David Yin and his Chinese clients are in a race against time. The Chinese-Canadian realtor has a few weeks before a deadline in the new year: Canada’s ban on foreign home buyers.
“My clients need to complete their sales [in] December,” Yin, who works with Sutton Coast West Coast Realty, explains. The new law, which…
December is a new month for many, but the coming of a favourite season for all - Christmas !
As the season approaches, so does the festive spirit — the playing of Christmas songs prancing in the air and Christmas decorations lighting up everywhere brings this cozy yet nostalgic feeling. That said, what better way…
ADAPT International Conference 2022 is fast approaching! With only a few days left before the conference, hope you have a high expectation of what is going to happen in it.
The online conference brings together an exceptional speaker lineup, an endless possibility to network, and a deeper understanding of the latest innovations in development for…
It's common that people tie themselves to their careers . Although our careers are a huge part of our lives, constructing your identity around it can lead to a lack of fulfillment and happiness. A simple solution to this? Work-life balance.
It's important that we allow ourselves to have a healthy balance between our work and…
对此,房产科技集团居外IQI(Juwai IQI)联合创始人兼首席执行官卡希夫·安萨里(Kashif Ansari)表示,澳洲购房者的按揭约有三分之二是浮动利息,这部分人群对按揭利率的上调是敏感的,因为他们的可支配收入会受到一定影响。
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人工智能、 元宇宙 、区块链……这些 科技创新 的产物,你听过吗?
1. 元宇宙是什么?
2. 元宇宙的初始概念
3. 元宇宙的八大要素
4. 元宇宙能给我们带来什么?
它结合了虚拟现实(VR)、增强现实 (AR)、混合现实(MR)、物联网(IoT)、游戏、区块链、社交媒体和商业,为人们带来栩栩如生的用户体验。
元宇宙的概念 早在1992年出现在世人的面前,由科幻小说作家尼尔·斯蒂芬森在其作品《雪崩》(Snow Crash)中提出元宇宙(Metaverse)和化身(Avatar)的概念。
小说中的人物用数字技术不断转换身份,在庞大 的 虚拟 世界中 改变和提升自己的社会地位,实现现实世界中无法达到的结果。
1. 身份(Identity)
2. 社交(Social)
3. 沉浸感(Immersive)
4. 低延迟(Low Friction) …
Cover image source: FIFA World Cup Official Website
This year's FIFA World Cup is truly unlike any other. With unexpected wins and impressive defeats, the 2022 World Cup is truly one to watch - and this is especially the case for Japan and South Korea.
The two make history as they emerge…
Despite the long uncertainty after the 15th general election (GE15) results, the stability achieved with the appointment of Malaysia’s 10th prime minister will have a positive impact on the commercial and industrial property markets in 2023, according to comments released on Nov 30 by Irhamy Ahmad MRICS, Chartered Valuation Surveyor and CEO and founder of…
Ver: CN, MY
As the end of the year approaches, many of you must be busy planning a getaway to enjoy outdoor activities away from the hustle and bustle of the city. However, setting up camp can be difficult.
Not to worry! If you want a mock camping atmosphere amidst nature without having…
The FIFA World Cup has been the talk of the town in every country, as nations play against each other, fighting their way to win the title. But, like every host country there were ups and downs when constructing the country to be FIFA friendly. Let’s dive in and take a look at some highlights:…