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Juwai IQI Monthly Newsletter – Real Estate Market September 2020 (Cambodia Version)

Juwai IQI Monthly Newsletter – Real Estate Market September 2020 (Cambodia Version)

ព្រះរាជាណាចក្រកម្ពុជាលំនៅដ្ឋានផ្នែកសំណង់ និងអចលទ្រព្វនៅកម្ពុជា ត្រូវបានមើលឃើញថា មានការកើនឡើងពីមួយឆ្នាំទៅមួយឆ្នាំប្រមាណជា ៤៧% ហើយគំរោងសាងសង់ជាច្រើនត្រូវបានអនុញ្ញាតអោយសាងសង់ ចន្លោះពីខែមករា និង ខែកុម្ភៈ ២០២០។ តំលៃសរុបនៃគំរោងទាំងអស់ ត្រូវបានគេវាយតំលៃថា គិតជាទឹកប្រាក់ប្រមាណ១.996 ពាន់លានដុល្លារ។ជាសរុប គំរោងចំនួន៧២៨ នៅក្នុងពីរខែដំបូង នៃឆ្នាំ២០២០ ត្រូវបានចេញច្បាប់អនុញ្ញាតអោយសាងសង់ ដោយក្រសួងរៀបចំដែនដីនគរូបនីយកម្មនិងសំណង់កម្ពុជា ដែលមានទំហំសរុប ៤.២ លានម៉ែតការ៉េ (មានកាកើនឡើង ៣៤% គិតចាប់ពីឆ្នាំ ២០១៩មក ក្នុងកំឡុងពេលដូចគ្នា)។ពាណិជ្ជកម្មនេះគឺជាការណែនាំអំពី ប្រភេទអចលនទ្រព្យពាណិជ្ជកម្មផ្សេងៗ ដែលសម្យស្របនៅក្នុងប្រទេសកម្ពុជា ដែលនិងជួយអ្នកក្នុងការជ្រើសរើស អចលនទ្រព្វដែលល្អបំផុត សំរាប់ជួល រឺទិញ។អាគារករិយាល័យនៅក្នុងទីក្រុងភ្នំពេញភាពខុសគ្នានៃប្រភេទ អាគារការិយាល័យ ក្នុងក្រុងភ្នំពេញបានអភិវឌ្ឍន៏យ៉ាងពិតប្រាកដនៅក្នុងពេលជាច្រើនឆ្នាំថ្មីៗនេះ ជាមួយកំរិតចាស់​​ គឺកំរិត C ហើយបច្ចុបន្ននេះ កំពុងតែធ្វើវាអោយកាន់តែទំនើបជាងមុនទៅទៀត គឺឈានដល់កំរិត B និងកំរិត A នៃអាគារករិយាល័យ។លក្ខណៈពិសេសនិមួយៗ ដូចជា​ ចំណត់ឡាន ហាងលក់ទំនិញ ហាងកាហ្វេរមាកល្បីៗ ហាងលក់សំលៀកបំពាក់ដ៏ទាន់សម័យ។ ក្រុមរបស់យើង អាចជួយអ្នកបានក្នុងការស្វែងរក និងរៀបចំ អចលនទ្រព្វ ចាប់តាំងពី ការិយាល័យដែលមានទំហំតូចៗ នៅក្នុងទីក្រុងភ្នំពេញ រហូតដល់ការជួលមួយជាន់នៃអាគារតែម្តង ដែលជាកំរិត A នៃអាគារក្នុងតំបន់ពាណិជ្ជកម្ម។អចលទ្រព្វសំរាប់កាលក់រាយនៅក្នុងក្រុងភ្នំពេញផ្នែកលក់រាយដែលមាននៅតាមទីផ្សារនៅក្នុងតំបន់ដែលស្ថិតនៅក្នុងកំរិតមួយនៅឡើយ ត្រូវបានមើលឃើញថា អ្នកអភិវឌ្ឍន៍ផ្សារលក់ទំនិញជាលក្ខណៈអន្តរជាតិដូចជា អេអន(Aeon)កំពុងតែផ្លាស់ប្តូរទៅគ្រប់ដណ្ដប់លើវិស័យទាំងអស់នេះ។ អ្នកអភិវឌ្ឍនៅក្នុងស្រុកដូចជា ជីបម៉ុងបានយកលំនាំនេះ ដែលបង្កើតអោយមានជាឈុត​ និងកំពុងតែបង្កើតអោយមានគ្រប់បែបយ៉ាង ចាប់តាំងពីហាងលក់រាយលំដាប់ខ្ពស់បំផុត ផ្សារលក្ខណៈជាសហគមន៍ ប៉ូតិក ហាងលក់ទំនិញទំនើបៗ ដែលមានលក់ផលិតផលម៉ាកអន្តរជាតិជាច្រើន អាហារសំរាប់មនុស្សក្មេងៗ ដោយប្រើនូវបច្ចេកវិទ្យាទំនើបៗ។ អចលនទ្រព្វដែលជាហាងលក់រាយនៅក្នុងទីក្រុងភ្នំពេញ រួមបញ្ជូលទាំងហាងនៅតាមបណ្តាមុខផ្ទះនានា ទូទាំងទីក្រុង។ ជាធម្មតា គេធ្វើជាហាងនៅខាងជាន់ក្រោមនៃអារគារ ហើយធ្វើជាកន្លែងស្នាក់នៅនៅខាងលើដែលជាការជួលដាច់ដោយឡែកពីគ្នា។ភ្នំពេញឥឡូវនេះអាចអោយយើងបែងចែកផ្នែកលក់រាយ ជាច្រើនលក្ខខណ្ឌ ដូចជាកំរិតខ្ពស់ កំរិតមធ្យម និងកំរិតទាប ដែលគិតតាំតំលៃក្នុង១ម៉ែតការ៉េ គិតតាមគុណភាពហាង គ្រឿងបរិក្ខារ ដែលអ្នកជួលផ្តល់អោយ។ឧក្សាហកម្មរោងចក្រ និងឃ្លាំងនៅក្នុងប្រទេសកម្ពុជាអចលនទ្រព្វក្នុងវិស័យឧក្សាហកម្ម ត្រូវបានគេមើលឃើញថា ទៀមទាឧ្យមានការបង្កើនទំហំបន្ថែមទៀត ដូចដែរអ្នកវិនិយោគជាច្រើនយល់ថា កម្ពុជាពិតជាមានសក្តានុពលសំរាប់ការបង្កើតប្រតិបត្តិការជំនួញនានា។ ផ្ទៃដីសំរាប់ធ្វើឧក្សាហកម្ម រោចក្រ ឃ្លាំង ដែលជាទូទៅគេតែងធ្វើនៅតាមជាយក្រុងភ្នំពេញ និងតំបន់ឧក្សាហកម្មពិសេស។ ការកើនឡើងគួរអោយកត់សំគាល់នេះ សំរាប់រោងចក្រ និងឃ្លាំងនៅជុំវិញ កំពង់ផែស្វយ័តខេត្តព្រះសីហនុ  ដែលស្ថិននៅឆ្នេរខាងត្បូងនៃព្រះរាជាណាចក្រកម្ពុជា ព្រលានយន្តហោះអន្តរជាតិភ្នំពេញ ដោយសារវាជាកន្លែងដែលល្អបំផុត សំរាប់ការដឹកជញ្ជូន និងភ័ស្តុភារ។ ក្រុមរបស់យើងអាចជួយអ្នកបាន មិនថាអ្នកត្រូវការរោងចក្រសំរាប់ជួល ឃ្លាំងសំរាប់ជួលនៅក្នុងទីក្រុងភ្នំពេញ រឺកន្លែងណាក៏បានដែរ ឧ្យតែនៅក្នុងប្រទេសកម្ពុជា។ យើងក៏មិនភ្លិចផងដែរ អំពីកំណើននៃតំរូវការសំរាប់ក្រុមហ៊ុនជាច្រើន ដែលស្វែងរកអាគារករិយាល័យដែលមានគុណភាពល្អក្នុងក្រុងភ្នំពេញ ដើម្បីគ្រប់គ្រង់ប្រតិបត្ដិការអាជីវកម្មរបស់ពួកគេ។Download the newsletter for more: [sdm_download id="20759" fancy="0"]Join us! IQI is a multi-award winning global real estate agency and advisory firm, bringing about the latest opportunities, innovations and technological breakthroughs in real estate. Sign up below and our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.[hubspot type=form portal=5699703 id=fc85dcbe-270d-4c9e-b734-85ed069afbfb]

7 September, 2020

Juwai IQI Monthly Newsletter – Real Estate Market September 2020 (Vietnam Version)

Juwai IQI Monthly Newsletter – Real Estate Market September 2020 (Vietnam Version)

Nhà ởTheo báo cáo mới nhất của Bộ Xây dựng công bố ngày 4/8, số lượng dự án nhà ở được cấp phép trong quý II tăng mạnh so với quý I. Cụ thể, trong quý II, cả nước có 325 dự án với 70.317 căn hộ chung cư được cấp phép; 73 dự án với 8.901 căn đã hoàn thành; 1.425 dự án với 246.781 căn hộ đang được xây dựng. Nếu như trong quý II, Hà Nội và TP.HCM không có dự án nào được cấp phép thì quý II, Hà Nội có 8 dự án, TP.HCM có 4 dự án.Trên cơ sở báo cáo số 54/63 của UBND, Sở Xây dựng thống kê trong quý II có 94 dự án với 19.543 căn hộ được bán nhà hình thành trong tương lai. Trong đó, Hà Nội có 16 dự án với 7.408 căn nhà, giảm 21,3% so với quý 1. Hồ Chí Minh có 8 dự án với 3.958 căn, giảm 40% so với quý 1.Về chỉ số giá, so với quý 1/2020, giá căn hộ chung cư Hà Nội tăng khoảng 0,16%. Trong đó, giá căn hộ bình dân tăng khoảng 0,77%, giá căn hộ trung cấp tăng khoảng 0,51%, giá căn hộ cao cấp giảm 0,27%. Giá nhà ở riêng lẻ tăng khoảng 0,01% so với quý trước.Trong khi đó tại TP.HCM, giá căn hộ tăng 0,25%. Trong đó, giá căn hộ bình dân tăng khoảng 0,94%, giá căn hộ trung cấp tăng khoảng 0,64%, giá căn hộ cao cấp tăng khoảng 0,04%. Giá nhà ở riêng lẻ tăng khoảng 0,15%.Phân khúc mặt bằng cho thuê, nhà phố, nhà riêng cho thuê đều đang gặp khó. Nhiều trang bán lẻ được trả lại hàng hoặc thương lượng giảm giá 30-50% so với trước. Giá chào thuê đối với nhà riêng và nhà phố tại Hà Nội giảm 2-7% so với quý trước. Mức giảm này ở TP.HCM là 5-16%.Văn phòngBáo cáo JLL ghi nhận các văn phòng Hạng A&B ở Tp.HCM bắt đầu cảm thấy áp lực với diện tích hấp thụ ròng lần đầu tiên bị ghi nhận âm sau một thập kỷ, tại mức -3.619 m2 trong Q2.20. Nguyên nhân chủ yếu là do các doanh nghiệp vừa và nhỏ, vốn là nguồn khách thuê chính ở văn phòng hạng B, đã giảm quy mô và sớm chấm dứt hợp đồng do các tác động của dịch Covid-19.Thị trường văn phòng Hạng A, mặc dù khả năng chịu đựng tốt hơn nhờ khách thuê là các công ty có tiềm lực tài chính tốt, cũng đang chịu áp lực. Điều này được chứng minh bởi dấu hiệu chững lại từ nhu cầu mở rộng và thành lập mới của doanh nghiệp trong thời gian xảy ra đại dịch.Thị trường văn phòng hạng A mặc dù được dung nạp tốt hơn với khách thuê là các công ty cóMặc dù tình trạng bất ổn kinh tế kéo dài, giá thuê Hạng A&B vẫn tiếp tục tăng trong mười quý liên tiếp, đạt 30,9 USD/m2/tháng trong Q2.20, theo JLL. Giá thuê tăng trung bình 3,1% theo quý và 8,5% theo năm vì phần lớn chủ nhà vẫn khá tự tin trong bối cảnh khan hiếm nguồn cung trong hiện tại và tương lai.Tuy nhiên, do tác động của dich Covid-19 làm yếu nhu cầu thuê, các chính sách hỗ trợ khách hàng từ phía chủ nhà đã bắt đầu trở nên phổ biến hơn trong quý này chẳng hạn như chính sách hỗ trợ giá thuê hoặc linh hoạt hóa hơn trong các điều khoản đàm phán.Bán lẻĐối với thị trường bán lẻ, Virus Corona có thể đẩy nhanh xu hướng chuyển dịch sang mua sắm trực tuyến. Theo các chuyên gia, “Hoạt động mua sắm trực tuyến sẽ có tác động tiêu cực đến các cửa hàng truyền thống tại các trung tâm mua sắm cũng như tại các nhà phố. Sẽ có một số tác động gây ảnh hưởng dài hơn mà có thể làm tăng tốc những thay đổi mang tính công nghệ trong cách sống, làm việc và mua sắm của chúng ta, trong khi các tác động khác chỉ mang tính tạm thời. Giá thuê sẽ có thay đổi dựa vào các điều kiện thị trường. Nhìn chung, các chủ đầu tư thương mại/ chủ nhà sẽ cần xem xét những phương pháp hỗ trợ ngắn hạn cho các khách thuê.”Với tác động tiêu cực từ diễn biến phức tạp của dịch COVID – 19 trong những tháng đầu năm 2020 và dự kiến kéo dài trong vài tháng tới, các dự án bán lẻ hiện đại sẽ không tăng giá thuê; đồng thời các chủ đầu tư có động thái hổ trợ khách thuê duy trì hoạt động kinh doanh cũng như đảm bảo tỷ lệ lấp đầy của dự án.Download the newsletter for more: [sdm_download id="20759" fancy="0"]Join us! IQI is a multi-award winning global real estate agency and advisory firm, bringing about the latest opportunities, innovations and technological breakthroughs in real estate. Sign up below and our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.[hubspot type=form portal=5699703 id=fc85dcbe-270d-4c9e-b734-85ed069afbfb]

7 September, 2020

Juwai IQI Monthly Newsletter – Real Estate Market September 2020 (Philippines Version)

Juwai IQI Monthly Newsletter – Real Estate Market September 2020 (Philippines Version)

The PhilippinesResidential Kasabay ng pagsibol ng “new normal” ay ang pagsibol naman ng mga bagong komunidad na dapat abangan ng mga investors. Ang C5 Corridor as nagiging popular ngayon dahilan sa mga bagong komunidad na sinisimulan ng mga malalaking developer tulad ng Ayala Land, Eton Properties, Robinsons and Hong Kong Land na inaasahang magbibigay buhay at sigla sa  C5 Circumferencial road na tumatagos sa mga malalaking siudad at central business district. Ang Bridgetown ay isa sa tatlong malalaking komunidad ngayon na dini-develop sa nasabing lugar. Ito ay joint venture sa pagitan ng Hong Kong Land at Robinsons Land na ngayon ay bumubuo ng green, mix-used at self-sustainable na lugar na siguradong dadayuhin ng mga tao kung saan pwede sila magtrabaho at mamuhay. Isa sa mga dapat abangan sa proyektong ito ay ang 60-metro na statwa na tinatawag na “ Victor” na magbibigay ilaw sa C5 corridor sa bawat malalaking pagdiriwang sa bansa. Ang monumento na ito ay nagsisimbulo ng pag-asa, lakas at tagumpay. Ang Velaris Residences ay ang unang proyekto ng Robinsons Hong Kong Land Corporation na may taas na apat naput’t limang palapag na siguradong magiging tanyag dahilan sa moderno at kakaibang disenyo, makabagong smart-home features at magarbong amenities na magbibigay ng kakaibang experience sa mga maninirahan dito. Ang mga maluwag at magarbong espasyo nito ay maaaring iakma sa kagustuhan ng bawat residente. Ang. Bawat palapag ay may iilang unit lamang at ito ay mayroong sariling elevator, special feature na makikita lamang sa mga 2BR at 3BR na units. Ang proyektong ito ay may tatlong palapag na amenities kung saan nandoon ang Sku Club, Japanese Onsen Spa and lounge. Sa halagang PHP 230,000 to PHP 280,000/ sqm ay magkakaroon ka na ng maluhong pamumuhay at magarbong pamamahay na masasabi nating sulit. Ang proyektong ito kasama ng iba pa sa komunidad na ito ay inaasahang tataas ang value sa mga susunod na taon. Sa mga nakaraang sampung taon, ay naitala ang 14 to 29% na pagtaas ng presyo bawal taon at 6 to 8% na kitaan sa pagpaparenta bawat taon. Mga bagay na hinahanap ng mga investors sa isang investment.Office Ang IQI Philippines ay nakakuha ng isang exclusive listing sa siyudad ng Makati. Ang PMI Tower na may all-glass na labas ay may 13,000 sqm na espasyong pwede iparenta mula sa ika-anim hangang ika-labing apat na palapag. Dahilan sa malawak na lay-out at warm-shell na kondisyon ng proyektong ito, siguradong magiging popular ito sa mga bagong kumpanya na gustong magtayo ng opisina sa lugar na ito. Sa baba ng gusali na ito ay matatagpuan din ang mga kainan, convenience store at bangko, mga bagay na importante para sam ga kumpanya na may 24/7 na operasyon tulad ng BPO at KPO. Ito ay tinatayang mtatapos sa susunod na buwan at siguradong madadagdag sa listahan ng mga premium na gusali sa siyudad na ito sa presyong PHP 1,300/sqm. Ang office segment ng real estate ay nakaranas ng pagbagal dahilan sa lockdown noong mga nkaraang buwan. Inaasahan na ito ay makakabawi muli sa pagpasok ng 2021. Inaasahang bababa ang vacancy rate sa 7% sa dulo ng taon at inaasahan ding tumaas ng 8 to 10% sa pagpasok ng 2021. Retail/ Commercial Ang Philippine logistics industry ay nanatiling matatag sa kabila ng sitwasyon ng Covid-19 na nagkaroon ng malaking impact sa real esatate. Ngayon ay may mataas na demand para sa mga warehouses sa nakaraang anim na buwan at ito ay dahil sa paglaki at paglawak ng e-commerce sa bansa. Inaasahan na lalaki pa ang industry na ito mula 8.2 hangang 8.8% sa 2020 hangang 2024. Tinataya na lalaki ito hangang 1 Trillion pesos sa taong 2023. Naitaya ang paglaki ng demand sam ga lugar ng Bulacan, Laguna, Pampanga at Batangas. Ang mga operasyon ngayon ng mga mall ay balik sa 50% subalit sinisigurado nito ang mas mahigpit na safety at health protocol. Ang mga restaurants ay sumusunod din sa protocol at ngayon ay nag-ooperate ng may 50% na kapasidad. Ang mga mall operators ay gumagawa din ng paraan na matulungan ang mga tenants ng mall sa pamamagitan ng pagpapaliban ng bayad sa renta, mas maluwag na payment schedule at paniniguro na babalik ang compiyansa ng mga mall-goers sa pamamagitan ng safety at health protocols.Download the newsletter for more: [sdm_download id="20759" fancy="0"]Join us! IQI is a multi-award winning global real estate agency and advisory firm, bringing about the latest opportunities, innovations and technological breakthroughs in real estate. Sign up below and our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.[hubspot type=form portal=5699703 id=fc85dcbe-270d-4c9e-b734-85ed069afbfb]

7 September, 2020

Juwai IQI Monthly Newsletter – Real Estate Market September 2020 (Thailand Version)

Juwai IQI Monthly Newsletter – Real Estate Market September 2020 (Thailand Version)

ประเทศไทยที่อยู่อาศัย การแพร่ระบาดของโรคโควิด-19 ทำให้ความต้องการปรับปรุงที่อยู่อาศัยเพิ่มสูงขึ้นในช่วงที่มีมาตรการล็อคดาวน์ โดยลูกค้ามีความต้องการปรับปรุงที่อยู่อาศัยของตนให้มีฉนวนป้องกันเสียงหรือเก็บเสียงได้ เพื่อให้การทำงานที่บ้านสะดวกยิ่งขึ้น และป้องกันเสียงรบกวนต่างๆระหว่างการประชุม สำหรับพื้นที่ภายในห้องคอนโดต่างๆ ก็มีการปรับการใช้งานไปตามฟังก์ชั่นที่เหมาะสม เช่น การปรับห้องทานอาหารให้เป็นห้องประชุม เป็นต้น ในขณะเดียวกัน ลูกค้าก็ต้องการวัสดุที่สามารถทำความสะอาดได้ง่าย เนื่องจากเรื่องความสะอาดและสุขอนามัยเป็นปัจจัยหลักที่ลูกค้าให้ความสำคัญอาคารสำนักงาน ตลาดอาคารสำนักงานที่แข็งแกร่งได้ดึงดูดนักลงทุนทั้งชาวไทยและชาวต่างชาติ ในปี 2568 จะมีอาคารสำนักงานเกิดใหม่ถึง 28 โครงการ โดยมีขนาดพื้นที่รวมกว่า 1 ล้านตารางเมตร ทั้งที่เป็นอาคารสำนักงาน และอาคารมิกซ์ยูส (ออฟฟิศ, โรงแรม, ร้านค้า) หนึ่งในนักลงทุนต่างชาติที่จะเข้ามาลงทุนอาคารสำนักงานในประเทศไทย คือ บรัษัท JLK Holdings จากไต้หวัน ซึ่งจะพัฒนาอาคารสำนักงาน บนถนนสุขุมวิท ซอย 7 (บีทีเอสนานา) ที่มีพื้นที่รวม 35,000 ตารางเมตร อีกหนึ่งนักลงทุนจากต่างชาติ คือ Asia Thaiyuan Construction and Development ซึ่งเป็นนักลงทุนสัญชาติจีน ที่ได้เข้ามาลงทุนในประเทศไทยนับตั้งแต่ปี 2010ค้าปลีก ถึงแม้กระแสการช้อปปิ้งออนไลน์กำลังเป็นที่นิยมอย่างมาก ทำให้ความคึกคักของการซื้อขายตามห้างร้านต่างๆลดลง แต่ศูนย์อาหาร หรือฟู้ดคอร์ท ก็ยังเป็นแม่เหล็กดึงดูดลูกค้าให้กับห้างสรรพาสินค้าได้เป็นอย่างดี โดยปกติฟู้ดคอร์ทมักจะเต็มไปด้วยพนักงานออฟฟิศในช่วงกลางวัน ส่วนในช่วงเย็นก็จะเป็นกลุ่มนักเรียน/นักศึกษา ที่มาทานอาหารหลังเลิกเรียนกับเพื่อนๆ สิ่งที่น่าสนใจคือการนำเอาโมเดลของฟู้ดคอร์ทซึ่งมีจุดเด่นเรื่องการจัดการที่ดีมารวมกับสตรีทฟู้ด ซึ่งจะส่งผลดีต่อผู้พัฒนาร้านค้าปลีก ทำให้มีความหลากหลายของอาหารและมีลูกค้ามากขึ้น ในขณะเดียวกันร้านค้าก็ได้เรียนรู้ระบบการจัดการและสามารถพัฒนาธุรกิจในระยะยาวให้ดียิ่งขึ้น และในยุคหลังจากการระบาดของโควิด-19 ความต้องการในเรื่องของความสะอาดและสุขอนามัยจะมีมากขึ้น เพราะพฤติกรรมของผู้บริโภคที่เปลี่ยนแปลงไปนั่นเองDownload the newsletter for more: [sdm_download id="20759" fancy="0"]Join us! IQI is a multi-award winning global real estate agency and advisory firm, bringing about the latest opportunities, innovations and technological breakthroughs in real estate. Sign up below and our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.[hubspot type=form portal=5699703 id=fc85dcbe-270d-4c9e-b734-85ed069afbfb]

7 September, 2020

Juwai IQI Monthly Newsletter – Real Estate Market September 2020 (Malaysia Version)

Juwai IQI Monthly Newsletter – Real Estate Market September 2020 (Malaysia Version)

Kediaman Pandemik ini telah mempengaruhi banyak sektor ekonomi dan aktiviti perniagaan, termasuk sektor pembinaan dan harta tanah. Sehingga 1H2020, hanya ada satu penyelesaian projek kondominium / kediaman mewah di Kuala Lumpur, iaitu Sky Suites (986 unit), yang menjadikan bekalan kumulatifnya mencapai sekitar 60.344 unit. Di pasaran sekunder, harga rata-rata unit kediaman mewah di urus niaga di Kuala Lumpur pada amnya lebih rendah dalam tempoh kajian. Ketika kesan pandemi COVID-19 terus berleluasa, pemilik yang tertekan mungkin akan menurunkan harga mereka untuk menyimpulkan penjualan. Pasaran sewa nampaknya lemah di Bandar KL, Ampang Hilir / U-Thant dan Damansara Heights. Rata-rata sewa yang diminta di kawasan ini telah menurun kerana permintaan pekerjaan yang lebih rendah di kalangan ekspatriat dan penyewa korporat. Pejabat Hingga akhir tahun 2019, bekalan ruang pejabat di KL CBD mencatatkan jumlah stok kira-kira 54,17 juta kaki persegi, KL Fringe memiliki total 44,29 juta kaki persegi sementara wilayah yang terdesentralisasi mencatatkan sejumlah 30,34 juta kaki persegi ft. Bekalan bangunan pejabat yang ada di KL CBD dijangka menghadapi persaingan yang kuat dari bangunan pejabat yang baru siap dari segi mengekalkan dan menarik penghuni. Bekalan baru bangunan pejabat yang dijadualkan selesai pada tahun 2020 dijangka ditunda hingga tahun 2021, menambah jumlah keseluruhan sekitar 7.2 juta kaki persegi. stok baru ke pasaran dalam dua tahun akan datang. Wabak pandemik telah menimbulkan tekanan kepada tuan tanah dan penyedia ruang kerja bersama. Tuan tanah telah didesak untuk memberikan rebat sewa kepada penyewa mereka sedangkan ruang pejabat yang bekerja sama ditutup untuk membatasi operasi secara signifikan dalam tempoh MCO. Dengan orang-orang yang takut bahawa wabak itu mungkin berlangsung beberapa bulan, penyewa akan memilih untuk jangka masa pendek kerana ketidakpastian dan persekitaran pejabat yang lebih terpencil yang hampir menyetel semula aliran kerja sama.Download the newsletter for more: [sdm_download id="20759" fancy="0"]Join us! IQI is a multi-award winning global real estate agency and advisory firm, bringing about the latest opportunities, innovations and technological breakthroughs in real estate. Sign up below and our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.[hubspot type=form portal=5699703 id=fc85dcbe-270d-4c9e-b734-85ed069afbfb]

7 September, 2020

Juwai IQI Monthly Newsletter – Real Estate Market September 2020

Juwai IQI Monthly Newsletter – Real Estate Market September 2020

GLOBAL ECONOMIC OUTLOOKThe global economy continues to stay fragile and uncertain as we navigate through tough times in H2 again. Advanced economies are having a lot of structural and productivity issues as decision-makers are perplexed, as to how bring economic confidence back in their economies. Looks like an uphill task the the moment.Covid-19 has created havoc for many economies and some are struggling to cope with it. Just a comparison between the USA and Europe would provide the struggle of advanced economiesDownload the newsletter for more: [sdm_download id="20759" fancy="0"]Join us! IQI is a multi-award winning global real estate agency and advisory firm, bringing about the latest opportunities, innovations and technological breakthroughs in real estate. Sign up below and our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.[hubspot type=form portal=5699703 id=fc85dcbe-270d-4c9e-b734-85ed069afbfb]

4 September, 2020

Zhongliang Holdings Group First Eight Months Contracted Sales Increased by 12% to RMB 96.5 billion

Zhongliang Holdings Group First Eight Months Contracted Sales Increased by 12% to RMB 96.5 billion

HONG KONG, Sept. 3, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Zhongliang Holdings Group Company Limited ("Zhongliang Holdings", or the "Group", stock code: 2772) is pleased to announce that first eight months contracted sales increased by 12% to RMB 96.5 billion while contracted ASP increased by 21% to RMB 12,500 per sq.m.. From January to August 2020, the Group recorded contracted sales (including those from joint ventures and associated companies) of approximately RMB 96.5 billion, representing a YoY increase of 12% and contracted GFA amounted to approximately 7,716,960 sq.m., representing a YoY drop of 7%. Contracted ASP was increased by 21% to RMB 12,500 per sq.m. The Group's steadily increasing ASP reflected the fruitful impact from the Group's operating strategy of shifting to the second-tier and strong third-tier cities in recent years. First 8 months contracted sales ranked 19th in CRIC's Top 100 Chinese Real Estate Enterprises by Sales, firmly retaining a position among Top 20 In August 2020, the Group achieved contracted sales of approximately RMB 16.9 billion, representing a YoY increase of 53%. Contracted GFA increased by 23% to approximately 1,373,310 sq.m with contracted ASP increased by 25% to approximately RMB 12,300 per sq.m. News Updates On August 5 , Huatai Hong Kong initiated coverage of Zhongliang Holdings with a BUY rating and target price of HK$7.9, representing a potential upside of 45%. Huatai Hong Kong stated that Zhongliang Holdings achieved rapid contracted sales CAGR of 53% over 2017 to 2019, which enables it to enjoy high earnings visibility, and they expect Zhongliang will distribute 40% of core earnings in 2020E, leading to an attractive dividend yield of 9.5%. Also, they expect further financing costs optimization to a range of 8.5% and 8.8% in 2020E, providing a positive share-price catalyst. They expect Zhongliang to reap the benefits of years of expanding footprints in the Yangtze River Delta which allow them to project rising earnings and valuation multiples. In addition, the report highlighted that Zhongliang Holdings has a distinctive corporate management structure (Amoeba Ecosystem) and has implemented employee co-investment schemes to motivate sales personnel and on-the-ground execution. The Group was initiated by several international and well-known securities analysts after its listing. Since 2020, four international securities houses, namely CGS-CIMB, CITIC CLSA, Jefferies and Huatai Hong Kong have initiated coverage of Zhongliang Holdings. On August 16, the opening ceremony of ZHONGLIANG GBA DEVELOPMENT GROUP (GBA) was successfully held. GBA was an upgrade of the Southern Regional Group to further penetration based on existing districts, while take response to major national strategic decisions, and to better service the development in GBA. On August 18, Zhongliang Holdings was awarded the 8th place in the '2020 Shanghai Top 100 Private Enterprises', the 31st place in the '2020 Shanghai Top 100 Enterprises', the 7th place in the '2020 Shanghai Top 100 Private Service Enterprises', the 19th place in the '2020 Shanghai Top 100 Service Enterprises', and the 7th place in the 'Shanghai Top 50 Growth Enterprises. Being on the list of Shanghai Top 100 Enterprises for many years is the affirmation and recognition of the development of Zhongliang Holdings from all walks of life. On August 25, Zhongliang Holdings held an online interim results briefings. Amid the severe challenge from the coronavirus pandemic, the Group achieved steady growth for its interim results, and recorded a total revenue of RMB23.76 billion, representing a year-on-year increase of approximately 16%; core net profits attributable to owners of the Company amounted to RMB1.31 billion, representing a year-on-year increase of approximately 6%; an interim dividend of HK$ 16.3 cents per share was distributed by the Group, with the dividend payout ratio accounting for 40% of core net profit attributable to the owners of the Company. In the first seven months of the year, the contracted sales amounted to approximately RMB79.6 billion, representing a year-on-year increase of approximately 6% and achieved near half of the full year sales target. With stable supply of saleable resources and demand, the Group is confident in achieving the full year contracted sales target of RMB168 billion. The Group's debt structure continued to be optimized, and financing costs continued to decrease with a net gearing ratio of 69.9%, maintaining a healthy level. On August 26, Zhongliang Holdings was listed on the "2020 China's Listed Real Estate Enterprise with Growing Potential" led by China Real Estate Association and rated by Le Ju Finance News. The award was assessed on the basis of comprehensive measurement covering contracted sales, sales growth, land acquisition amount, product innovation, development mode, earnings, and a comprehensive evaluation at gross profit margin, net profit margin, gearing ratio and other indicators. Land Acquisition From January to August in 2020, the Group added a total of 83 land parcels, with an aggregate land premium of approximately RMB 53 billion. Zhongliang August Newsletter Part 1 Zhongliang August Newsletter Part 2 About Zhongliang Holdings Group Company Limited Headquartered in Shanghai, Zhongliang Holdings is a fast-growing real estate developer with RMB100 billion's worth of annual contracted sales. We are rooted in the Yangtze River Delta with a national coverage. In 2019 and 2020, we were named as TOP 20 Real Estate Developer in China and ranked TOP 1 in terms of development potential by China Real Estate Association and E-house China R&D Institute China Real Estate Appraisal Center. We focus on developing residential housing and in recent years have expanded our scope of business to commercial property development, operations, and management. We offer three standardised product series, targeting first-time home buyers, second-time home buyers and recurrent home buyers. With approximately 20 years of experience in China's real estate industry and a regional expansion strategy, we had total attributable land bank of about 63 million sq.m. as at 30 June 2020. We have 504 property projects across five core economic zones in China, namely, the Yangtze River Delta, the Midwest China, the Pan-Bohai Rim, the Western Taiwan Straits and the Pearl River Delta, covering 149 cities of 23 provinces and municipalities. Photo - -

3 September, 2020

Origin Agritech to Present at The LD 500 Virtual Conference

Origin Agritech to Present at The LD 500 Virtual Conference

BEIJING,, Aug. 31, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Origin Agritech Ltd. (NASDAQ: SEED) (the "Company" or "Origin"), an agriculture technology company, today announced that it will be presenting at the LD 500 investor conference on Friday, September 4th at 8 AM PST / 11 AM EST. Origin's Chairman and Chief Executive Officer, Dr. Gengchen Han will be presenting to a live virtual audience.  Register here: "We have been waiting for this moment all year long. Due to COVID, it has been nearly impossible for physical conferences to even take place. I want to show the world that you can still learn, have a great time, and see some of the most unique companies in the capital markets today. All without having to step foot outside. For the first time, LD Micro is accessible to everyone, and we are honored to welcome you to one of the most trusted platforms in the space." stated Chris Lahiji, Founder of LD.  The LD 500 will take place on September 1st through the 4th.  View Origin Agritech's profile here:  Profiles powered by LD Micro — News Compliments of Accesswire About Origin Agritech Limited Origin Agritech Limited, founded in 1997 and headquartered in Zhong-Guan-Cun (ZGC) Life Science Park in Beijing, is a leading Chinese agricultural technology company. In crop seed biotechnologies, Origin Agritech's phytase corn was the first transgenic corn to receive the Bio-Safety Certificate from China's Ministry of Agriculture. Over the years, Origin has established a robust biotechnology seed pipeline including products with glyphosate tolerance and pest resistance (Bt) traits.  About LD Micro Back in 2006, LD Micro began with the sole purpose of being an independent resource to the microcap world.  What started as a newsletter highlighting unique companies, has transformed into the pre-eminent event platform in the space.  The upcoming "500" in September is the Company's most ambitious project yet, and the first event that is accessible to everyone. For those interested in attending, please contact David Scher at or visit for more information. Contact:Name: Joe RamelliPhone: (310) 845-6238Email: View original content:

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