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319, 321 Ordsall Ln, Salford M5 3FT, United Kingdom

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Lionel Rd S, London TW8 0JA, United Kingdom

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  • Kelvin Liew


    I'm incredibly grateful to Venus for her exceptional help in renting out my unit. Her dedication and expertise made the process smooth and efficient, securing tenants in less than a month. Looking forward to working with you again next year.

  • Jaya Prabu


    Venus was fantastic in explaining all the details of the house that met our requirements. She patiently answered all my questions and addressed any potential risks associated with the property. Venus was incredibly accommodating with scheduling viewings, even arranging two viewings on the same day. I'm grateful to have worked with her on this successful purchase. Thank you so much.

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    Working with Joyce Tiong was exceptional. Her prompt responsiveness, valuable guidance, and proactive approach ensured a smooth rental experience. Joyce's outstanding service made my search for a property along Jalan Ampang hassle-free and enjoyable.

  • Anonymous


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  • 吴楠


    尊敬的先生/女士: 你好! 我叫吴楠。10月份, 在贵司员工Sally Han (REN 08595) 和Andre Lim的帮助下, 我们租到了很满意的房子。他们俩很善良并且有耐心, 工作态度认真严谨, 热情积极地为我们提供服务和帮助, 让我们这些来自中国的留学生很感动。他们的实际行动体现了贵司员工的优良职业操守, 我们对此表示真挚的感谢! 祝 贵司客源滚滚 生意昌隆!


Tips and Guides

马来西亚大水灾:5个清理淹水后房子的步骤与技巧! 马来西亚大水灾:5个清理淹水后房子的步骤与技巧!

Version: EN, BM最近雨水不断,马来西亚许多县区发生大水灾,导致许多人民的家园遭殃,全国灾黎人数不断攀升。 根据水利灌溉据的记录,今年的水灾比往年更严重,除了东海岸地区的河流水位比2014年还要高,就连霹雳州怡保也出现20多年以来最严重的水灾。 不过,随着水位退去,如今许多灾民已经陆续返家,但是要清洁“泡过水”的家,还是一项大工程! 由于水灾灾区会滋生病毒、细菌和霉菌,因此在清理过程一定要做好保护措施,而泡过水的家也需要一些技巧,才能完全消毒、安全居住。 以下整理了一些清理淹水房子步骤与技巧,无论你是不是灾黎,先掌握好这些清洗技巧,以防万一! 阅读内容:1. 清洗房子前先做防护  2. 记录损坏情况3. 请专业人士检查和修复4. 彻底去除房子内的潮湿环境5. 消毒、消臭、恢复原样1. 清洗房子前先做防护 我们都理解灾黎的心情,水灾后返回家时,原本温馨干净的家变成一片狼藉,恨不得立刻清洗干净变回原样。但是真的不要着急,由于水灾后严重缺乏干净水源,导致灾区存在感染疾病的危机。因此,一定要先做好防护措施,照顾好自己的健康才是首要!在清洗房子之前,切记准备以下用具:N95口罩橡胶靴防水手套防水围裙或一次性塑料围裙护目镜安全帽防水石膏注意事项:清洁衣服与其他衣服分开洗每次清洗工作完成后,用肥皂和温水洗手经常洗手2. 记录损坏情况一切准备就绪后,基本上就能开始房子清洗工作了。但还有一点也很重要,那就是先联系保险公司,并记录房子的破坏情况,以向保险公司提出索赔。你可以用手机进行拍摄,从最大程度的损坏,如墙壁、地板、屋顶的结构损坏,到最小程度的损坏,如水渍、尤其油漆剥落等,都要记录。同时,所必须从不同的角度记录损坏的地方,以确保捕捉完整的破坏程度,帮助你顺利地处理索赔事宜。此外,切记不要立即丢弃受损的物品,因为保险公司可能会要求你提供实体物证。当收集并记录好所有水灾造成的损失后,就可以上交给保险公司,并了解哪些是保险范围内的。不仅如此,你还要向保险公司确认,是否要等到保险公司批准索赔申请后,才能开始进行房子维修。记得,所有事情一定要与保险公司沟通和咨询清楚,以免引起不必要的误会。3. 请专业人士检查和修复房子在洪水的浸泡后,一定会影响其结构的完整性,尽管表面上没有明显的损坏,但仍可能存在潜在的安全问题。尤其是地基、墙壁、天花板、地板等,都可能会出现开裂、移位、结构扭曲的情况。因此,为了以后能安全居住,建议立即咨询专业人士来检查,并修复任何潜在的危险。此外,家中的煤气、任何电器等,也不要擅自打开,因为这可能会引起爆炸、走电或是成为污染源的风险。所以,最好是等到专业人员亲自检查和评估,让他们告诉你这些电器物品的损坏程度,以及是否需要维修或更换。无论如何,在这种情况下,个人的安全一定要放在首要位置!4. 彻底去除房子内的潮湿环境当你评估了房子和物品的损坏程度后,现在你要专注的就是解决房子的潮湿环境!虽然洪水退去,但房子内还会有积水、潮湿的地方,而这些地方容易滋长霉菌,并发生霉变。尤其是地毯、石膏板、沙发、枕头、床褥等容易吸水的物品或家具,都是真菌和霉菌生长的温床,因此最好立即丢掉并更换新的家具。同时,一定要打开房子的所有门窗, 保持室内通风,并且使用强效的清洁剂清洁所有潮湿的物品表面,再拿出去太阳下晒干。如果专业人员检查电源没有问题后,建议打开电风扇、除湿机或加热器,来帮助水分蒸发,热干潮湿的地方。要记住,这一过程将会是你与时间赛跑的清洁工作,想要阻止霉菌滋长和发生霉变,就一定要越快让房子和所有物品恢复干燥!5. 消毒、消臭、恢复原样霉菌清除、房子变得干燥后,最后就是要为房子消毒、消臭,恢复家的样子。因为被洪水浸泡后的房子,将留下的霉味、泥土味和臭味,而即使房子已经清洁干净了,但可能还会残留细菌、病毒和霉菌孢子。因此,你可以使用强效的消毒剂为房子重点消毒,同时也能使用空气清新剂来进行消臭。当然,若财务允许的情况下,你也能寻求专业人员的帮助,彻底为房子消毒和消臭。完成了房子消毒和消臭后,最后就能彻底为房子恢复原样了,包括装修和修复房子结构、清洗和消毒或购置家具、餐具等。以下与你分享清洁被洪水浸泡后的家具技巧,帮助你在清洁工作上更快速方便:i. 厨房与餐具玻璃、瓷器、塑料餐具:在4L的热水中加入2汤匙的氯漂白剂,并浸泡餐具10分钟再风干,注意不要用毛巾擦干。金属、银器、锅碗瓢盆:放入水中煮沸10分钟进行消毒,注意不要加任何氯漂白剂。橱柜、台面:使用氯漂白剂清洁和消毒一遍。ii. 家居用品床上用品、衣物、毛绒玩具:清洗并消毒,再拿出去户外晒干或晾干。软垫家具:建议请专业人士清洗、消毒和消臭。床垫、木质家具(如嵌入式橱柜):建议全部换新的一套实木家具:这类家具通常可以修复,若实在损坏严重,只能置换新的。照片、书籍、重要文件:可以交给专业人士清洁、消毒;或小心地洗掉表面上的泥土,然后放进塑料袋中并进行冷冻,以防止发霉和进一步损坏,直到有时间解冻再清洁。地板、天花板、墙壁:先用吸尘机去除霉菌,再用消毒剂清洗并消毒。房间、客厅、厨房、厕所:打开冷气或除湿器去除湿气、打开所有窗户和风扇让空气流通。iii. 电器任何开关、插座、电灯、接线盒:不要擅自打开,让电工进行检查和维修。电器:先清洁表面泥土和污垢,并进行消毒,然后再检查是否损坏,但是插电检查时必须小心触电。iv. 地板乙烯基(Vinyl)、砖块:需要一片片拆除,让底层地板彻底干燥的同时,也要清洁和干燥木质地板。地毯、地垫:将地毯和地垫铺在户外冲洗,再用漂白剂兑水来进行消毒后晒干,以防止发霉和产生异味。以上就是一些基本的清洗被洪水浸泡的家具,虽然这是一个漫长又艰辛的过程,但这都是确保以后能安全和健康居住。值得一提的是,为了避免以后还需要进行大工程的清洁工作,可以在修复房子时做防水工作,以作未来防范,提前保护好自己的家园。当然,如果你打算逃离水灾区域,或是想要避开高风险区域买房,但是不知道哪里才是你的理想买房目的地,不妨寻求IQI的专业团队帮助!IQI旗下房地产中介接受专业的培训,能专业且全面地提供买房建议,帮助你找到合适的dream house![hubspot portal="5699703" id="85ebae59-f425-419b-a59d-3531ad1df948" type="form"]延伸阅读:季候风时期,你需要知道哪些房屋保险的事项?马来西亚装修房子要花多少钱?最低预算竟然要RM70k!2024装修风格必看!简单家具打造精美设计风格

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Top 10 Most Visited Countries in the World 2024 Top 10 Most Visited Countries in the World 2024

Are you dreaming of your next travel destination but don't know where to travel by the countless options?With so many incredible places to visit, it’s easy to feel stuck choosing where to start.What if you miss the world’s most stunning attractions or record-breaking tourist hotspots?This guide is your ultimate companion, revealing the most visited countries 2024.Backed by accurate data and insider insights, discover where the world’s travelers are flocking to and why these destinations remain unmatched.Global tourism is booming, with international arrivals surging toward pre-pandemic levels.According to the World Tourism Organization (UNWTO), international arrivals 2024 are expected to reach record highs, contributing over $11.1 trillion to the global economy.Below is a detailed breakdown of the top 10 most visited countries and what makes each destination irresistible to travelers worldwide.RankCountryTourist Arrivals (Millions) Tourism Revenue (USD)Growth Rate (YoY)1France89.4$68.6 billion2.9%2Spain83.7$92 billion0.8%3United States79.3$175.9 billion0.6%4China65.7$154.50 billion4.5%5Italy64.5$55.9 billion 4.8%6Turkey 51.2$49.5 billion11.9%7Mexico45.0$30.8 billion9.0%8Thailand39.8$52.6 billion4.3%9Germany39.6$37.4 billion 1.8%10United Kingdom39.4$73.9 billion1.9%Source: Netspend, Get GIS, Data Pandas, Economy Middle East, WP Travel,  Statista, & The Nation1. Francea. Why it’s #1CountryFranceTourist Arrivals89.4 millionTourism Receipts$68.6 billion USDFrance remains unrivaled as the most visited country globally, attracting 89.4 million tourists in 2024.Renowned for its rich cultural heritage, culinary excellence, and diverse landscapes, France captivates travelers with iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre in Paris, the enchanting "Remarkable Gardens" of the Loire Valley, and the sunny coastlines of the French Riviera.Its combination of history, world-class gastronomy, and breathtaking destinations cements its position as the top travel destination worldwide.b. Places to Visit in FranceDestinationRegional LocationFamous FeaturesParis Eiffel Tower SummitParisPanoramic city viewsBordeauxSouthwestern FranceWine-tasting paradiseAlsace RegionRhine ValleyFairy-tale villages and castlesLoire ValleyCentral FranceUNESCO gardens and chateausFrench RivieraSoutheast Coast of ProvenceCoastal roadsFrance also boasts 45 UNESCO World Heritage Sites, ensuring an unforgettable blend of history and natural beauty.2. Spaina. Why it’s #2CountrySpainTourist Arrivals83.7 millionTourism Receipts$92 billion USDSpain attracted 83.7 million visitors in 2024, showcasing its enduring allure.Travelers are drawn to its sun-kissed beaches, flamenco music, and architectural marvels like Gaudí’s Sagrada Familia.The UNESCO-recognized Camino de Santiago appeals to spiritual seekers and adventurers, while lively festivals like La Tomatina and the Running of the Bulls highlight Spain's vibrant cultural traditions.This blend of natural beauty, cultural richness, and festive spirit makes Spain a top global destination.b. Places to Visit in SpainDestinationRegionHighlightsSagrada FamiliaBarcelonaGaudí's architectural masterpieceAlhambraGranadaMoorish palaces and gardensIbizaBalearic IslandsVibrant nightlife and beachesc. Data ComparisonTop Source Countries for TouristsArrivals (2023)United Kingdom907,752France819,405Germany561,5213. United Statesa. Why it’s #3CountryUnited StatesTourist Arrivals79.3 millionTourism Receipts$175.9 billion USDThe United States welcomed 79.3 million tourists in 2024, showcasing its unique combination of cultural diversity and breathtaking landscapes.Iconic destinations such as the vibrant streets of New York City and natural wonders like the Grand Canyon captivate visitors.At the same time, Florida's theme parks and California's Golden Gate Bridge remain perennial favorites.Luxury tourism has seen significant growth, with visitors spending an average of $4,000 per trip, solidifying the U.S. as a premier destination for adventure and indulgence.b. Places to Visit in the United StatesDestinationRegionHighlightsStatue of LibertyNew YorkIconic symbol of freedomYellowstone National ParkWyomingGeysers and wildlifeGolden Gate BridgeCaliforniaScenic cruises and urban landmarksYosemite National ParkCaliforniaAwe-inspiring granite cliffs and waterfallsDisney WorldFloridaMagical experiences for families and thrill-seekersDespite recovering slower than other nations, U.S. tourism benefits from strong domestic and international demand.4. Chinaa. Why it’s #4CountryChinaTourist Arrivals65.7 millionTourism Receipts$154.50 billion USDChina attracts 65.7 million visitors annually, offering a captivating blend of tradition and modernity.Iconic landmarks such as the Great Wall and Beijing's Forbidden City reflect the nation's rich imperial past, while the futuristic skyline of Shanghai highlights its innovative spirit.China's dynamic appeal continues to enchant travelers worldwide, from ancient relics to cutting-edge architecture.b. Places to Visit in ChinaDestinationRegionHighlightsGreat Wall of ChinaBeijingUNESCO World Heritage SiteZhangjiajieHunan ProvinceAvatar-inspired mountain landscapesYangshuo RiverGuangxiSerene river cruisesChina’s recovery has been robust, with a 4.5% growth in tourism arrivals in 2024.5. Italya. Why it’s #5CountryItalyTourist Arrivals64.5 millionTourism Receipts$55.9 billion USDItaly enchants 64.5 million visitors annually with its timeless charm, rooted in unparalleled art, history, and cuisine.Iconic destinations such as the Colosseum in Rome, Venice's romantic canals, and Florence's world-renowned museums continue to captivate travelers.As the birthplace of cultural icons like Michelangelo and da Vinci, Italy remains a global hub for Renaissance art and historical wonders.In 2023, it broke records by hosting more international tourists than domestic travelers for the first time since the pandemic, reaffirming its enduring allure.b. Places to Visit in ItalyDestinationRegionHighlightsColosseumRomeGladiatorial historyAmalfi CoastCampaniaStunning coastal viewsVatican CityRomeThe spiritual and artistic hubVeniceVeniceA romantic gondola rides through its winding canals6. Turkeya. Why it’s #6CountryTurkeyTourist Arrivals51.2 millionTourism Receipts$49.5 billion USDTurkey's unique position straddling Europe and Asia draws 51.2 million visitors annually, offering a rich blend of history, culture, and natural wonders.Istanbul is captivated by iconic landmarks like the Hagia Sophia and a vibrant cultural tapestry, while Cappadocia is enchanted by its surreal landscapes of fairy chimneys and cave dwellings.Turkey's 550 blue flag beaches also make it a top destination for eco-conscious travelers seeking relaxation and adventure.b. Places to Visit in TurkeyDestinationRegionHighlightsHagia SophiaIstanbulByzantine and Ottoman architecturePamukkaleDenizliThermal pools and travertine terracesCappadociaCentral AnatoliaFamous for hot air balloon rides over fairy-tale landscapesEphesusIzmir ProvinceAncient ruins showcasing Greco-Roman historyPamukkaleDenizli ProvinceStunning "cotton castle" terraces.Tourism in Turkey grew by an impressive 11.9% in 2024, cementing its appeal.7. Mexicoa. Why it’s #7CountryMexicoTourist Arrivals45 millionTourism Receipts$30.8 billion USDMexico welcomed 45 million visitors in 2024, thriving on its rich cultural heritage, vibrant festivals, and world-renowned cuisine.International tourists are drawn to iconic destinations like Cancun, Oaxaca, and Tulum, where stunning beaches meet historical and cultural charm.Mexico offers an irresistible blend of history, flavor, and natural beauty. It is a favorite for travelers worldwide, from ancient ruins and colonial architecture to a culinary scene that delights with tacos, tamales, and more.b. Places to Visit in MexicoDestinationRegionHighlightsChichén ItzáYucatán PeninsulaMayan ruinsTulumRiviera MayaCoastal cenotesTeotihuacan PyramidsTeotihuacanAncient Mesoamerican ruins dating back to 100 B.C.Oaxaca CityOaxacaIt is famous for its lively markets, cultural festivals, and well-preserved colonial architectureMexico saw a 25.4% growth in tourist spending in 2023, reflecting its global popularity.8. Thailanda. Why it’s #8CountryThailandTourist Arrivals39.8 millionTourism Receipts$52.6 billion USDThailand attracted 39.8 million international visitors in 2024, earning its reputation as the "Land of Smiles" for its warm hospitality and vibrant culture.The country enchants travelers with its serene royal palaces, stunning Buddhist temples, and idyllic beaches, while bustling cities like Bangkok add an element of adventure.Offering luxury experiences and affordable travel options, Thailand seamlessly blends relaxation and excitement, making it a top destination for visitors worldwide.b. Places to Visit in ThailandDestinationRegionHighlightsBangkok Floating MarketBangkokVibrant local culturePhuketAndaman SeaBeach ParadiseChiang MaiChiang MaiA haven for nature lovers, offering hilltop temples and scenic hiking trailsKoh Samui and Koh TaoKoh Samui and Koh TaoIdyllic islands are suitable for snorkeling, scuba diving, and beachside relaxation.Visitors can savor the country’s world-famous street food, such as Pad Thai and Tom Yum Goong, while immersing themselves in the bustling energy of Bangkok’s vibrant streets.This blend of culinary delights and dynamic city life further enhances Thailand’s reputation as a must-visit destination.9. Germanya. Why it’s #9CountryGermanyTourist Arrivals39.6 millionTourism Receipts$37.4 billion USDGermany hosted 39.6 million visitors in 2024, celebrated for its fairy-tale landscapes, historical landmarks, and vibrant cultural scenes.Bavaria enchants travelers with its iconic castles and world-famous Oktoberfest celebrations.At the same time, Berlin seamlessly blends history and modernity with landmarks like the Brandenburg Gate and remnants of the Berlin Wall.With its efficient infrastructure and welcoming atmosphere, Germany remains a favorite destination for tourists seeking charm and cultural depth.b. Places to Visit in GermanyDestinationRegionHighlightsNeuschwanstein CastleBavariaThe real-life inspiration for Disney’s Sleeping Beauty CastleBerlin WallBerlinHistoric landmarkCologne CathedralCologneIt is a Gothic masterpiece with breathtaking views from its spireBlack ForestBaden-WürttembergIt is a picturesque region perfect for hiking and sampling local delicacies like Black Forest cakeGermany saw a steady recovery in tourism, with receipts up 7% from 2022.10. United Kingdoma. Why it’s #10CountryUnited KingdomTourist Arrivals39.4 millionTourism Receipts$73.9 billion USDThe United Kingdom welcomed 39.4 million visitors in 2024, captivating travelers with its rich history, regal charm, and diverse cultural experiences.Iconic landmarks like Big Ben, Stonehenge, and Edinburgh Castle draw millions, while London remains a top destination, offering world-class museums and a vibrant nightlife.Beyond the capital, Scotland, Wales, and Northern Ireland each provide unique attractions, from rugged landscapes to historic sites, making the UK a multifaceted destination for all travelers.b. Places to Visit in the United KingdomDestinationRegionHighlightsTower BridgeLondonIconic symbol of the capitalStonehengeSalisburyPrehistoric marvelLondon EyeCounty HallA panoramic view of England’s capital from a giant Ferris wheel.Edinburgh CastleCastlehillA historic fortress perched on Castle Rock in Scotland.The UK leads in cultural tourism, with visitors spending an average of $1,880 per trip.Regional Tourism Trends and InsightsGlobal tourism recovery has been robust, with international arrivals in 2024 reaching 96% of pre-pandemic levels.The Middle East experienced the fastest growth, surpassing 2019 by 26%, followed by substantial recovery from Europe and the Americas.i. Economic Impact of TourismTourism added $11.1 trillion to the global economy in 2024, accounting for 9% of global GDP.Turkey and Mexico saw significant revenue increases, with double-digit growth compared to 2019.ii. Comparison of Regional GrowthRegionRecovery Rate (vs. 2019)Key DriversMiddle East126%Strong demand, visa reformsEurope96%Improved air connectivity, cultural appealAsia and Pacific82%Eased travel restrictions, eco-tourism trendsAmericas97%Business and leisure travel ("bleisure")Source: Economy Middle East & NetspendFAQs on the Most Visited Countries in the Worlda. What is the most visited country in the world in 2024?France is the most visited country in the world in 2024, attracting 89.4 million international visitors. It’s renowned for its rich cultural heritage, iconic landmarks like the Eiffel Tower, and world-class cuisine.b. Which country generates the highest tourism revenue in 2024?The United States leads in tourism revenue, generating $175.9 billion USD in receipts, thanks to its diverse attractions and high-spending visitors.c. What makes Spain one of the top travel destinations in the world?Spain is famous for its year-round pleasant weather, UNESCO World Heritage Sites, vibrant nightlife, and unique cultural traditions like flamenco and the Running of the Bulls.d. Which country has shown the fastest growth in tourism arrivals in 2024?Turkey experienced an impressive 11.9% growth in tourism arrivals, driven by its mix of ancient wonders, stunning beaches, and affordable travel options.e. Why is Italy a favorite destination for international tourists?Italy captivates visitors with its Renaissance art, historical ruins like the Colosseum, picturesque Amalfi Coast, and renowned cuisine, including pasta, pizza, and fine wines.f. What is unique about Thailand as a tourist destination?Thailand offers a unique blend of royal palaces, ornate temples, vibrant street markets, and idyllic beaches, making it an affordable and diverse destination for travelers.g. How has international tourism recovered post-COVID-19?International tourism has recovered mainly to pre-pandemic levels, with regions like Europe and the Americas reaching 96%-97% of 2019 arrival numbers, thanks to improved air connectivity and fewer travel restrictions.So, there you have it, the top 10 most visited countries worldwide!Each destination shines with its unique blend of culture, experiences, and attractions.Picking the "best" depends on your personal preferences and travel goals.Before packing your bags, research and prepare to avoid surprises and fully embrace the adventure.Wishing you a memorable journey and unforgettable experiences—happy travels!Don’t just visit your dream destinations—call them home! Explore incredible real estate opportunities in these top locations and turn your travels into a lifelong investment. Enquire now to begin your journey![hubspot portal="5699703" id="f817be78-f5ba-4553-8865-58a7a451ce6b" type="form"]

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The Ultimate Guide Before Moving To Malaysia by Taco Heidinga [E-Book] The Ultimate Guide Before Moving To Malaysia by Taco Heidinga [E-Book]

What Can You Get From It?Inside, you'll find detailed insights and tips, including:Healthcare in Malaysia: Learn about public and private options, with Malaysia ranked among the top 10 globally for medical tourism, thanks to its affordable and high-quality healthcare.Education for Expat Families: Explore international schools offering globally recognized curriculums.Malaysia My Second Home (MM2H): Understand how this program can help you establish long-term residency.Work Permits: Get clarity on work visas and employment pass requirements.Cost of Living: Discover why Kuala Lumpur is 83% cheaper than London and how you can enjoy a comfortable lifestyle for less than USD 550 per month (excluding rent).Please fill in your information to get the FREE e-book.[hubspot portal="5699703" id="e3036178-fac7-4c06-b04f-4b1be2e5c3ca" type="form"]About the Author and E-book:As a Dutch expat embarking on a new life in Malaysia, Taco has encountered many challenges that many newcomers experience. Feeling disoriented and unfamiliar with the local environment, he faced difficulties understanding government procedures and cultural customs, often wondering if moving to Malaysia was the right choice. Yet, through unwavering determination, Taco has transformed into a highly skilled Global strategies advisor at Juwai IQI, equipped with essential insights into the local market from which others can benefit.Recognizing that many individuals share similar feelings of uncertainty, Taco has received many emails, calls, and inquiries from potential movers worldwide. Like himself, these individuals are eager for guidance as they prepare for their transition. They are in search of a reliable and comprehensive moving guide from someone equipped to address their concerns and offer sound advice.Taco has responded to this pressing need for clarity and support. He is excited to announce the release of a detailed e-book explicitly designed for expats. This guide is crafted to ensure a smooth and efficient moving experience, providing practical suggestions and recommendations to empower newcomers to embrace their journey to Malaysia confidently. Don't miss out on the opportunity to make your transition smoother and more rewarding—let Taco's expertise guide you every step of the way!

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Banjir Dah Reda? 6 Langkah Bersihkan Rumah Tanpa Stress! Banjir Dah Reda? 6 Langkah Bersihkan Rumah Tanpa Stress!

Versi: EN, CNWalaupun banjir di beberapa kawasan sudah surut dan penduduk mula kembali ke rumah, situasi ini bukanlah sesuatu yang mudah atau menggembirakan. "Banjir dah surut, tapi rumah ni macam tak terurus. Macam mana nak mula bersihkan semua ni?" Sudah tentu banyak kerosakan yang terjadi akibat daripada banjir dan semestinya boleh buat kepala pening!Kami akan bantu anda melalui langkah membersihkan rumah selepas banjir. Ingat, anda tidak bersendirian – kami ada untuk menyokong pemulihan anda.Langkah Membersihkan Rumah Selepas Banjir 1. Periksa dan Pastikan Keselamatan Elektrik2. Buang Barang yang Rosak3. Bersihkan Lumpur dan Kotoran Kasar4. Gunakan Disinfektan5. Pengeringan dan Pengudaraan Rumah6. Hubungi Insurans Anda1. Periksa dan Pastikan Keselamatan ElektrikSebelum membersihkan rumah selepas banjir, matikan bekalan elektrik di kotak fius. Jika terendam air, hubungi pakar untuk pemeriksaan.  Pakai kasut getah dan sarung tangan kalis air untuk elak renjatan. Periksa juga dinding, lantai, dan bumbung. Jangan hidupkan peralatan elektrik seperti kipas, peti sejuk, atau mesin basuh yang basah tanpa pemeriksaan terlebih dahulu. 2. Buang Barang yang RosakBarang-barang seperti perabot, permaidani, atau tilam yang sudah terendam air perlu dibuang jika tidak boleh diselamatkan.Barang yang basah dan berbau boleh menjadi tempat pembiakan kuman dan bakteria. Kategorikan barang kepada tiga:Boleh digunakan semulaPerlu dibersihkanDibuang terus3. Bersihkan Lumpur dan Kotoran KasarGunakan penyodok, mop, dan baldi untuk mengangkat lumpur dan sisa kotoran yang tebal. Setelah itu, bilas lantai dan dinding dengan air bersih sebelum mula menggosok permukaan. Pastikan juga longkang dan saluran air dibersihkan untuk mengelakkan sebarang penyumbatan yang boleh menyebabkan masalah kemudian. 4. Gunakan DisinfektanSelepas kotoran kasar dibuang, gunakan air sabun dan disinfektan untuk membersihkan seluruh rumah. Fokus pada tempat-tempat yang kerap disentuh seperti tombol pintu, dinding, dan perabot. Ini penting untuk membunuh kuman dan mencegah jangkitan penyakit. 5. Pengeringan dan Pengudaraan RumahBuka semua tingkap dan pintu untuk pengudaraan maksimum. Jika ada kipas, gunakan untuk mempercepat proses pengeringan. Barang-barang yang boleh dijemur di luar seperti perabot kayu dan kain, bawa keluar supaya kering sepenuhnya. 6. Hubungi Insurans AndaDi Malaysia, beberapa syarikat menawarkan insurans untuk mangsa banjir, termasuk Allianz, Zurich, dan Berjaya Sompo. Menurut laporan Bank Negara Malaysia, perlindungan tambahan untuk banjir memerlukan premium tambahan yang bergantung kepada polisi setiap syarikat insurans. Disarankan untuk menyemak polisi dan berbincang dengan wakil insurans bagi mendapatkan maklumat yang lebih terperinci. View this post on Instagram A post shared by Bank Negara Malaysia (@banknegaramalaysia)Banjir adalah antara bencana alam paling mematikan dan boleh menyebabkan kehilangan nyawa. Jika anda atau seseorang yang anda kenali terjejas oleh banjir di Malaysia, utamakan keselamatan.Bersama dengan orang lain dan ikuti arahan pihak berkuasa tempatan, serta elakkan kawasan dengan paras air tertinggi.Tahun ini, lebih 130,000 mangsa banjir direkodkan di lapan negeri di Malaysia. Kelantan paling teruk terjejas dengan 87,788 mangsa dan dua kematian, diikuti Terengganu dengan 39,220 mangsa dan satu kematian.Di IQI, kami menyediakan maklumat untuk membantu anda mencari rumah selamat daripada bencana alam, termasuk panduan lokasi selamat dan perlindungan insurans rumah.Hubungi ejen kami hari ini untuk melindungi rumah impian anda![hubspot portal="5699703" id="85ebae59-f425-419b-a59d-3531ad1df948" type="form"]Baca Selanjutnya:Kadar Faedah Pinjaman Rumah Terbaik December 20248 Daerah di Selangor Sebagai Kawasan Utama BanjirCara Permohonan Bantuan Rumah PPRT & Semak Syarat Kelayakkan 2024

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