你是否想移居马来西亚,但是感觉不懂从哪里开始?我们能协助你!Juwai IQI专家为你精心准备的《马来西亚移居指南》电子书,只需填写表格,就可以免费领取,让你轻松掌握移居攻略!
为什么外国人来马来西亚买房? 1. 为什么选择马来西亚? 2. 外国人在马来西亚购房的优势 3. 外国人购房流程详解 4. 热门投资区域推荐 常见问题解答(FAQ)
1. 为什么选择马来西亚?
a. 房产性价比高,投资回报优越
国家/市中心市中心公寓每平方米均价(USD)市中心公寓每平方米均价价格范围(USD)生活成本指数 (低=成本低)新加坡21,502.3316,761.21 - 29,534.5476.7中国香港27,365.8220,765.34…
New year calls for new beginnings. Some of you might be diving into home renovations, trying to figure out which colours will go well with…
Malaysia berjaya mengekalkan kedudukan sejurus menjadi peneraju utama dalam arena pelaburan hartanah antarabangsa.
Malaysia berjaya mengekalkan kedudukan sejurus menjadi peneraju utama dalam arena pelaburan hartanah…
Juwai IQI predicts that foreign investments in the residential sector will grow at a steady pace of no more than five percent next year.
This article is contributed by Taco Heidinga, IQI Global Strategic Advisor
Investing in real estate abroad offers not only financial returns but also unique benefits,…
Christmas is just around the corner, and if you’re scratching your head wondering how to decorate your home for the perfect holiday season, you’re not…
This article is contributed by Shan Saeed, Chief Economist at Juwai IQI
The global economy is witnessing a significant shift. President Trump secured victory in…
This article is contributed by Dave Platter, Head of Public Relations at IQI Global
More than 20 major media outlets in Malaysia and China covered…
This article is contributed by Irhamy Ahmad MRICS, Founder & Managing Director of Irhamy Valuers International
In Malaysia, three-story shops are a prominent part of…
IQI Global Triumphs at StarProperty Awards 2024, Winning 21 Awards Including Developer Preferred Honor.
IQI's exceptional performance at the StarProperty Awards 2024 is a testament…