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Version: EN, BM从仅有六位创始人在迪拜创立IQI Global房地产公司,到如今成为拥有超过50,000名房地产中介的国际房地产中介平台,IQI Global已是房地产领域中的佼佼者。 这些年来,IQI Global在业内享有盛誉,也于2023年获得大马数码经济机构(MDEC)的认可,被誉为“马来西亚最大的房地产科技公司”。 这篇文章将为你揭开 IQI Global 从 2011年成立至今的辉煌发展历程! 阅读内容1. IQI 公司背景6大创始人 2. IQI 发展历程27 家马来西亚办事处 42 家全球办事处 3. IQI 房产业界奖项荣誉1. IQI 公司背景IQI 是一家资历深厚的房地产公司,长期保持卓越的业绩,致力于为马来西亚及全球客户提供专业服务。 十余年来,IQI秉持着“改变生活,实现团队、客户和社会的梦想”的愿景不断壮大,发展至今。 目前,IQI: 拥有50,000名房地产中介 在马来西亚设立了23家办事处 海外业务已拓展至20+个国家 由大马估值师、估价师及产业代理局(BOVAEA)认证为“大马最多房地产中介的公司” 荣获多个业界奖项,包括“NREA 2024年度住宅房地产公司” 6大创始人 IQI Global最初由卡希夫·安萨里(Kashif Ansari)创立,随后其余五位联合创办人陆续加入,才逐步将公司建立起来。 核心团队由以下6位创始人组成: Kashif Ansari - 联合创始人兼首席执行官Daniel Ho - 联合创始人兼董事经理 Nabeel Mungaye - 联合创始人兼首席运营官兼首席信息官Shahid Saleem - 联合创始人兼首席财务官 Sheila Tan - 联合创始人兼执行董事Anthony Lim - 联合创始人兼项目总监 2. IQI 发展历程自2012年将总部设立于吉隆坡后,IQI迅速崛起,业务扩展至东南亚、欧洲、澳洲等多个地区。 近年来,公司更进一步在全球26个国家设立办事处,持续扩大国际影响力。 27 家马来西亚办事处 创立年份 地区 2012 马来西亚分部 2013 吉隆坡分行 2014 槟城分行 2015 吉隆坡帝沙金地分行 吉隆坡城中城分行 2016 雪兰莪阿拉白沙罗分行 柔佛分行 *马来西亚分部成为东南亚区总部 2017 吉隆坡开放工作室马六甲分行 吉隆坡冠军大厅 2018 槟城开放工作室砂拉越古晋分行沙巴亚庇分行雪兰莪莎阿南分行霹雳怡保分行 2019 砂拉越诗巫分行 彭亨关丹分行 2020 居外 IQI - 马来西亚 森美兰芙蓉分行 2022 布城分行 2023 万挠分行 太平分行 鹅唛分行 吉兰丹分行 斗湖分行 双溪大年分行 2024 柔佛分行 (第二办事处) 山打根分行 42 家全球办事处 创立年份 地区 2011 IQI 迪拜 居外网(中国上海创办) 2013 澳洲分部 2014 加拿大分部 2015 菲律宾分部 2018 泰国分部 2019 西澳分部 越南分部 柬埔寨分部 居外网与IQI合并 2020 印度分部 普吉岛分部 橙易(新加坡) 推介 孟加拉国分部 巴基斯坦分部 土耳其分部 英国分部 加拿大安大略省办事处 2021 蒙古分部 葡萄牙分部 希腊分部 加拿大万锦办事处 菲律宾卡马尼拉分部 2022 卡塔尔分部 维多利亚分部 苏梅岛分部 越南第7郡办事处 2023 日本分部 2024 卡拉奇分部 拉合尔分部 汶莱分部 巴厘岛分部 荷兰分部 尼日利亚分部 香港分部 塞浦路斯分部 印度尼西亚分部荷兰分部葡萄牙分部土耳其分部冰岛分部意大利分部韩国分部阿布扎比分部此外,IQI在2024年成立了CIL部门,专注于商业、工业和土地地产的交易服务。团队正通过创新交易方式,推动整个行业的发展。3. IQI 房产业界奖项荣誉连续几年,IQI凭借出色的表现,在多个房地产颁奖典礼上屡获殊荣,进一步提升了在业界的知名度。仅在2023年,IQI便以机构及房地产中介的名义荣获了40个奖项! 以下是2022年至2024年期间,IQI以机构类别获得的荣誉: 2024 2024年全国房地产颁奖典礼(NREA 2024) 1. 年度住宅房地产公司奖【Residential Real estate firm of the year】 2. 年度最佳项目营销机构奖 【Project Marketing Firm of the Year】 3. 年度最佳房地产机构奖 - 马六甲、联邦区、沙巴、砂劳越、柔佛【Real Estate Firm of the Year】 2024年全国房地产颁奖典礼2023 2023年星报地产颁奖典礼 (StarProperty Awards 2023) 1. 年度全明星奖【All-Stars Award】 2. 最佳科技奖【Best Technology Award】 3. 最佳数字营销奖【Best Digital Marketing Award】 4. 发展商首选奖【Developer Preferred Award】2023年全国房地产颁奖典礼(NREA 2023) 1. 年度超大型房地产机构奖【Super Large Firm of the Year】 2. 年度最佳项目营销机构奖【Project Marketing Firm of the Year】 3. 年度最佳房地产机构奖 - 槟城、马六甲、联邦区【Real Estate Firm of the Year】 2023年星报地产颁奖典礼2023年全国房地产颁奖典礼2022 2022年中小企业100强奖(SME100 Awards 2022) 10大进步神速企业奖【Top 10 – SME100, Fast Moving Companies Awards】 2022年全国房地产颁奖典礼(NREA 2022) 1. 年度最佳大型房地产机构【Large Real Estate Firm of the Year】 2. 年度最佳项目营销机构奖【Project Marketing Firm of the Year】 3. 年度最佳房地产机构奖 - 联邦地区、沙巴、马六甲【Real Estate Firm of the Year】 2022年中小企业100强奖2022年全国房地产颁奖典礼IQI作为房地产行业领先的房地产科技公司,经过多年的发展,培养出众多优秀的房地产中介。 我们的房地产中介不仅为购房者、卖家和投资者提供优质的服务和专业知识,还不断推动行业的进步与创新。 未来,IQI将继续秉持初心,致力于为客户创造更多价值的同时,也将引领房地产行业迈向更辉煌的明天! 不论你想当一名房地产中介,还是要投资房地产,都欢迎与IQI联系!IQI团队将为你提供专业的房产资讯和服务![hubspot portal="5699703" id="2e29af58-f68a-4ee4-a621-674f7a7a75e2" type="form"]延伸阅读:1. IQI马来西亚的最强后盾!了解IQI旗下8个精英房地产团队2. IQI新设CIL部门,掀起商业、工业和土地领域的投资热潮!3. 马来西亚10大房地产公司!买卖房产都可以找他们!
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照片取自捷运公司MRT3网站Version: EN巴生谷的交通拥堵问题一直困扰着每一个人。每天的上下班高峰期,路上的车辆络绎不绝,令人感到无比疲惫。 不过,有个好消息!政府已经将MRT3提上日程!计划于2026年开工,预计在2032年正式投入使用。 照片取自捷运公司MRT3网站这次,MRT3的设计理念就是为了提高巴生谷不同区域之间的出行效率,免去前往吉隆坡市中心换乘的麻烦。 该项目的建设费用预计将达到RM310亿,其中征地费用为RM84亿,预计项目总成本在RM600至700亿之间。 阅读内容马来西亚首个环形铁路线 连接多个交通服务不足的地区 MRT3周边房产 留下你的反馈马来西亚首个环形铁路线 MRT3是马来西亚首条全长51公里的环形铁路线,完整环绕一圈需要73分钟。 照片取自捷运公司MRT3网站每趟列车最多可容纳750名乘客,预计每个方向每小时能够运送2.5万名乘客。 作为环形铁路线,MRT3的设计突破了传统的“点到点”模式,能够高效连接城市各区域。 它环绕吉隆坡的布局将市中心与周边地区紧密联通,形成一个闭环,将会大大提升城市交通的连通性。 i. 32个车站连接城市每一个角落 MRT3线路共设32个车站,其中包括22个高架车站,覆盖39公里的轨道,另有7个地下车站,总长12公里。 此外,还有3个预留高架车站,计划在未来建设: Bukit Kiara Kampung Puah AU2 照片取自MRT Corp官网为方便乘客出行,MRT3共设10个换乘车站,与现有的轻快铁(LRT)、捷运(MRT1和MRT2)、单轨火车(Monorail)和电动火车(KTM)连接。 10个换乘车站包括: Kompleks Duta Titiwangsa Rejang Pandan Indah Taman Midah Salak Selatan Kuchai Pantai Dalam Univeriti Bukit Kiara Selatan ii. 11个车站设有 Park n’ Ride(停车站)照片取自MRT Corp官网为了进一步提升出行的便捷性,MRT3在11个车站特别设计了Park n’ Ride设施,极大方便驾车通勤的人们。 他们可以将车辆停放在Park n’ Ride,然后乘坐地铁进入市区,从而避免市中心停车难、停车费昂贵等问题。 连接多个交通服务不足的地区 上述提到,此次MRT3的建设计划将覆盖许多此前公共交通欠发达的区域。这些地区由于缺乏完善的交通网络,居民出行一直以来十分不便,依赖私家车或少量的巴士线路,导致出行效率低下。而通过MRT3,以下这些区域或将得到大幅改善: i. 旧巴生路(Old Klang Road) 旧巴生路,几乎成了“堵车”的代名词。 这个集住宅、办公、商业于一体的区域,长期以来缺乏便捷的公共交通工具,与它的繁华程度极不相称。 因此,MRT3线路在此设站,确实令人意外,但也是许多居民翘首以盼的。 照片取自MRT Corp虚拟导览根据捷运公司提供的虚拟导览中,旧巴生路的车站预计会设在Verve Suites KL South 和The Scott Garden之间。 车站Park n’ RideJalan Klang Lama ✓ ii. 文良港(Setapak) 文良港因其物美价廉的美食而广受欢迎,吸引了不少食客特意前来品尝。 此外,这里还拥有众多大学和学院,学生数量庞大,方便的交通工具是刚需。 根据大马捷运公司的规划,文良港周边将设立约3个车站。 其中,Setapak站将位于Giant Hypermarket前,而PV住宅区的知名项目PV18 Residence附近则会设立Danau Kota站。 车站Park n’ RideSetapak、 Rejang、Danau Kota X iii. 马来西亚国际贸易展览中心(MITEC) 马来西亚国际贸易展览中心(MITEC)是全马最大的展馆,每天预计可接待多达40,000名访客。 然而,如此高的人流量却缺乏便捷的公共交通工具,对许多外地参展者而言极为不便。 为了解决这一问题,Dutamas MRT3站将设立在MITEC附近,方便参展者的出行。 车站Park n’ RideDutamas X MRT3周边房产 MRT的建成给民众带来便利性,从而自然也会带动当地的房地产市场、刺激长产价值。 通常学生或打工族,都会寻找在MRT附近的房产以方便通勤。 所以,为了吸引他们,很多投资者都会选择物色MRT周边的房产! 虽然MRT3建成还需要几年时间,但房价可不会等人!所以,赶紧抓住机会,看看这几个位于MRT3周边的房产吧! i. United Point ResidenceUnited Point Residence 坐落于甲洞区南部,由三栋45层高的住宅公寓组成,并配有一个商场。 项目未来还将连接到计划中的KTM通勤站,进一步提升交通便利性。 邻近的MRT3车站 MRT Taman Sri Sinar 售价 RM370,000–RM943,160 单位楼层面积 667-1206平方英尺 ii. Tangen ResidenceTangen Residence 位于 Kepong、Mont Kiara 和 Desa Park City 之间,交通便利。 从 Jalan Segambut Dalam 前往 Jalan Duta Kiara 及主要高速公路仅需几分钟。 邻近的MRT3车站 MRT Taman Sri Sinar 售价 RM709,000–RM1,100,000 单位楼层面积 1033-1582平方英尺 iii. Astrum AmpangAstrum Ampang 是一座服务式公寓,周边配有购物中心和医疗设施。 从公寓出发,只需步行150米即可通过连接桥到达LRT Jelatek,十分方便。 下一站是LRT Setiawangsa,在这里可以换乘至MRT Setiawangsa。 邻近的MRT3车站 MRT Setiawangsa 售价 RM631,000–RM1,032,400 单位楼层面积 570-1030平方英尺 留下你的反馈目前,MRT3处于规划和发展最后阶段。倘若你有任何反馈,可以到官方的Google表单提交反馈! 选择MRT3周边房产,不仅出行无忧,更能尽享未来发展带来的种种便利!让IQI专业咨询团队为你提供全面、专业的投资购房建议,助你买下心仪的MRT3周边房产![hubspot portal="5699703" id="2e29af58-f68a-4ee4-a621-674f7a7a75e2" type="form"]延伸阅读:1. 游玩KL必备MRT路线:MRT2也能去的5个打卡景点【内附沿线房地产项目】2. 槟城轻快铁真的来了!千万别错过2024年潜在投资机遇!3. 马来西亚买房注意事项指南!
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Version: CN, BMStruggling to make sense of Malaysia's ever-shifting rental market? Understanding the Q2 and Q3 Home Rental Index for 2024 as home rental prices change can help investors make better decisions. This article breaks down the latest trends, reports, and comparisons so you can decide whether property investment in Malaysia is suitable for you.This article is based on the Q2 and Q3 2024 Home Rental Index Report by IQI Malaysia and the National Property Information Centre (NAPIC)Q2 Vs. Q3 2024 Home Rental Market Report1. Q1 Vs. Q2 Rental Market Analysis Based on Q3 Report 20242. Understanding the Data: What Drives Malaysia’s Rental Growth?3. Residential Property Breakdown: A Closer Look at Q1 and Q24. Rental Trends: Key Observations from Q1 and Q2 of 20245. Kuala Lumpur Vs. Johor: Defender and Challenger in Malaysia Real Estate Leader6. Comparison with Other Countries for Investors7. Expert Tips for Property Investment in Malaysia8. What Can We Expect in Q3, Q4 2024 and 2025?1. Q1 Vs. Q2 Rental Market Analysis Based on Q3 Report 2024Source: IQI MalaysiaThe Malaysian property market in 2024 has seen a significant shift, with a steady increase in rental prices driven by various economic and infrastructural factors. According to the IQI Malaysia Home Rental Index report for Q3 2024, the average rent in Malaysia increased by 2.9% YoY (Year-over-Year) in Q2 2024, with Selangor and Kuala Lumpur leading the charge in terms of rental hikes.Here’s an in-depth breakdown of the data between Kuala Lumpur and Selangor:Source: IQI MalaysiaSource: IQI Malaysia2. Understanding the Data: What Drives Malaysia’s Rental Growth?a. Higher Rental YieldsAs the IQI report indicates, gross rental yields have remained stable across central Malaysian states, providing solid returns for investors. Cities like Kuala Lumpur saw rents increase by 5.7% in Q2, while Selangor recorded a 6.2% rise, proving the region’s resilience and appeal to property investors. This indicates a growing demand for rental properties, especially in high-demand areas near key transport hubs.b. Malaysia Overnight Policy Rate (OPR)Malaysia’s OPR has been stable at 3.0% since July 2024. This stability in borrowing costs supports property investments, making real estate financing more accessible. Investors benefit from relatively lower mortgage payments, creating an attractive environment for rental property purchases. With increased demand for rental units and steady OPR, the investment outlook is favorable for new and experienced investors.3. Residential Property Breakdown: A Closer Look at Q1 and Q2The residential property market dominated Malaysia’s real estate sector in the first half (H1) of 2024, accounting for 61.3% of total transactions. Terraced houses and high-rise apartments saw the most significant demand, particularly in Johor and Selangor. Here’s a breakdown of property types and their market performance:Property TypePercentage of Total TransactionsKey RegionsTerraced Houses43.0%Johor, SelangorHigh-Rise Units14.3%Kuala Lumpur, SelangorVacant Land Plots15.3%NationwideLow-Cost Flats10.8%Johor, PenangSemi-Detached Houses7.9%Johor, PenangSource: National Property Information Centre (NAPIC)Selangor and Kuala Lumpur remain dominant in terms of both volume and value of residential transactions. According to the latest data, Selangor contributed 22.3% of total residential transactions, while Kuala Lumpur saw a 5.7% increase in rental prices.4. Rental Trends: Key Observations from Q1 and Q2 of 2024a. Kuala LumpurSource: IQI MalaysiaWith a 5.7% increase in rents compared to last year, the city remains an attractive investment location, particularly with developments like the MRT 3.b. SelangorSource: IQI MalaysiaThe demand for terraced houses and apartments remains high, with rents increasing by 6.2% YoY. Selangor's growth is consistent, supported by its proximity to Kuala Lumpur and affordable living options.c. JohorSource: IQI MalaysiaJohor continues to attract foreign investors, especially from Singapore, due to its lower costs and infrastructure projects like the Johor-Singapore Rapid Transit System (RTS).5. Kuala Lumpur Vs. Johor: Defender and Challenger in Malaysia Real Estate Leadera. Key Infrastructure Developments in Kuala Lumpur: MRT 3 and Its ImpactSource: MRT CorpAnother critical factor driving the rental market is Kuala Lumpur’s MRT 3 project. As the MRT Circle Line (MRT 3) progresses, areas surrounding the stations are expected to experience higher rental demand. The MRT 3 project is set to link several vital parts of the city, significantly improving urban connectivity and making it easier for tenants to access business districts.This infrastructure boom and rising rental prices make Kuala Lumpur’s rental market a lucrative opportunity for property investors. With properties near MRT 3 stations likely to see higher demand, investors should consider targeting these areas for their subsequent acquisition.b. Johor's Rising Potential: Iskandar Puteri and the RTS LinkJohor has emerged as a critical region for property investments, particularly in Johor Bahru and Iskandar Puteri. Implementing the Rapid Transit System (RTS) link between Johor Bahru and Singapore has been a game-changer for the region. It has enhanced connectivity and made Johor a hot spot for real estate growth.With Johor’s proximity to Singapore, investors are increasingly attracted to the rental market, where rents have steadily increased.The RTS link is expected to handle 10,000 passengers per hour, reducing congestion and making commuting between Johor and Singapore more seamless. Due to increased demand from local and international tenants, this enhanced infrastructure further cements Johor Bahru and Iskandar Puteri as prime rental and property investment areas.c. Comparing the Johor and Kuala Lumpur Competitive AdvantagesMetricJohorKuala LumpurKey InfrastructureRTSMRT 3Market FocusResidential, High-rise, Vacant LandHigh-rise, Condominiums6. Comparison with Other Countries for InvestorsMalaysia’s property market, especially in cities like Kuala Lumpur, offers significantly higher yields than regional competitors like Singapore and Thailand. Here's how Malaysia stacks up against other countries:CountryRental Yield (%)Foreign Investment PolicyCost of LivingMalaysia5.16 – 5.24MM2H (favorable for foreigners)LowSingapore4.35 – 4.65Stringent foreign ownership lawsHighThailand5.79 – 6.27Limited leasehold optionsModerateVietnam3.84 - 4.02Foreigners can buy only in select areasLowSource: IQI Malaysia, National Property Information Centre (NAPIC), and Global Property GuideInvestors looking for high returns and fewer restrictions will find Malaysia a more favorable market, particularly with the MM2H program.7. Expert Tips for Property Investment in MalaysiaHere are some strategies to consider:Focus on High-Growth Areas: Johor, Selangor, and Kuala Lumpur offer distinct advantages, with Johor benefiting from the RTS project while Selangor and Kuala Lumpur seeing increased demand due to the MRT 3.Look at Long-Term Trends: Malaysia's rental market is gradually recovering from the pandemic, so properties bought now may see increasing returns.Consider Foreign-Friendly Policies: Programs like MM2H make Malaysia one of the most attractive countries for foreign property investors.Investment Timing: With Malaysia’s OPR holding steady at 3.0%, borrowing costs remain manageable, creating favorable conditions for property financing8. What Can We Expect in Q3, Q4 2024 and 2025?As we approach the end of 2024 and look ahead to 2025, several key factors will shape Malaysia's real estate and rental market.a. New DevelopmentsWith ongoing infrastructure projects like Kuala Lumpur’s MRT 3 and Johor’s RTS link expected to progress, we can anticipate a boost in demand for properties surrounding these areas. New residential and commercial developments will continue to spring up strategically, creating further investor opportunities.b. Budget 2025 AnnouncementsThe Malaysian government's upcoming Budget 2025 announcement is expected to introduce housing schemes and incentives to improve affordability and support first-time homebuyers. Investors closely monitor potential benefits and financial schemes impacting property demand and supply.c. Economic Growth and Stronger MYRMalaysia's economy is projected to strengthen as the global economy recovers and the US Federal Reserve lowers interest rates. The Malaysian Ringgit (MYR) is expected to appreciate, leading to increased investor confidence. A stronger currency and favorable economic conditions could enhance purchasing power, making property investments more attractive for local and international investors.As we move into Q4 2024 and beyond, Malaysia’s property market is set to experience growth driven by new developments, a more robust economy, and upcoming government incentives. With the rental market showing steady improvement and infrastructure projects like MRT 3 and the RTS link enhancing connectivity, opportunities for both local and foreign investors are ripe.But with all these positive changes on the horizon, the question remains: As an investor, what’s your action plan to leverage these market shifts? And as a Malaysian, how do you feel about new developments and the growing interest from foreign investors?Your decisions now could have a lasting impact on your financial future. What will be your next move?Seize the moment! With rising rental yields, upcoming infrastructure projects, and a more robust economy, now is the perfect time to invest in Malaysia's booming real estate market. Invest in Malaysia now and watch your wealth grow![hubspot portal="5699703" id="85ebae59-f425-419b-a59d-3531ad1df948" type="form"]Continue Reading:MRT 3 Circle Line: Everything We Know (So Far), and Best Nearby ResidentialBest House Loan Interest Rates to Get in October 2024Fixed Deposit: Which Bank Has the Best FD Rates for October 2024? + Quick Guide to Fixed Deposits (FD & FD-i)
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The global real estate market saw mixed results in October, with some areas improving and others struggling.What else have you missed in September 2024?Download October issue now! Download
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