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Juwai IQI Monthly Newsletter – Real Estate Market December 2020 [Arabic Version]

Juwai IQI Monthly Newsletter – Real Estate Market December 2020 [Arabic Version]

دبي تسجل مبيعات عقارية بقيمة 2.9 مليار درهمتم بيع ما يصل إلى 44 قطعة أرض مقابل 176.48 مليون درهم ، بينما تم بيع 854 شقة وفيلا مقابل 1.49 مليار درهم. أظهرت أحدث البيانات أن قيمة الصفقات العقارية والاملاك الثابته بقيمة إجمالية تقدر ب : 2.9 مليار درهم من خلال 1,241 صفقة خلال الأسبوع المنتهي في 5 نوفمبر 2020.وكانت أعلى ثلاث صفقات تجارية ، بيع قطعة أرض في المرقاد Al Merkadh بمبلغ 16.33 مليون درهم ، تليها قطعة أرض بيعت بمبلغ 12.6 مليون درهم في البرشاء جنوب الرابعة Al Barsha South Fourth ، وأرض بيعت بمبلغ 16.33 مليون درهم في المرقاد Al Merkadh  في المركز الثالث . وسجل جبل علي Jabal Ali الأول  كأكبر عدد من المعاملات لهذا الأسبوع من خلال 16 صفقة بيع بقيمة 27.49 مليون درهم ، يليه  ند الشبا Nad Al Shiba الثالث بخمس معاملات بيع بقيمة 12.07 مليون درهم ، والمرقاد Al Merkadh  بخمس صفقات بيع بقيمة 61 مليون درهم في المركز الثالث.كانت أعلى ثلاث عمليات نقل للشقق والفلل هي شقة تم بيعها مقابل 257 مليون درهم في مرسى دبي Marsa Dubai ، واحتلت شقة المرتبة الثانية في القائمة التي بيعت بمبلغ 102 مليون درهم في برج خليفة Burj Khalifa ، وثالثًا بيعت فيلا مقابل 96 مليون درهم في الحبية الرابعة Al Hebiah Fourth.وبلغ مجموع قيمة العقارات المرهونة للأسبوع 1 مليار ، وكان أعلاها  ارض في ند حصة Nadd Hessa ، مرهونة بمبلغ 198 مليون درهم. تم منح ما يصل إلى 43 عقارًا من خلال أقارب من الدرجة الأولى أو والدي الفرد أو الأشقاء أو الأطفال أو شركة مملوكة بالكامل لفرد ، بقيمة 142 مليون درهم.وفقًا لـ نايت فرانك Knight Frank ، انخفضت إيجارات المكاتب الرئيسية في دبي بمعدل 6.5 في المائة في الأشهر التسعة الأولى من عام 2020 ، وفقًا لآخر تحديث للسوق بواسطة نايت فرانك الشرق الأوسط. Knight Frank Middle East. ستظل القطاعات السكنية والمكتبية وبيع التجزئة في سوق العقارات في دولة الإمارات العربية المتحدة (صديقة للمستأجرين) و ذلك بسبب المجموعة الواسعة من الحوافز التي يقدمها الملاك مع إضافة وحدات جديدة. من المتوقع أن يؤدي ذلك إلى انخفاض الأسعار ومعدلات الإيجار على المدى القصير ، وفقًا لتقارير السوق المختلفة.من المتوقع أن يواصل المطورون تقديم مجموعة من الحوافز مثل الإعفاء من الرسوم والخصومات والإيجار المنتهي بالتمليك ، بالإضافة إلى الشراكات مع البنوك لجذب مستثمرين جدد ومستخدمين نهائيين يتطلعون إلى الاستفادة من الأسعار المنخفضة ، وفقًا لأخر التطلعات لشركة JLL في أداء سوق العقارات في الإمارات.ويقول التقرير  "بالنسبة للتطلع إلى المستقبل ، من المتوقع أن يظل السوق السكني تحت الضغط على المدى القصير في ضوء العديد من أوجه عدم اليقين الكلي ، مثل ارتفاع معدلات البطالة وتباطؤ النمو السكاني. هذا بالإضافة إلى معنويات المستثمرين الضعيفة على المستوى العالمي"."مع سهولة إجراءات الإغلاق وزيادة التنقل خلال هذا الربع ، كانت هناك زيادة كبيرة في مستوى استفسارات التأجير الجديد في قطاع المكاتب. كما يواصل المستأجرون الحاليون إما توحيد العمليات والسعي إلى شروط إيجار أكثر جاذبية ، وقد قالت دانا سلباك Dana Salbak ، رئيسة قسم الأبحاث في JLL Mena ، "في بعض الحالات ، ابحث عن الانتقال إلى مساحة جيدة - وهو اتجاه نشهده عبر القطاعات في البلاد".شهد سوق المكاتب في دبي أول إضافات جديدة للمخزون هذا العام ، حيث تم تسليم  مجموعه 190,000 متر مربع من مساحات المكاتب GLA (إجمالي المساحة القابلة للتأجير) في مركز دبي المالي العالمي ووسط مدينة دبي ومدينة MBR ، وبذلك يصل إجمالي المخزون إلى 8.9 مليون متر مربع من GLA . ومن أبرز هذه الإضافات اي سي دي بروكفيلد بليس  ICD Brookfield Place في مركز دبي المالي العالميفي أبوظبي ، لم يتم تسليم أي مخزون إضافي ، مما جعل إجمالي المعروض 3.8 مليون متر مربع.كشفت النشرة العقارية الصادرة عن دائرة الأراضي والأملاك في دبي (DLD) Dubai Land Department أن سوق العقارات في دبي حافظت على جاذبيتها بين المستثمرين المحليين والدوليين ، على الرغم من الآثار غير المتوقعة التي فرضتها جائحة كورونا Covid-19.ومن أبرز البيانات التي وردت في النشرة لتعزيز هذه الحقيقة دخول 10,728 مستثمر جديد إلى السوق يمثلو  70%من إجمالي عدد المستثمرين خلال الأشهر التسعة الأولى من عام 2020.وكمؤشر آخر على حيوية السوق خلال الفترة التي تغطيها النشرة ، أفادت الدائرة أنه تم تسجيل   369,055عقد إيجاري في الفترة من يناير إلى نهاية سبتمبر 2020 ، 52٪ منها تم تجديد عقود الايجار و 48٪ عقود جديدة.في نفس السياق ، تم إيداع 50 مليار درهم في سوق العقارات على شكل معاملات ورهون عقارية ، مما أدى إلى 706 مليون درهم في عمولات الوسطاء العقاريين خلال الأشهر التسعة الأولى من عام 2020.إقتباس : خليج تايمز ، نايت فرانك Download the newsletter to read more about it: [sdm_download id="24032" fancy="0" color="green"]Join us! IQI is a multi-award winning global real estate agency and advisory firm, bringing about the latest opportunities, innovations and technological breakthroughs in real estate. Sign up below, and our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.[hubspot type=form portal=5699703 id=fc85dcbe-270d-4c9e-b734-85ed069afbfb]

21 December, 2020

Juwai IQI Monthly Newsletter – Real Estate Market December 2020 [Khmer Version]

Juwai IQI Monthly Newsletter – Real Estate Market December 2020 [Khmer Version]

ភ្នំពេញ, ប្រទេសកម្ពុជាការស្នើសុំសាងសង់សរុបចំនួន ៣.៣៥០ ករណី គឺបានកើនឡើង ៤៥៥ គម្រោងដោយគិតជាទឹកប្រាក់ ៥.០៨១ លានដុល្លារធ្លាក់ចុះ ១៥ ភាគរយបើប្រៀបធៀបនឹងរយៈពេលដូចគ្នាកាលពីឆ្នាំមុនក្នុងរយៈពេល ៨ ខែដើមឆ្នាំ ២០២០ ។  យោងតាមរបាយការណ៍ដែលបានរាយការណ៍ថ្មីៗនេះស្តីពីនិន្នាការសេដ្ឋកិច្ចសង្គមរបស់ក្រសួងសេដ្ឋកិច្ចនិងហិរញ្ញវត្ថុអត្រាកំណើនវិនិយោគនាពេលបច្ចុប្បន្នគឺស្ថិតនៅចន្លោះពី ២០-៣០ ភាគរយបើប្រៀបធៀបទៅនឹងឆ្នាំ ២០១៩ ហើយគម្រោងសាងសង់កំពុងដំណើរការជាពិសេសសំណង់។  លំនៅដ្ឋាននៅក្នុង និង ក្រៅទី  ក្រុងភ្នំ  ពេញ។  ជាមួយគ្នានេះក្នុងរយៈពេល ៨ ខែដើមឆ្នាំនេះកម្ពុជាទទួលបានគម្រោងវិនិយោគឯកជនសរុបចំនួន ១១៣ គម្រោង ។  លើសពីនេះទៀតគម្រោងវិនិយោគឧស្សាហកម្មកើនឡើងបើប្រៀបធៀបនឹងរយៈពេលដូចគ្នាកាលពីឆ្នាំ មុន។គម្រោងខុនដូ៖ទីផ្សារខុនដូគឺមានការចាប់អារម្មណ៍យ៉ាងខ្លាំង។  គម្រោងចំនួន ៤ បន្ថែមទៀតដែលនឹងរួមចំណែកដល់ទីផ្សារនិងមានចំនួនប្រមាណជា ២.៦០០ យូនីត។  ការពន្យារពេលសាងសង់នៅតែបន្តកើតមានក្នុងវិស័យនេះដោយបច្ចុប្បន្នមានគម្រោងចំនួន ៦ ត្រូវបានពន្យារពេលដល់ឆ្នាំ ២០២១។ ការផ្គត់ផ្គង់គម្រោងខុនដូនៅភ្នំពេញបានកើនឡើងត្រឹមតែ ៣,៩៧ ភាគរយប៉ុណ្ណោះ។  ខណៈពេលដែលការបញ្ចប់ដំណាក់កាលទី ១ ជាគម្រោងតែមួយគត់ដែលបង្កើនការផ្គត់ផ្គង់ក្នុងតម្លៃសមរម្យ ១៥,៦៧ ភាគរយ។ មានគម្រោងចំនួន ៣ បានលេចចេញជាដំណាក់កាលថ្មីសម្រាប់ផ្គត់ផ្គង់បន្ថែម។ បន្ថែមលើនេះទៀតគម្រោងចំនួន ៤ ទៀតនឹងត្រូវបញ្ចប់ដោយមានចំនួន ២.៦០០ យូនីត។ ខុនដូនិងអាផាតមិន ៣ បន្ទប់មានតម្លៃរហូតដល់ ២១២.០០០ ដុល្លារ។ ការធ្លាក់ចុះនៃតម្លៃខុនដូ/អាផាតមេនដែលមានបន្ទប់គេង ៣ បន្ទប់បានផ្តល់ជូននូវតម្លៃកាន់តែប្រសើរសម្រាប់អតិថិជនកម្ពុជា។ ខុនដូនិងអាផាតមានបន្ទប់គេងពីរបន្ទប់មានតម្លៃថេរ ~១៦៨,០០០ ដុល្លារ។ តម្លៃមធ្យមនៃផ្ទះល្វែងខុនដូមួយបន្ទប់កើនឡើង ១៤% គឺកើនដល់ ១០៥,០០០ ដុល្លារតម្លៃទាំងនេះគឺជាតម្លៃមធ្យមដែលរកឃើញនៅទូទាំងប្រទេសកម្ពុជាហើយត្រូវបានប្រើសម្រាប់ជាមគ្គុទេសក៍ដើម្បីរុករកជួរតម្លៃ។ តម្លៃសម្រាប់បន្ទប់គេងធំៗ បានធ្លាក់ចុះដោយសារការធ្លាក់ចុះនៃតម្រូវការអចលនទ្រព្យលំដាប់ខ្ពស់ពីអ្នកទិញអន្តរជាតិ។ ហេតុដូច្នេះអ្នកអភិវឌ្ឍន៍បានផ្លាស់ប្តូរការផ្តោតអារម្មណ៍របស់ពួកគេដើម្បីបំពេញតាមចំណង់ចំណូលចិត្តរបស់ទីផ្សារក្នុងស្រុកកាន់តែទូលំទូលាយ។ទីផ្សារខុនដូដែលរងផលប៉ះពាល់យ៉ាងខ្លាំងពីវិបត្តិសេដ្ឋកិច្ចបានចាប់ផ្តើមកើនឡើងគួរឱ្យកត់សម្គាល់ ដោយមានគម្រោងជាច្រើន។ តម្រូវការទីផ្សារខុនដូនាពេលបច្ចុប្បន្នគឺពាក់កណ្តាលជួរដែលមានតម្លៃចាប់ពីជាង ៧ម៉ឺនដុល្លារដល់ក្រោម ២០០០ ដុល្លារក្នុងមួយម៉ែត្រការ៉េ។ ទោះយ៉ាងណាការសាងសង់ក្នុងខុនដូត្រូវបានពន្យាពេលដោយមានគម្រោងចំនួន ៦ ត្រូវបានពន្យារពេលហើយអាចនឹងបញ្ចប់នៅឆ្នាំ២០២១ ។ទីផ្សារលំនៅដ្ឋាន និងទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិដីធ្លី៖ស្ថានភាពអចលនទ្រព្យនៅចុងឆ្នាំ ២០២០ នៅតែមិនច្បាស់ការផ្គត់ផ្គង់នៅតែកើនឡើងខណៈអ្នកជំនាញនិយាយថានៅពេលតម្រូវការក្នុងតំបន់ណាមួយកើនឡើងថ្លៃអចលនទ្រព្យក៏កើនឡើងដែរ។ ខណៈពេលដែលតំបន់ខ្លះជាលំនៅដ្ឋានតម្លៃបានកើនឡើងយោងទៅតាមកម្រិតរបស់វា។ សំខាន់នៅក្នុងតំបន់ដែលមានតំរូវការខ្ពស់តម្លៃអចលនទ្រព្យកំពុងតែហក់ឡើងខ្ពស់។ តម្លៃក៏ដូចគ្នាដែរនៅពេលទ្រព្យសម្បត្តិស្ថិតនៅទីតាំងដែលអតិថិជនចង់បានកាន់តែច្រើនតម្លៃនឹងកើនឡើង។ តម្លៃផ្ទះមធ្យម ៣បន្ទប់ បានកើនឡើងនៅត្រីមាសទី ១ឆ្នាំ ២០២០ ប៉ុន្តែមានការធ្លាក់ចុះយ៉ាងខ្លាំងនៅត្រីមាសទី ៣ ឆ្នាំ២០២០ ។ តម្លៃផ្ទះមធ្យម ២បន្ទប់​​ មានកំណើនជាបណ្តើរៗ នៅឆមាសទីមួយនៃឆ្នាំ ២០២០ ។ ខណ្ឌពោធិ៍សែនជ័យ, ច្បារអំពៅនិង ជ្រោយចង្វារផ្តល់ជូននូវតម្លៃលក់មធ្យមភាគទាបបំផុតសម្រាប់អចលនទ្រព្យដីធ្លី នៅរាជធានីភ្នំពេញ។ ជាទូទៅតម្លៃផ្ទះនៅ មើលឃើញថាតម្លៃបានកើនឡើងទ្វេដងក្នុងរយៈពេលមួយឆ្នាំបើទោះបីមាន បញ្ហាវីរុសកូវីត១៩ ។ខណ្ឌសែនសុខសំបូរទៅដោយការវិនិយោគគម្រោងលំនៅដ្ឋានមធ្យមនិងទាបប៉ុន្តែឥឡូវវាខុសគ្នា។  ដោយសារតម្លៃដីនៅក្នុងស្រុកបានកើនឡើងលើសកម្រិតនៃការអភិវឌ្ឍលំនៅដ្ឋានទាបឬទាបជាងមធ្យម។  ទាក់ទងនឹងតម្លៃវិញខណ្ឌពោធិសែនជ័យសង្កាត់ច្បារអំពៅនិង ជ្រោយចង្វារផ្តល់ជូននូវតម្លៃមធ្យមភាគទាបបំផុត។  ទោះយ៉ាងណាតម្លៃទាំងនេះត្រូវបានគេមើលឃើញថាមានការកើនឡើងនៅក្នុងឆ្នាំខាងមុខនៅពេលដែលការអភិវឌ្ឍពាណិជ្ជកម្មនិងហេដ្ឋារចនាសម្ព័ន្ធកាន់តែត្រូវបានប្រកាស។ទីផ្សារអចលនទ្រព្យដីធ្លីនៅប្រទេសកម្ពុជាកំពុងបង្ហាញពីការងើបឡើងវិញជាបណ្តើរៗ ដោយការកើនឡើងនូវតម្រូវការពីអ្នកទិញក្នុងស្រុកសម្រាប់តម្លៃសមរម្យសម្រាប់គេហដ្ឋាននិងដីធ្លី។ យើងអាចកត់សម្គាល់បានថាតម្លៃអាចឡើងថ្លៃបើប្រៀបធៀបនឹងតំបន់ផ្សេងទៀតតម្លៃអាចឡើងដល់ ៥ ភាគរយដូច្នេះបើតំបន់ដែលមានតម្រូវការខ្ពស់វាអាចឡើងដល់ ៧ ភាគរយឬ ១០ ភាគរយ។សរុបសេចក្ដីមកតំបន់ណាក៏អាចមានឱកាសដែរគ្រាន់តែថាតម្លៃខ្លះឡើងឬចុះទៅតាមតម្រូវការជាក់ស្តែងរបស់អតិថិជនក្នុងការវិនិយោគឬអភិវឌ្ឍន៍សម្រាប់តំបន់លំនៅដ្ឋានឬពាណិជ្ជកម្មតំបន់ឧស្សាហកម្មឬកសិកម្ម។ យើងបានឃើញការសម្រេចចិត្តវិនិយោគអចលនទ្រព្យថ្មីៗជាច្រើនជាពិសេសអ្នកវិនិយោគក្នុងស្រុកដោយផ្តោតលើគម្រោង គ្រប់ប្រភេទជាពិសេស លំនៅដ្ឋាននិងខុនដូ។Download the newsletter to read more about it: [sdm_download id="24032" fancy="0" color="green"]Join us! IQI is a multi-award winning global real estate agency and advisory firm, bringing about the latest opportunities, innovations and technological breakthroughs in real estate. Sign up below, and our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.[hubspot type=form portal=5699703 id=fc85dcbe-270d-4c9e-b734-85ed069afbfb]

21 December, 2020

Daiki Axis' Business Strategies and Earnings Reviewed by KCR

Daiki Axis' Business Strategies and Earnings Reviewed by KCR

TOKYO, Dec. 18, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Daiki Axis Co., Ltd. (TOKYO:4245), an eco-creation and development company that creates social infrastructure centered on water-related businesses, recently has been reviewed by KCR Inc., an independent research and investor relations support company providing reports on various publicly traded Japanese companies. In this report, KCR provides analysis of the company's business model and earnings. Report HighlightsDaiki Axis Co., Ltd. (4245. First Section, Tokyo Stock Exchange) promotes its corporate slogan, "Protect and change" (Protect the global environment and change humanity's future) as its business mission. The Company is developing its businesses, including its key water businesses, aiming to become an eco-creation and development company that constructs social infrastructure that provides natural and comfortable living environments for people. Daiki Axis is promoting ESG management by pushing forward with initiatives aimed at increasing its use of renewable energy to 100% (Environment), advancing diversity by encouraging work-style reforms and the active participation of women in the workforce (Society) and reforming its managerial structure while strengthening risk management (Governance). Daiki Axis's core segments are the environmental equipment segment, which is characterized by its mainstay wastewater treatment systems, and the household equipment-related business segment, which is represented by its integrated kitchen systems. These two segments account for more than 90% of the Company's sales. Daiki Axis is currently expanding its renewable energy segment, which is characterized by the compact wind generation and solar power sales businesses. As growth strategies, the Company is publicizing efforts aimed at building water-related infrastructure overseas, expanding its recurring-revenue business of converting groundwater to drinkable water, adding value to its products, focusing on its renewable energy segment, and conducting M&A. The Company is actively expanding its overseas water-related infrastructure business. Meanwhile, with the goal of maintaining infrastructure in regions extending across the Indian and Pacific oceans, the Japanese government has announced that it will invest or lend about US$50 billion (about \5.5 trillion) to the public and private sectors. The Company has specifically identified the ASEAN region and India as overseas focus destinations, and its wastewater treatment systems made in India have received the Ecomark from the Bureau of Indian Standards. These products also received the Company's first GreenPro certification under the waste water treatment system category. This certification is expected to raise awareness regarding the Company's wastewater treatment systems in India and lead to an increase in inquiries regarding their use in government-related buildings and in common eco-friendly buildings. Additionally, the Japanese government has signed on to the Regional Comprehensive Economic Partnership (RCEP), which includes China among its signatory nations and is currently the world's largest free trade agreement. The Company anticipates that this agreement will have a favorable impact on its corporate performance over the medium to long term. Net sales in the nine months ended September 30, 2020 were JPY25,687 million (down 3.4% YoY). However, thanks to comprehensive income improvement measures, gross profit came to JPY5,430 million (up 6.2% YoY) while operating income closed at JPY830 million (up 9.9% YoY) and ordinary income at JPY961 million (up 12.3% YoY). In terms of its balance sheet, the Company is reducing its dependence on interest-bearing debt. For the fiscal year ending December 31, 2020, the Company projects net sales of JPY34,400 million (down 3.8% YoY), operating income of JPY1,010 million (up 0.9% YoY), ordinary income of JPY1,160 million (up 0.4% YoY), profit attributable to owners of parent of JPY550 million (down 29.7% YoY), and EPS of JPY44.32. In the renewable energy segment, the Company has nearly completed its capital investment in solar power generation. Corresponding electric power sales operations have launched and are progressing steadily, providing a stable source of earnings for the Company. In response to impact from the COVID-19 pandemic, the Company is apparently reformulating its medium-term management plan, "Make FOUNDATION Plan," which extends from 2019 through 2021, and plans to announce the updated plan during the first half of 2021. The Company has issued sustainability stock acquisition rights to procure funds for expenses incurred through its drinking water business (WaterKiosk business) and associated with projects such as the construction and operation of wastewater treatment system manufacturing plants in Myanmar, Sri Lanka, Bangladesh, and Kenya; the administration of wastewater treatment businesses in India and Bangladesh (BOO/BOT business); and the establishment and management of drinking water sales centers in public spaces (train stations, etc.) in India. Through these stock acquisitions rights, the Company expects to procure funds totaling JPY2,180 million and anticipates an associated rise in its equity ratio. Daiki Axis has high efficiency indicators. It demonstrates higher performance than the average value of similar and competing companies and is characterized by its efficient capital turnover. When conducting its financial analysis, KCR Inc. compared Daiki Axis to the following three similar and competing companies: Kubota Corporation (TSE1: 6326), Tsukishima Kikai Co., Ltd. (TSE1: 6332), and EPCO., Ltd. (TSE1: 2311). Daiki Axis focuses on shareholder return. Although it consistently targets a consolidated dividend payout ratio of 30%, the Company has indicated its intention to maintain a dividend payout ratio of 54.2% for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2020 and has made adjustments to shareholder incentives. These varied incentives, which include the gifting of 3,000 reward points to holders of 500 or more shares, benefit shareholders who have held stock in the Company for at least one year, and the actual yield of the Company's shares as of date this report was written was 3.4% (based on 100 shares). Read the full research report (KCR Inc.), please see: For details about Daiki Axis Co., Ltd. (TOKYO:4245), please see: Attentions This report is intended to provide reference information for investment decisions, and is not intended to solicit investment. Although figures and opinions in the report are based on data obtained from sources deemed reliable, KCR Inc. does not guarantee their accuracy. KCR will assume no responsibility for any loss or damage caused by using part or all of these materials. Investors are advised to make investment decisions based on their own judgment and responsibility. Opinions and forecasts described in the report were made as of its preparation date, and we do not make any guarantees about their accuracy and completeness. In addition, these opinions and forecasts may change in the future without prior notice. KCR reserves all rights with respect to the contents. Copying or reproducing the contents without prior approval is prohibited. Report Content Inquiries KCR Inc.TEL: +81-6-6965-6100Yojiro and Japanese correspondence) Release DisclaimerThis release is for the purpose of providing information to serve as a reference for investment decisions and not for the purpose of soliciting investment. Please exercise your own judgment on final decisions such as investment policy, timing and selection. Please be advised that we do not assume any responsibility for damages caused by this service. Release InquiriesBorderless IR Co., Ltd. Sixth Floor, Toyo Building 1-2-10 Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0027 JAPANTEL: +81-3-4588-6706 POC: Toru Fukuda (English and Japanese correspondence)Contact form: Borderless IR specializes in the global distribution of IR content, including the dissemination of newsletters and annual reports providing the latest information and main strengths of Japanese companies directly to overseas investors through leading global media, corporate information database services and mailing lists. Borderless is also engaged in supporting other global IR efforts. ©Borderless IR Co., Ltd. All rights ReservedThe content of this release may not be duplicated or reproduced. View original content: Source: Daiki Axis Co., Ltd.

18 December, 2020

Juwai IQI Monthly Newsletter – Real Estate Market December 2020

Juwai IQI Monthly Newsletter – Real Estate Market December 2020

The economy is slowly growing. Malaysia's gross domestic product is expected to grow between 6.5% and 7.5% in 2021, after a 4.5% contraction in 2020 owing to the Covid-19 pandemic.The strong rebound in GDP growth will be driven by the anticipated improvement in global growth and international trade.Besides, the government's stimulus packages' impact is expected to have spillover effects and provide an additional boost to the economy in 2021.The Malaysian economy had shrunk 8.3% in the first half of 2020 owing to the ­Covid-19 pandemic, with a decline of 17.1% in the second quarter. Download the newsletter to read more about it: [sdm_download id="24032" fancy="0" color="green"]Join us! IQI is a multi-award winning global real estate agency and advisory firm, bringing about the latest opportunities, innovations and technological breakthroughs in real estate. Sign up below, and our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.[hubspot type=form portal=5699703 id=c063034a-f66d-41ab-881b-6e6a3f275c33]

16 December, 2020

Daiki Axis Co., Ltd. (4245, Tokyo) Overview of Operating Performance for the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2020

Daiki Axis Co., Ltd. (4245, Tokyo) Overview of Operating Performance for the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2020

TOKYO, Dec. 4, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Summary of Results The business environment surrounding the Company deteriorated during the nine months ended September 30, 2020 due to the rapid global spread of the novel coronavirus pandemic (COVID-19). Meanwhile, the industry was also impacted by the spread of COVID-19 as restrictions on sales activities resulted in order booking delays. Under these circumstances, the Company is promoting a strategy focused on improving future profitability. In the environmental equipment segment, the Company pursued overseas business development and strengthened sales in the recurring-revenue energy service company (ESCO) business in the areas of maintenance and water. At the same time, in the household equipment-related business segment, the Company engaged in efforts aimed at transitioning from stability in business to growth, including the launch of an e-commerce business. Additionally, in the renewable energy segment, the Company conducted initiatives targeting the achievement of a recycling-oriented society and enhanced stable income-generating capabilities. Net sales in the nine months ended September 30, 2020 were JPY25,687 million (down 3.4% YoY). However, thanks to measures to improve comprehensive income, gross profit came to JPY5,430 million (up 6.2% YoY) while operating income closed at JPY830 million (up 9.9% YoY) and ordinary income was JPY961 million (up 12.3% YoY). In terms of extraordinary gains and losses, the Company recorded a gain of JPY152 million on sales of subsidiaries and a JPY236 million impairment loss. The Company has been recording an annual preferred dividend of 4.8% paid to holders of classified stock in consolidated subsidiary Sylphid Inc. since the third quarter of the fiscal year ended March 31, 2019, which had an impact on profit attributable to non-controlling interests. Consequently, profit attributable to owners of parent amounted to JPY335 million (down 21.2% YoY) in the nine months ended September 30, 2020. In the environmental equipment segment, sales of wastewater treatment systems were down year on year. The Company recorded a measurable amount of domestic sales from large-scale projects in the nine months ended September 30, 2019. However, sales in the nine months ended September 30, 2020 did not measure up to this amount, and overseas sales were affected substantially by a deteriorating business climate caused by the COVID-19 pandemic. Sales in the recurring-revenue energy service company (ESCO) business in the area of maintenance were strong but remained level year on year in the recurring-revenue ESCO business in the area of water despite an increase in contracts due primarily to a decrease in customer water usage. Consequently, sales in the environmental equipment segment were JPY12,743 million (down 8.6% YoY) while operating income was JPY798 million (up 15.0% YoY). In the household equipment-related business segment, construction-related sales were impacted by product shipment delays that arose because many suppliers associated with these sales have component production sites in China, but the Company was able to deal with this impact by substituting alternative products. Sales were also strong when compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2019 due to replacement demand for store equipment and other facilities. In terms of residential machinery construction, the Company was involved in a large-scale new store construction project, but medium- to large-scale projects were scarce overall. Despite this project scarcity, the Company benefitted from sales generated by Fujiwara Reiki, which became a consolidated subsidiary in October 2019, and overall residential machinery construction sales were strong compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2019. Sales of retail products through DIY stores were impacted by lower sales to existing stores, and sales activities in the EC business, including field surveys targeting end users, were delayed due to the spread of the novel coronavirus pandemic. As a result, sales in the household equipment-related business segment were JPY11,109 million (up 4.5% YoY), and operating income was JPY299 million (down 7.3% YoY). In the renewable energy segment, through its solar power sales business, the Company has been renting roof space on DCM Group stores since FY2018. Within this space, it has constructed power generation facilities and sold electricity under a feed-in tariff (FIT) system. In the nine months ended September 30, 2020, the Company began selling electricity from six more facilities, and sales increased substantially year on year as a result. According to the Company's plans, only two facilities that have not yet begun selling electricity remain. Meanwhile, sales declined year on year both the biodiesel fuel and compact wind generation businesses. Consequently, sales in the renewable energy segment were JPY690 million (up 34.3% YoY), and operating income was JPY282 million (up 39.7% YoY). In other segments, sales in the engineering business fell substantially year on year due to the sale of DAD Co., Ltd. at the end of the six-month period ended June 30, 2020. In the household drinking water business, sales were strong compared to the nine months ended September 30, 2019. As a result, sales in other segments were JPY1,143 million (down 23.8% YoY) and operating income was JPY144 million (up 10.9% YoY). In terms of financial status, the Company's liquid assets, non-current assets, and current liabilities declined due to the transfer of all shares in DAD Co., Ltd. at the end of the six-month period ended June 30, 2020. Meanwhile, noncurrent liabilities increased as the Company issued green bonds (unsecured bonds available only to qualified institutional investors) with the goal of conducting capital investment in the business of selling power from solar power facilities and the compact wind generation business. The Company has released its consolidated results forecast for the fiscal year ending December 31, 2020. The forecast projects net sales of JPY34,400 million (down 3.8% YoY), operating income of JPY1,010 million (up 0.9% YoY), ordinary income of JPY1,160 million (up 0.4% YoY), profit attributable to owners of parent of JPY550 million (down 29.7% YoY), and EPS of JPY44.32. Daiki Axis Co., Ltd. (4245, First Section, TSE"Summary of Consolidated Financial Results for the Nine Months Ended September 30, 2020" is available here: Release DisclaimerThis release is for the purpose of providing information to serve as a reference for investment decisions and not for the purpose of soliciting investment. Please exercise your own judgment on final decisions such as investment policy, timing and selection. Please be advised that we do not assume any responsibility for damages caused by this service. Release InquiriesBorderless IR Co., Ltd. Sixth Floor, Toyo Building 1-2-10 Nihonbashi, Chuo-ku, Tokyo 103-0027 JAPANTEL: +81-3-4588-6706 POC: Toru FukudaContact form: Borderless IR specializes in the global distribution of IR content, including the dissemination of newsletters and annual reports providing the latest information and main strengths of Japanese companies directly to overseas investors through leading global media, corporate information database services and mailing lists. Borderless is also engaged in supporting other global IR efforts. ©Borderless IR Co., Ltd. All rights Reserved The content of this release may not be duplicated or reproduced. View original content: Source: Daiki Axis Co., Ltd.

4 December, 2020

Condo Control Central Evolves to Meet Current Needs of Condos and HOAs, Changes Name to Condo Control

Condo Control Central Evolves to Meet Current Needs of Condos and HOAs, Changes Name to Condo Control

TORONTO, Nov. 19, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- After over a decade of growth and development for Condo Control Central, the SaaS company says it is time to update its look as more condos and HOAs request their communication, management, and security products. Condo Control Central has changed its name to Condo Control. The change comes after over a decade of building and improving property management software for condos, co-ops, HOAs (homeowners association), and stratas across the globe. "We are very excited to update our brand," says Brian Bosscher, President of Condo Control. "Our company has come a long way since its inception, and it's time we adjust our image so that it more closely aligns with our current values and beliefs." Condo Control is also making a modest adjustment to its logo, and updating its tagline to "property management made simple." This new tagline supports the company's core belief that when property managers and residents are more in sync, everybody wins.   Condo Control anticipates that its client base will continue to grow over the next few years as the need for cloud-based property management solutions rises. Longstanding issues such as communication and record-keeping have intensified since COVID-19, which has led boards and property managers to seek tools that will allow them to send news and updates electronically, host virtual meetings, and safely manage amenities like gyms and pools.   Solutions for better communication and smoother operations Condo Control has over 40 features that help board members, property managers, and developers increase productivity and minimize chaos. Some of their most popular features include: Announcements – Send newsletters, information, and attachments to residents while saving money on print and mailing costs  Online Payments – No need to collect and deposit cheques when residents can make payments online  E-Voting – Give owners the option to cast their ballots from the comfort of their homes   Work Orders – Process and track work orders in one centralized location   Violation Tracking - Address and resolve violations within the community more quickly and consistently  Asset Management - Keep tabs on all assets within the community  Portfolio Management – One login allows property managers to manage all their properties from a centralized location  And more One platform for multiple roles Instead of creating more problems for more people, Condo Control's software effectively tackles meetings and file sharing for boards, incident tracking and package deliveries for security and concierge, online payments and violation tracking for property managers, and service requests and amenity bookings for residents. It's an all-in-one solution that makes life a little easier for everyone. About Condo Control Condo Control provides industry-specific, cloud-based software solutions, services, and data analytics to condos, co-ops, and HOAs. Its core products include property management software (Condo Control) and a security guard tour system (Patrol Points). Condo Control was founded in 2008 and serves communities globally. For further information, contact Phillip Livingston at 1-888-762-6636 x 725 or Related Images condo-control.png Condo Control Condo Control Rebranding Related Links Case Studies

19 November, 2020

Juwai IQI Monthly Newsletter – Real Estate Market November 2020 (Dubai Version)

Juwai IQI Monthly Newsletter – Real Estate Market November 2020 (Dubai Version)

كما يبدو انه قد حان الوقت للاستثمار في سوق العقارات في دبي , حيث يتم تقدير الأسعار إلى حد ما وبأسعار معقولة أكثر من جميع تلك الموجودة في أكبر 25 مدينة رئيسية في جميع أنحاء العالم. في الواقع اسعار العقارات في دبي بدأت في الاقتراب إلى انخفاض التثمين العقاري باقل من قيمتة الحقيقة  undervalued مقارنتاَ بأفضل 25 مدينة في العالم ، باستثناء شيكاغو. وفقًا لمؤشر الفقاعة العقارية العالمية (GREBI) التابع لبنك   UBS  ومقره سويسرا ، فقد تم تصنيف دبي من بين المدن ذات القيمة العادلة fair-valued إلى جانب ميلانو ووارسو ومدريد وسنغافورة وبوسطن. بنتيجة -0.5 إلى 0.5 ، حصلت دبي على -0.40 مقارنة بـ 0.23 لميلانو ، و 0.36 من وارسو ، و 0.43 لمدريد ، و 0.48 لسنغافورة ، و 0.49 من بوسطن.تعكس زيادة النشاط في قطاع العقارات ، أظهرت أحدث البيانات الصادرة عن دائرة الأراضي والأملاك في دبي (DLD) الصادرة يوم الأربعاء أنه تم تسجيل مجموع  2480 صفقة بيع بقيمة 4.72 مليار درهم في أغسطس ، مع 31.5% في قطاع العقارات غير المخطط لها. و 68.5 %في القطاع الثانوي. وبذلك يصل إجمالي المعاملات منذ بداية العام حتى هذا اليوم إلى 20614 معاملة بقيمة 41.65 مليار درهم. في شركة تنموية عقارية اخرى , أعلنت دائرة الأراضي والأملاك في دبي ، الانتهاء من المرحلة الأولى  مشروع يستخدم الذكاء الاصطناعي.  (AI) في عملية التقييم الذكي للوحدات العقاريةيتماشى المشروع الأول من نوعه مع نهج دائرة الأراضي والأملاك في دبي ، والذي يعتبر الابتكار ركيزة أساسية لتشكيل المستقبل.المشترون الجدد الذين يدخلون سوق دبيدخل مشترو العقارات لأول مرة إلى سوق الإسكان في دبي بطريقة ملحوظة , مع زيادة الثقة طويلة الأجل في دبي ، وانخفاض معدلات الرهن العقاري ، وارتفاع نسبة القروض إلى القيمة والأسعار المخفضة مما زاد من معنويات السوق.في المتوسط ، أسعار العقارات في دبي اليوم أقل بنسبة 25 % إلى 30 % من ذروتها ، لذلك نرى مشترين يتنازلون عن عقود إيجار عقاراتهم الحالية لشراء عقارات أكبر في مناطق أخرى ، بمساعدة الأسعار المخفضة و حقيقة أن الأصل الأكبر يضيف المزيد من الأسهم إلى محافظهم. ببساطة ، الأسعار جذابة لأولئك الذين يرغبون في مساحة أكبر وقيمة رأسمالية أكبر على المدى الطويل.أثبتت دبي تسويقها لنفسها بطريقة ممتازة ، حتى في حالة  جائحة كورونا Covid-19 ، حيث إن الأفراد ذوي الدخل العالي من الهند وباكستان ودول إفريقيا أكثر حرصًا على الانتقال إلى دبي مقارنة بدول الاتحاد الأوروبي لمجرد أن دبي تعاملت مع حالة كوفيد-19 بشكل جيد جداَ .Credit: Khaleej TimesDownload the newsletter for more: [sdm_download id="22821" fancy="0" color="green"]Join us! IQI is a multi-award winning global real estate agency and advisory firm, bringing about the latest opportunities, innovations and technological breakthroughs in real estate. Sign up below and our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.[hubspot type=form portal=5699703 id=2380afe3-ad4c-4cfa-9abf-d3947e377bf2]

10 November, 2020

Juwai IQI Monthly Newsletter – Real Estate Market November 2020 (Vietnam Version)

Juwai IQI Monthly Newsletter – Real Estate Market November 2020 (Vietnam Version)

Nhà ởTrong báo cáo vừa được gửi tới Quốc hội, Bộ trưởng Bộ Xây dựng Phạm Hồng Hà cho biết nguồn cung bất động sản, đặc biệt là nhà ở tại Hà Nội và TP. Hồ Chí Minh dù đã được điều chỉnh theo hướng tích cực nhưng vẫn còn chưa phù hợp với nhu cầu thị trường.“Thị trường dư thừa sản phẩm nhà ở cao cấp, diện tích lớn, giá bán cao, nhưng lại thiếu sản phẩm nhà ở bình dân phù hợp với nhu cầu của đại bộ phận dân cư đô thị”, Bộ trưởng Phạm Hồng Hà cho biết.R&D DKRA nhận định trong quý 4, nguồn cung căn hộ mới có thể sẽ tăng nhẹ, sức cầu chung toàn thị trường có thể sẽ tăng nhưng khó có sự đột biến. Một số điểm sáng tích cực của thị trường như đợt bùng phát dịch trở lại ở TP HCM cơ bản được kiểm soát, lệnh hạn chế tập trung được dỡ bỏ; các chủ đầu tư đưa sản phẩm ra thị trường nhằm tranh thủ làn sóng khách hàng có nhu cầu tìm mua nhà vào dịp cuối năm.Với nhà phố, biệt thự, DKRA cho biết nhiều dự án đang trong giai đoạn truyền thông, dự kiến khi lệnh hạn chế tập trung đông người được gỡ bỏ, nguồn cung và tiêu thụ sẽ tăng, tuy nhiên mức tăng không đáng kể.Văn phòngTheo JLL Việt Nam, bước sang kỷ nguyên hậu đại dịch, 4 tác động đối với thị trường văn phòng vừa /nhỏ hoặc không gian linh hoạt/co-working có thể làm thay đổi tư duy kinh doanh phân khúc này. Ưu tiên cho sức khỏe và coi đây là nền tảng thay đổi thiết kế văn phòng để đáp ứng nhu cầu của lực lượng lao động có tính phân tán và linh hoạt hơn trướ Nhu cầu về không gian hoặc tài sản chất lượng cao hơn có thể tăng lên và danh mục đầu tư có thể bổ sung các văn phòng vừa/nhỏ hoặc không gian linh hoạt/co-working. Cần có sự kết hợp của các chiến lược kinh doanh để đạt được mật độ không gian văn phòng phù hợp. Công nghệ sẽ rất quan trọng trong việc tạo ra sự thành công của các mô hình làm việc mới. Các phương tiện cho phép làm việc từ xa và cộng tác trong văn phòng đã được các nhà lãnh đạo coi là khoản đầu tư quan trọng gấp đôi so với bất kỳ công nghệ nào khác. Làm việc từ xa phát triển mạnh hơn sẽ ảnh hưởng đến đầu tư kinh doanh văn phòng trong tương lai.Nhân viên sẽ tận hưởng sự linh hoạt mà hình thức làm việc từ xa mang lại trong đời sống cá nhân và nghề nghiệp của họ. Các nhà tuyển dụng đã nhận ra rằng nhiều vị trí công việc có thể làm từ xa.Bất động sản nghỉ dưỡng:9 tháng đầu năm 2020 chứng kiến giai đoạn đóng băng của thị trường bất động sản nghỉ dưỡng. Các thủ phủ nghỉ dưỡng dù trầm lắng trong giao dịch condotel nhưng vẫn có sự khởi sắc ở các phân khúc, loại hình khác của thị trường. Theo thống kê của Hội Môi giới Bất động sản Việt Nam, có đến 2/3 các dự án có sản phẩm đang chào bán trên thị trường  không phát sinh giao dịch. Những khu vực dẫn đầu về thị trường condotel như Khánh Hòa, Đà Nẵng, Quảng Ninh, Phú Quốc… đều có số lượng giao dịch ở mức rất thấp.Điểm sáng hiếm hoi của thị trường bất động sản du lịch nghỉ dưỡng 9 tháng đầu năm rơi vào giai đoạn cuối tháng 9/2020. Thời điểm này, đã thấy dấu hiệu tái khởi động và chào hàng mạnh mẽ của các dự án du lịch nghỉ dưỡng, điển hình tại các địa phương: Thanh Hóa, Nghệ An, Bình Định, Phú Yên, Ninh Thuận… Thị trường bất động sản du lịch nghỉ dưỡng cũng ghi nhận dấu hiệu quan tâm trở lại của các nhà đầu tư trên cả nước.Trong ngắn hạn, nguồn cung và sức cầu thị trường biệt thự biển và nhà phố/shophouse biển có thể tăng, tuy nhiên mức tăng không đáng kể. Với condotel, theo quan sát của R&D DKRA Việt Nam, nguồn cung và sức cầu thị trường tiếp tục xu hướng giảm từ cuối năm 2019. Trước tình hình dịch bệnh như hiện nay, xu hướng giảm có thể kéo dài đến hết năm nay.Download the newsletter for more: [sdm_download id="22821" fancy="0" color="green"]Join us! IQI is a multi-award winning global real estate agency and advisory firm, bringing about the latest opportunities, innovations and technological breakthroughs in real estate. Sign up below and our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.[hubspot type=form portal=5699703 id=2380afe3-ad4c-4cfa-9abf-d3947e377bf2]

10 November, 2020

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