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SubscribeThe FIFA World Cup has been the talk of the town in every country, as nations play against each other, fighting their way to win the title. But, like every host country there were ups and downs when constructing the country to be FIFA friendly. Let’s dive in and take a look at some highlights:
Upcoming Round of 16 Matchups
How much did Qatar spend on the World Cup compared to other countries?
Qatar is said to have spent over $220 billion, maybe much more, to host this mega-event. It’s a record that far exceeds the sums spent on prior editions built.Take Russia as its comparison, the nation had spent USD 16 billion to build facilities needed in preparations for the 2018 FIFA World Cup. How about Brazil for the 2014 FIFA World Cup?
They spent USD 19.7 billion. On a scale, Qatar had spent roughly 15 and 11 times more as compared to previous host nations.
But How Did They Spend So Much?

Surrounded by sand, heat and limited infrastructure, Qatar had decided to build all of it. From the new roads, hotels and stadiums, they are all newly built just for the FIFA World Cup. As for the airport, it was upgraded to prepare the small Middle Eastern nation to host the mega event, coincidentally being the world’s largest sporting event too.

Qatar had also equipped all stadiums with air-conditioning, a first of its kind in FIFA which may lead other nations to follow suit.
A Rule That Shocked Fans
One notable rule made by the Qatar government and FIFA was the banned sales of alcohol around the eight World Cup Stadiums. Most fans were left bewildered, after reassurance by FIFA that despite the country’s severe alcohol rules, they would be able to purchase it while watching the games. Now, alcohol will only be offered in stadium corporate boxes and fan zones.
Tournament Highlights
In previous FIFA World Cups, countries like Germany, Belgium and Argentina dominated the field and won hearts from around the world. Germany, champions in 1954, 1974, 1990 and 2014 were predicted to win this year’s 2022 World Cup in Qatar.
But, some nations have ultimately left many in awe with their performance! Let’s look into some games which had shocked everyone:
Japan vs Germany
One game that stood out was Japan up against 2014 champions Germany. Initially it would be no surprise if Germany won. However things took a turn and Japan scored 2 goals, both coming from their substitutes, beating Germany who only scored 1 goal and making history in their books.
Saudi Arabia vs Argentina
Saudi Arabia, one of the lowest ranking teams in the tournament, had won against Argentina in the first round of games. The nation landed a 2-1 victory and pulled off one of the World Cup’s greatest shocks.
Morocco vs Belgium
Morocco were added into the list of shocks at the 2022 World Cup. The game started off at a rough pace and an uneventful one. The game picked up and Morocco’s fierce gameplay at the finish was quite a nightmare for Belgium, beating them with a 2-0 score.
No matter the nation that won or lost, everyone had worked hard to represent their team and country. So, let’s all support one another and continue watching the games!
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