You wish to save up money, but no matter how hard you try, it's still impossible to find ways to save money.
You have a…
In the world of real estate, they love to say it is all about the client's lifestyle - and such a statement sticks to the…
While the current environment of once-again eased restrictions offers room for improvement in Q2 2021, the property market is expected to put in a mixed…
As June begins, house price increases have accelerated to an amazing extent in many countries in Europe, Asia-Pacific, and the U.S. and Canada. The magnitude…
Valuation refers to the process of determining the present value of a company or an asset. It can be done using a number of techniques.…
Check out this article to know more about the updated OPR for 2022!
What is the Overnight Policy Rate (OPR)?
As of…
Mostly everyone knows why they need to do property valuation, but seldom do they know the steps to get to know your property value.
The colourful and buzzing city centre of District 1 in Ho Chi Minh City, is seen as a golden opportunity for a luxurious real estate…
As time goes on, the perspective on property in different generations of property negotiators has varying impacts.
For example, the millennial presence in the…
Ready to fully maximize your property?
If you are willing to plan and put in some hard work, selling your home does not have to…