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How Real Estate Agents Can Help Reduce Crime and Safeguard Landlords | IQI Global
Version: BM, CN To reduce crime and safeguard landlords’ investments, Malaysia could implement a policy requiring all rental transactions to be handled by licensed real estate agents.   These professionals would be responsible for conducting document checks and sharing blacklists of criminal tenants, according to Muhazrol Muhamad, Head of the Bumiputera Segment at IQI Global. …
5 giants in the ehailing indsutry
The World of Ehailing Malaysia: 5 Giants in the E-hailing Industry Besides Grab
With the advancement of technology, E-hailing services have grown quite prevalent in Malaysia and are now a need for every Malaysian. Let's dive deeper into the article to find out what these e-hailing services are. What are actually E-hailing Services? E-hailing also known as the intermediation business, allows users to reserve public transportation using online applications.…