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Is your family member a new or future student who plans to study in Malaysia? This is for you! Our global strategic advisor, Taco Heidinga, is excited to release his exclusive E-book that covers everything about Malaysia.
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Are you dreaming of…
With the return of vaccinated international students to the city of Sydney, many believe it will significantly impact the apartment market.
A boost for both landlords and vendors, the absence of international students has impaired the real estate market since the Federal Government shut the international borders in March 2020.
Their absence directly affected landlords…
Juwai IQI released an outlook on how Australian landlords hoped to rent their units to international students who are going through a painful period in which international student numbers are steadily declining.
"Eight months ago, we advised investors to hold on to their inner-city property if they could afford to, but that there would be…
Investors in accommodation favoured by international students should hold on, as analysis predicts student numbers will exceed their 2019 peak once international borders reopen.
The loss of international students as a result of international border closures due to the COVID-19 pandemic has hit NSW and Victoria hard, with Melbourne suffering "the sharpest pain", according to…