IQI DreammakerzDreammakerz integrated with Juwai IQI Real Estate Technology Group to commit to building a personalized and refined real estate platform and network."With IQI, we can lead customers and partners beyond Asia, ensuring their investment portfolios follow global trends."Dreammakerz Team VP and co-founder Victor Lim shared that the best way to describe the team is: "We dare to dream big, we thrive on sharing, we strive to do our best, and we are fearless in the face of change; our spirits are connected."IQI Dreammakerz has provided thoughtful property advisory services to our clients with this notion in mind since 2017.7. IQI CSWe connect with and support passionate and dedicated agents. IQI CSIQI CS was founded in 2013 with the common goal of achieving more in life, including establishing a work-life balance and earning an attractive income.Chen said, CS Group has been rapidly growing and consists of 3,000+ registered real estate negotiators today."Meanwhile, our mission is to be the leading global real estate advisory and marketing firm, utilising international best practices and living by our core values and principles." View this post on Instagram A post shared by IQI (@iqiglobal)8. IQI AGNobody Does It Better Than Us!IQI AGIQI AG (ALL GREAT) team, was founded in 2020 by Ts. Kamal Abd Ghafur. Previously known as AG Realty Sdn Bhd, it is now known as IQI AG after merging with IQI.“Our goal is to deliver high-standard real estate services to meet clients’ needs and satisfaction, ensuring that clients receive the maximum benefits from our real estate services.”The team has also established a premier and preferred real estate company, upholding values such as honesty, integrity, and collaboration.“We aim to foster team development and contribute to the community by delivering impeccable real estate services.”If you're looking for a team that can help you make the best property purchase or investment decisions, come to us! We have seven dedicated teams across Malaysia who are all ready to serve you! [hubspot portal="5699703" id="c063034a-f66d-41ab-881b-6e6a3f275c33" type="form"]Continue reading:Real Estate Negotiator: 4 Perks of being a REN in IQI GlobalDiscover Juwai IQI: Surprising Facts and Insights You Never KnewBecome A Real Estate Negotiator with IQI Malaysia! Here’s How To Sign Up from A to Z
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