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Why Malaysia is the premier location for Global Business Services
What is Global Business Services Malaysia? Global Business Services (GBS) in Malaysia refers to centralizing and consolidating a company's non-core business functions, such as finance, accounting, human resources, and IT, into a shared services center. This allows companies to improve efficiency, reduce costs, and gain access to a skilled workforce. Malaysia is rapidly emerging as…
Immigrating home buyers will pay more to secure Canadian real estate: Juwai IQI CEO
Our Co-Founder and Group CEO of Juwai IQI, Kashif Ansari, was pleased to join BNN Bloomberg to discuss Canada's new ban on foreign home buyers. As a recap, the Canadian government announced by January 1, 2023, the country will prohibit non-Canadians from purchasing domestic property over the next two years  as measures to “cool down”…
照片来源见内文 过年就是要看贺岁片,才有过年的味道!  农历新年 不远了,而过年最期待的除了与家人团聚、听新年歌 ,就是一家人一起看贺岁电影,才有过年的氛围,才算是把这个新年 过得“圆满”。  赶快把以下2023年不可错过的贺岁片记下来,记得抢票进电影院与家人一起看贺岁片吧!  阅读内容: 1. 天龙八部之乔峰传 2. 发财联盟 3. 小胖流浪记 4. 毒舌大状 5. 猫山王中王 6. 超神经械劫案 7. 流浪地球2 8. 真爱好妈 9. 想见你 1. 天龙八部之乔峰传 上映日期:1月16日  照片取自MY 脸书 香港武打巨星甄子丹自导自演并监制2023年香港武侠电影《天龙八部之乔峰传》,并携手中国女演员陈钰琪和刘雅瑟共同领衔主演。剧情改编自金庸作品《天龙八部》,丐帮帮主乔峰(甄子丹饰)受武林爱戴,却被指认为契丹人而众叛亲离,为了追寻身世而寻找仇人途中,与自家婢女阿朱(陈钰琪饰)互生情愫,但因为仇人设计而乔峰错杀了阿朱,乔峰最后也查出了一切阴谋,并誓要为阿朱报仇......      2. 发财联盟 上映日期:1月19日  《发财联盟》的故事剧情与犯罪剧集《纸房子》有异曲同工之妙,讲述一群拥有不同特殊技能的天才团队,受邀加入一宗价值1亿史上最大的博彩布局。不过,最令人期待的还是马新两位电影大哥林德荣和李国煌在相隔16年后再次合作,共同监制和主演这部贺岁片,还集齐马新两国的喜剧演员强强出演,包括莫小玲、程旭辉、赖宇涵(暴牙菇)、朱浩仁等,他们在电影中将会如何搞笑演出,令人非常期待。    3. 小胖流浪记 上映日期:1月19日  照片取自GSC 脸书 大家还记得2009年的电视电影《小胖流浪记》吗?剧中很多印象深刻的台词,如“我有‘毒’书的叻”、“我要去寻找‘白’由”等,是许多青少年的童年回忆。而今年农历新年,《小胖流浪记》终于推出电影版,让大家重温童年回忆,让“小胖”与你一起爆笑过年!    4. 毒舌大状 上映日期:1月21日  照片取自8FM 脸书 香港栋笃笑始祖黄子华今年不搞笑,这个新年“当”上律师为国际名模洗清冤屈,在法庭上坚持还大家一个平等。虽然黄子华在电影中没有搞笑,但依旧给大家带来新的金句,那成为律师的他又会爆出哪些金句呢?   …
ADAPT 2022
Achieved more than 600,000 views, ADAPT Convention 2022 Brings Future Technology Closer to You
2022 marks the third annual #ADAPT international convention. With over 32 renowned speakers and performers from eight countries presenting and two successful days of networking, we are delighted to announce ADAPT International Convention 2022 on 13-14 December was a great hit. Our #ADAPT2022 convention was held digitally, as it was last year, so that…