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CMCO: 5 free online learning courses to help you improve during CMCO

CMCO: 5 free online learning courses to help you improve during CMCO

As the Conditional Movement Control Order has been implemented in several areas in Malaysia, more people are being impacted by the lockdown set in place. As educational institutions, colleges and universities are being shut down; online learning has now become the new norm.According to Digital Marketing Institute, 3.3 million web searches for online learning and 69% of those searching educated to degree level, the demand for professional education is obvious.This shows the growing importance of online learning and the potential it has for the future. With that in mind, here are five free online courses you can do to improve during CMCO. 1. Google SkillshopFormerly known as Academy for Ads, Skillshop is a one-stop training center by Google for all of their professional tools and solutions used by individuals, companies and agencies. Skillshop is the only place you can go to understand everything that Google has to offer and get certified. It helps you to increase your knowledge, enhance your skills and improve your professional value for the future.Anyone who is interested in learning more about digital marketing can take this course to learn how to create a successful advertising campaign on Google. There are hundreds of videos covering every aspect of Google Ads from search ads to google video ads on YouTube. 2. Facebook BlueprintFacebook Blueprint offered by Facebook is the most comprehensive platform to learn advertising on Facebook, Instagram, and Messenger for both beginners and those who have experience. To those who are interested in growing their business or job seekers new to the industry looking to boost their knowledge on advertising should consider enrolling in this programme.In Blueprint, you’ll be able to choose which Learning Paths is the most suitable to you as they have courses grouped by job title such as Brand Marketer, Digital Planner, Gaming Publisher, and other designations. This programme offers free online lessons, in-person and virtual training, advanced-level certifications and global examinations. 3. IQI Training programmes IQI Global has extensive training programmes that help negotiators and agents to improve both their sales and personal skills. The programmes include new ren orientation and competency course, morning and evening grit, weekly empowerment, project briefings, site visitations and monthly forums.Learn the tricks of the trade by attending these programmes that will equip you with the market knowledge and information needed to sell properties globally and flourish in this industry. Weekly empowerment programmes consists of workshops and talks conducted by experts from various industries, professional speakers, entrepreneurs as well as developers. From these programmes, you will gain knowledge and have a chance of expanding your network with experienced real estate professionals. Read MoreTop 6 Free Online Courses for Self-ImprovementTop 6 Blogs every sales professionals should follow in 2019 4. Canva Design School Canva is a graphic design platform founded in Australia known for providing beautiful designs and templates available to the public for free. Canva launched a course called ‘Design Essentials’, which is a free 30-part series that offer interactive tutorials that focus on nine important areas within the graphic design process.Besides that, Canva also has a ‘Design School’ site that features videos that beginners can follow to create great designs in a fast and simple way. Gain knowledge about the basics of graphic design, how to create beautiful newsletters and even how to get your audience’s full attention with a stunning keynote presentation. Whether you’re a novice or a professional designer, Canva is a great platform to get inspiration to come up with brilliant designs. 5. LinkedIn Learning LinkedIn Learning is an e-learning portal that has a developing library of training videos and tutorials covering topics such as a vast array of business, software and creative fields—from professional certificates to personal hobbies. This portal is serving those looking for a career change or fresh graduates and university students.You can learn from thousands of industry experts, skilled instructors, classroom educators, best-selling authors, and recognised authorities for free. There are also motivational courses that can help you in getting a new job. Learning Paths is where industry experts teach you the knowledge and skills you need in order for you to start a new career.We hope that by going through these programmes, it will transform you for the better. However, you can consider joining IQI; you will get not only get free training with industry experts but also be able to earn other certificates. Register your interest to be a part of the global IQI Team.[hubspot type=form portal=5699703 id=c063034a-f66d-41ab-881b-6e6a3f275c33]

23 October, 2020

Juwai IQI Monthly Newsletter – Real Estate Market October 2020 (Malay Version)

Juwai IQI Monthly Newsletter – Real Estate Market October 2020 (Malay Version)

MalaysiaKediaman Menurut wilayah utama yang tercakupdalam MPMI (Indeks Pasaran Harta Malaysia), Kuala Lumpur menyaksikan penurunan harga permintaan yang paling tajam pada Q2 2020, walaupun mencatatkan kenaikan pada suku sebelumnya. Permintaan harga di KL turun 1.28% pada Q2 berbanding kenaikan 1.81% yang dibuat pada Q1, bergerak dari 96.62 mata kepada 95.38 mata. Ia juga mencatatkan penurunan 2.52% YoY dalam tempoh ini, tetapi ini mengikuti trend yang bermula pada Q1 2019. Seperti yang dijangkakan, daerah KL juga menyaksikan penawaran terus menurun pada Q2 2020 akibat MCO. Penurunan 2.58% ditandai peningkatan pada kejatuhan 11.53% pada Q1, menunjukkan bahawa penawaran baru dengan cepat kembali ke pasaran. Angka-angka tersebut dijangka kembali ke lintasan menaik pada Q3 2020 Oleh kerana sekatan pergerakan sekarang telah reda, dan pembeli dapat melihat harta yang disasarkan dengan lebih bebas, suku semasa dapat melihat banyak minat awal ini berubah menjadi transaksi. Data MPMI semasa menunjukkan bahawa pasaran Selangor paling baik untuk melakukan pemulihan awal, mengingat harga barang untuk hartatanah tetap berada di wilayah positif melalui puncak krisis COVID-19, yang berpotensi didukung oleh permintaan yang berkelanjutan. Pejabat Dalam usaha untuk mengurangkan kesan COVID-19, pemerintah mengumumkan rancangan rangsangan ekonomi dan pemulihan bernilai MYR 295 miliar. Ini dapat memberikan sokongan terutama kepada perusahaan kecil dan sederhana (PKS) dan pengusaha mikro. Permintaan di semua pasar raya di Greater Kuala Lumpur menguncup. Akibatnya, kadar kekosongan di Greater Kuala Lumpur meningkat sebanyak 4 p.p. hingga 19.4%. Kelewatan menyiapkan projek baru dilihat sebagai akibat dari perintah berhenti kerja semasa Perintah Kawalan Pergerakan (MCO) / penguncian separa antara 18 Mac dan 3 Mei 2020. Pada masa ini, pasar secaraberansur-ansur kembali karena perusahaan kembali ke pejabat setelah MCO dicabut. Rata-rata sewa meminta di Greater Kuala Lumpur turun sedikit sebanyak -0,5% q-o-q menjadi MYR 6,22 psfsebulan. Hingga Jun 2020, Bank Negara Malaysia (BNM) telah menurunkan Kadar Dasar Semalaman (OPR) sebanyak 100 bps kepada 2.0%, kadar terendah dalam satu dekad. Ini dapat menghasilkan persekitaran pembiayaan yang lebi hbaik dan penyebaran hasil pejabat yang lebih tinggi untuk pelabur.  Runcit Komersial Pemulihan MCO sejak 10 Jun yang membolehkan lebih banyak penyewa runict beroperasi semula telah meredakan perniagaan pusat membeli-belah. Walaupun begitu, sector runcit tetap perlahan kerana sentiment pengguna tetap berhati-hati. Jejak mal secara beransur-ansur meningkat berbanding dengan tempoh MCO Bersyarat pada bulan Mei. Mengenai jejak di pusat-pusat membeli-belah di zon pelancongan, tapak kaki mereka kini ditopang oleh pengunjung tempatan kerana pelancong asing masih dilarang memasuki negara ini sejak MCO hari pertama. Tiga projek yang dijangka akan dibuka pada suku ini ditangguhkan kerana kesan daripada berhenti kerja semasa MCO. Kadar penghunian di Greater Kuala Lumpur pada masa ini meningkat sekitar 87.0%. Pembukaan baru kebanyakannya diperhatikan di pusat-pusat membeli-belah utama. Beberapa penutupan outlet dikenal pasti kerana pelbagai sebab seperti penutupan outlet yang kurang berprestasi, tumpuan pada platform dalam talian, dll. Beberapa tuan tanah telah menawarkan inisiatif sokongan sewa kepada penyewa mereka yang terjejas sebagai tindak balas terhadap tempoh MCO, sebagai langkah pengekalan penyewa yang proaktif. Urus niaga pelaburan akan dibatasi seperti yang dilihat dalam dua tahun terakhir, dengank eyakinan dan aktiviti pelabur dijangka akan diredam selama baki tahun ini.Download the newsletter for more: [sdm_download id="21833" fancy="0" color="green"]Join us! IQI is a multi-award winning global real estate agency and advisory firm, bringing about the latest opportunities, innovations and technological breakthroughs in real estate. Sign up below and our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.[hubspot type=form portal=5699703 id=85ebae59-f425-419b-a59d-3531ad1df948]

3 October, 2020

Juwai IQI Monthly Newsletter – Real Estate Market October 2020 (Thai Version)

Juwai IQI Monthly Newsletter – Real Estate Market October 2020 (Thai Version)

ประเทศไทยที่อยู่อาศัย ผลจากวิกฤติโควิด-19 ทำให้ตลาดคอนโดมิเนียมชะลอตัว ปัจจุบันผู้ซื้อหันไปให้ความสนใจทาวน์เฮ้าส์ หรือบ้านเดียวมากกว่าคอนโดมิเนียม อุปทานคอนโดมิเนียมเปิดขายใหม่ในตลาดขณะนี้มีเพียง 5,700 ยูนิตซึ่งลดลงอย่างเห็นได้ชัด อันเนื่องมาจากผลกระทบวิกฤติโควิด-19 ทำให้อุปทานคงค้างในตลาดยังมีอยู่จำนวนมากเมื่อรวมกับจำนวนคอนโดเหลือขายจากปีที่แล้ว มีอัตราการขายเพียง 17% จากอุปทานคอนโดคงค้างทั้งหมด 55,000 ยูนิต วิกฤติโควิด-19 ทำให้ส่งผลกระทบต่ออุปสงค์ทั้งในประเทศและต่างประเทศ ราคาขายเฉลี่ยลดลงจาก 144,800 บาทต่อตารางเมตร เป็น 134,700 บาทต่อตารางเมตร เนื่องจากหลายโครงการได้เสนอส่วนลดและโปรโมชั่นจำนวนมากสำหรับคอนโดที่สร้างเสร็จพร้อมอยู่ เพื่อเร่งการขายและลดจำนวนสินค้าคงค้าง อาคารสำนักงาน ในช่วงที่มีการล็อกดาวน์มีอุปทานอาคารสำนักงานทั้งหมดประมาณ 12 ล้านตารางเมตร อย่างไรก็ตามในพื้นที่เขตกรุงเทพมหานครก็ยังมีอัตราการว่างต่ำ อัตราค่าเช่าเฉลี่ยอยู่ที่ 805 บาท/ตร.ม. ในขณะที่ค่าเช่าในพื้นที่ CBD อยู่ที่ 883 บาท/ตร.ม. มีผู้เช่าหลายรายที่เลื่อนการต่ออายุสัญญาเช่า และหลายบริษัทก็มีการพิจาณาลดขนาดพื้นที่ออฟฟิศลง บริษัทต่างๆก็ได้มีการออกนโยบายให้พนักงานทำงานที่บ้าน ซึ่งการเปลี่ยนแปลงนี้อาจทำให้ความต้องการในการใช้พื้นที่สำนักงานเปลี่ยนไป ในสภาวะการชะลอตัวของเศรษฐกิจทั่วโลกในขณะนี้ หลายๆบริษัทอาจเริ่มมีการพิจารณาลดจำนวนพนักงาน นอกจากนี้“โคเวิร์คกิ้งสเปซ” ยังคงมีบทบาทที่สำคัญในช่วง 2-3 ปีที่ผ่านมา ค้าปลีก ด้วยอุปทาน1 ล้านตารางเมตร อุปทานค้าปลีกของกรุงเทพฯในครึ่งปีแรกของปี 2563 ยังคงเพิ่มขึ้น คาดว่าในอนาคต ศูนย์การค้า TheEmsphereซึ่งมีพื้นที่ประมาณ 60,000 ตารางเมตรจะสร้างเสร็จในปี 2565 เนื่องด้วยมาตรการล็อกดาวน์ ทำให้ศูนย์การค้าต่างๆต้องปิดทำการเกือบตลอดทั้งไตรมาส 2 ส่งผลให้ค่าเช่าลดลง 10% -50% หรือบางรายอาจมีการลดหย่อนค่าเช่าให้กับผู้เช่าเดิมด้วย สำหรับผู้เช่ารายใหม่ค่าเฉลี่ยของค่าเช่ายังคงทรงตัวจากปีก่อนที่ 3,915 บาท / ตรม. / เดือน (สำหรับชั้นG) ถึงแม้ว่าจะมีร้านค้าจำนวนมากปิดดำเนินการอย่างถาวร แต่ก็ยังมีสัญญาณที่ดีจากร้านค้ารายใหม่ที่พร้อมจะเข้ามาแทนที่ คาดว่าค่าเช่าจะกลับมาเพิ่มขึ้นหากสามารถยับยั้งโรคโควิด-19ได้และชาวต่างชาติสามารถเดินทางไปต่างประเทศได้อีกครั้งDownload the newsletter for more: [sdm_download id="21833" fancy="0" color="green"]Join us! IQI is a multi-award winning global real estate agency and advisory firm, bringing about the latest opportunities, innovations and technological breakthroughs in real estate. Sign up below and our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.[hubspot type=form portal=5699703 id=2380afe3-ad4c-4cfa-9abf-d3947e377bf2]

3 October, 2020

Juwai IQI Monthly Newsletter – Real Estate Market October 2020 (Philippines Version)

Juwai IQI Monthly Newsletter – Real Estate Market October 2020 (Philippines Version)

Ang “Build, Build, Build Project”na pinalawak na programa ay tiyak na makakatulong sa mas mabilis na pang-ekonomiyang pag-recover pagkatapos ng Covid-19. Ayon kay Secretary of Department of Finance Carlos Dominguez, ang mabilis na pagsubaybay sa proyekto sa imprastraktura ng gobyerno, kasama na ang mga nasa Hilaga at Timog Luzon ay magpapasigla sa gawaing pang-ekonomiya, makakahikayat sa pamumuhunan at makakalikha ng trabaho. Ang pinalawak na programa ng mga pagpapaunlad ng imprastraktura ay nagkakahalaga ngayon ng PH 4.1 Trilyon kabilang ang North South Commuter Railway, Tarlac-Pangasinan-La Union Expressway, Clark International airport at 100 pang mga proyekto. Tiyak na magkakaroon ito ng malaking epekto sa sektor ng pag-aari (property sector) at GDP ng bansa sa 2020 at 2021. Inaasahang malalaking pagtaas ng sa pag-aari ang maaring mangyari sa pag-usad ng mga proyektong ito at sa pagkakompleto nito. Isaamgapangunahingproyektonainaabangannglahat ay angMetro Manila Subway Systemnainaasahangmatatapossa 2025. Angyugtongisasaproyektongito ay magkokonektasalimangpangunahingmgalungsod at 4 namayroonna at paparatingnaCentral Business Dictricts.Karamihansamgakasalukuyangproyektongmalalaking developer ay matatagpuansapangunahingsistemangitong riles. Angmgalungsod at modernongmgapamayanan ay malapitnangmagkonekta at magigingmadalinaangpag-access at pagpapalitanngmganegosyo at matutulunganangpagpapadali TiyaknababawasannitoangkasikipanngtrapikosaMetro Manilangmalakinghalaga. AngBridgetowne, Parklinks, Arca South, McKinley West at Ortigas East angmgabagongdaratingnakomunidadnadapatabanganngmganamumuhunan. Nag-aalokangbawatpamayananngisang halo-halo at angkopnapamayananna may konseptongLive-Play-Worknanagbibigayngpag-accesssamgakomersyalnasangkap, opisina, pangangalagasakalusugan, mgainstitusyong pang-edukasyon at anumannakailanganngmamayan. Angbawatpamayanan ay sinisiguroangpagkakaroonngmahusaynapagbalansengmgahalamanan at mgamodernongimprastrakturanalumilikhangisangmodernongsantuwaryo. MGA OPISINA Sa pagtaas ng antas ng mga bakanteng segment ng opisina, ang mga developer at mga nagmamay-ari ng mga opisina ay nag-aalok ngayon ng higit na mababang antas ng upa at madaling paraan at iskedyul ng pagbabayadnito. Ang mga may-ari ng opisina ay may posibilidad na i-convert at gawin ang mga ito bilang isang pangtrabahong lugar o kaya ay imbakan. Inaasahan naminna dobleng bilangang magiging bakante sa taong ito dahil sa mga pangunahing demand tulad ng KPO, BPO at POGO na patuloy na nagpapalawak hanggang sa unang kalahati ng 2021. Bumabasa 17% angantasngmganagrerentangOpisinasa Metro Manila na may average napag-upang PHP 850 / sqm. Ang segment naito ay inaasahangbabaliksa 1Q ng 2021. Angkonstruksyon at pag-turn over ngiba pang mgagusali ay inantalaupangbalansihinangmababang demand. Inaasahannaminnaangpagtaasngantasngpag-upaay babaliksa PHP 1,100 / sqmsa Q2 o Q3 ng 2021. Sapaglakinge-commerce sagitnangpandemya, angpag-repurpose o pag-convertngmgatanggapan o komersyalnamga unitssamicrowarehouse ay maaaringbawasanangkasalukuyangbakantesacentral business districts. PinayaganngPamahalaang Pilipino angmgalisensyadong casino at hotel ng PAGCOR nasakopng General Community Quarantine nabuksan at mapatakboangmgapasilidadsapaglalarona may nararapatna may 30% nakapasidadlamang. Angisasamgapangunahing casino sa Bay Area, City of Dreams Manila ay naghahandanamulingbuksanna may mahigpitnapagsunodsahealth and safety protocol. Kapagnagingmatagumpayangtrialnaito, inaasahan naming naangoperasyon ay nasa 50% nakapasidadnasaOktubre o Nobyembre. Angmga mall nanasabuongoperasyonna ay may mas mahigpitnamgapatakaran at protokol. Napansinnaminangpagtaasngbilangngmgabumibisita at mgabentasahulingtatlonglinggosapangunahingkomersyalsa central business districts. NoongHunyo 2020, naitalanaminang USD 2.7 Bilyong OFW remittances namaaaringmakatulongsapaghimoksa retail demand. AngPilipinas ay pang-3 sabuongmundopagdatingsapagpapadala at angisangmalakingbahaginito ay daratingsabawathulingbuwanngtaon. Angmgamaliliitna operator ng hotel nahindimagandaangtakbongnegosyo ay hinihikayatnamulingbaguhin at i-convertangkanilangmgapag-aarisaisangco-living o co-working space upangmasakopangilangpagkalugi. Angilansamga boutique, maliliitnacondotel ay ipinauupahanngayonbilangisang staff house parasa Philippine Offshore Gaming Operations samgalugartuladng Bay Area sa Pasay at Poblacionsa Makati City.• Ang IQI Philippines ay nakalistasakauntingpagpapaunladng resort naibinebentasaBoracay, Palawan at Marinduquenatiyaknamagigingmalakinginteresparasamga International hotel at resort operator. Post Covid-19, inaasahannaminangpagtaasngturismongPilipinas at naniniwala kamiDownload the newsletter for more: [sdm_download id="21833" fancy="0" color="green"]Join us! IQI is a multi-award winning global real estate agency and advisory firm, bringing about the latest opportunities, innovations and technological breakthroughs in real estate. Sign up below and our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.[hubspot type=form portal=5699703 id=2380afe3-ad4c-4cfa-9abf-d3947e377bf2]

3 October, 2020

Juwai IQI Monthly Newsletter – Real Estate Market October 2020 (Dubai Version)

Juwai IQI Monthly Newsletter – Real Estate Market October 2020 (Dubai Version)

DUBAIإصدار سبتمبر:تحتل الإمارات العربية المتحدة حاليًا المرتبة الأولى في التنويع الاقتصادي في دول مجلس التعاون الخليجي والمرتبة السادسة عشر في التصنيف العالمي لسهولة ممارسة الأعمال التجارية بعد صعودها المركز الثاني عشر في غضون خمس سنوات ، وفقًا لـ UBS(بنك الاستثمار متعدد الجنسيات و شركة الخدمات المالية المؤسسة في سويسرا )، مدير الثروات العالمية الرائدة في العالم.استقطب مشروع المنطقة توضيحاً للتعاون في القدرات الصناعية بين الصين والإمارات ، والذي تم إنشاؤه في منطقة خليفة الصناعية بأبو ظبي مع شركة جيانغسو الإقليمية للتعاون والاستثمار في الخارج ، أكثر من 20 شركة صينية منذ إطلاقه رسميًا في عام 2018 باستثمارات تزيد عن 6.2 مليار درهم. . لقد أفادت العولمة ودعمها للتجارة الدولية الأسواق الناشئة على مدى العقود الماضية ، لكن الآثار الجانبية السلبية تطورت بالتوازي. سرعت أزمة فيروس كورونا الاتجاه نحو زيادة التوطين.أدى ظهور فيروس كورونا وتدابير الإغلاق اللاحقة والقيود المفروضة على الحركة إلى بحث الأشخاص عن عقارات أكبر في دبي كشف أكبر موقع عقاري في الإمارات العربية المتحدة أن الطلب قد تحول من الشقق العائلية الصغيرة التقليدية إلى قطاعي الفلل والمنازل الثانوية منذ بداية جائحة كوفيد -19 العالمي.تشهد معاملات البيع في سوق العقارات في دبي انتعاشًا حاداًفي احتلال المنازل الجاهزة زمام المبادرة ، وذلك بفضل أسعار المنازل في السوق الثانوية بأسعار معقولة بشكل متزايد ، وقد نمت معاملات المنازل الجاهزة بنسبة 18.7% في أغسطس مقارنة بالشهر السابق ، لتشكل شكل حرف V اتجاه الانتعاش ( ويعني ب V  ارتفاع حاد في الرسم البياني ). انخفضت أسعار العقارات في دبي في أغسطس بنسبة 1.6% ، وهو تحسن بنسبة 0.3 % مقارنة بفترة القيود المفروضة على الحركة من أبريل إلى يونيو. سنويا ، انخفضت قيم رأس المال السكني بنسبة 13.8 %.وقفزت المعاملات بنسبة 46.2 % مقارنة بشهر أغسطس من العام الماضي. تستهدف التطورات المجتمعية الحديثة بعد عام 2016العملاء المقتدرين على تحمل التكاليف ، وقد قامت هذه المجتمعات ببناء نسبة كبيرة من العقارات على طراز تاون هاوس بأحجام أصغربالنسبة للارض وتضمين غرفً أكبر حجمًا في التخطيطقالت دبي الجنوب،( دبي وورلد سنترال) التي أعيدت تسميتها ، إن منطقتها السكنية أثبتت بالفعل أنها مكان شهير لأولئك الذين يعملون في المنطقة ، لا سيما مع تطوير معرض إكسبو 2020 الواعد الذي يقع على بعد خمس دقائق فقط.تشمل المدينة المبنية لهذا الغرض أيضًا مطار آل مكتوم الدولي ، والذي تم تصميمه ليكون أكبر مطار في العالم عند تشغيله بالكامل. سيتمكن المقيمون في دبي الجنوب- الحصول على موطن مجمع من العقارات السكنية والتجارية والمكتبية والتجزئة للتملك الحر أو المستأجر - ومن الاستمتاع بمجموعة واسعة من منافذ البيع بالتجزئة ، بدءًا من جراند اكسبرس سوبرماركت ، الذي افتتح أبوابه في يونيو 2020. يقدم المخطط حلولاً ميسورة التكلفة ومرنة للمستأجرين لامتلاك منازلهم في غضون عشر سنوات في المدينة الناشئة التي تبلغ مساحتها 145 كيلومترًا مربعًا عن طريق دفع إيجاراتهم فقط. وقال المطور الرئيسي في بيان إنه بدون سداد أي دفعات مقدمة ، يمكن للمستأجرين والمشترين أن يختاروا سداد دفعات ربع سنوية مقابل وحدتهم ، أثناء إقامتهم فيها ، مما سيسهم في الملكية الكاملة بعد عشر سنوات. هذا العرض جزء من التزام دبي الجنوب بتسهيل حلول ميسورة التكلفة ومرنة للمقيمين.أدى التحول المفاجئ إلى التسوق عبر الإنترنت خلال فترات حظر التجول والإغلاق المفروضلكوفيد-19 إلى زيادة الطلب في السوق الصناعية والمخازن في دبي.حصل قطاع التجارة الإلكترونية في البلاد على أكبر عدد من التراخيص - 196 في مايو 2020 ، وفقًا لبيانات من السجل الاقتصادي الوطني ، بينما شهدت الأشهر الخمسة الأولى من العام ارتفاعًا بنسبة 300 بالمائه في طلب المستهلكين على خدمات التجارة الإلكترونية.كشفت الأبحاث أن شركات من قطاع الرعاية الصحية شوهدت تستحوذ على مساحات تخزين وأراضي صناعية لمشاريع بناء مناسبة ، لا سيما داخل مجمع دبي للعلوم. كان هناك أيضًا ارتفاع في مستويات الاستعلام والمعاملات في جميع أنحاء دبي الجنوب ، مدفوعًا بقرب الانتهاء من أول مركز للاستيفاء الإلكتروني تبلغ مساحته حوالي 355000 قدم مربع. ومن ناحية التأجير ، تم الكشف عن عدم وجود خصومات أو تخفيضات على الإيجار. عرضت للمستأجرين في جميع أنحاء قطاع التخزين. كانت معظم الحوافز في شكل تأجيلات الإيجار لمساعدة العميل على إدارة التدفق النقدي.Download the newsletter for more: [sdm_download id="21833" fancy="0" color="green"]Join us! IQI is a multi-award winning global real estate agency and advisory firm, bringing about the latest opportunities, innovations and technological breakthroughs in real estate. Sign up below and our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.[hubspot type=form portal=5699703 id=2380afe3-ad4c-4cfa-9abf-d3947e377bf2]

3 October, 2020

Juwai IQI Monthly Newsletter – Real Estate Market October 2020 (Vietnam Version)

Juwai IQI Monthly Newsletter – Real Estate Market October 2020 (Vietnam Version)

VĂN PHÒNGThị trường văn phòng TP HCM và Hà Nội bắt đầu nhận thấy tác động của COVID-19 khi khách thuê ký hợp đồng hoặc chuyển đến các khu vực ven trung tâm hoặc ngoài trung tâm để có giá thuê thấp hơn. Mặt khác, một số ngành như Chăm sóc sức khỏe / Dược phẩm, Bán lẻ / Thương mại điện tử tại TP.HCM và Ngân hàng / Tài chính / Bảo hiểm tại Hà Nội vẫn chứng kiến ​​nhu cầu  ngày càng mở rộng. Tại TP HCM, không có nguồn cung mới (nguồn cung vẫn là 1.370.814 m2). Các tòa nhà hạng A bị ảnh hưởng nhiều hơn các tòa nhà hạng B. Giá thuê trung bình của tòa nhà Hạng A là 44,4 USD / m2 / tháng, giảm 4,9% so với cùng kỳ năm ngoái, tỷ lệ trống tăng lên 11,8% Tại Hà Nội, không có nguồn cung mới. Do covid 19 đã được giữ lại, khách thuê bắt đầu ký hợp đồng thuê văn phòng của họ, lượng tiêu thụ thực ghi nhận ở mức 17000m2, hầu hết là hạng B (15000m2)BÁN LẺ Tại TP HCM, giá chào thuê không đổi so với quý trước, tỷ lệ trống tăng, chủ yếu đến từ các mô hình bán lẻ các ngành hàng ăn uống và thời trang nội địa. Với việc các mặt bằng bán lẻ tạm dừng các hoạt động mở rộng, nguồn cung trong tương lai sẽ tiếp tục lùi ngày khai trương. Tại Hà Nội, Quý 2 chứng kiến ​​sự thay đổi nhất định về giá chào thuê và tỷ lệ trống do ảnh hưởng của đại dịch COVID-19. Với tình hình thị trường không ổn định, cả chủ nhà và nhà bán lẻ đều tỏ ra rất thận trọng trong hoạt động kinh doanh của mình, đặc biệt là đối với các dự án mới mở và mở rộng.NHÀ Ở Tại TP HCM, nguồn cung giảm. Phân khúc trung cấp ghi nhận mức tăng giá 10%. Giá bán không thay đổi theo từng phân khúc, nhưng mặt bằng giá tăng từ 4-6%. Thị trường sơ cấp: trung bình 2,582 USD / m2, tăng giá theo năm: 27,5%, trong chu kỳ giá: tăng chậm Đối với nhà phố và biệt thự, các tỉnh lân cận trở nên sôi động với các dự án nhà phố lớn tại các khu vực kết nối tốt. Các dự án mới tại Quận 2 và Quận 9 có tỷ lệ hấp thụ tốt nhờ đề xuất của Ủy ban Nhân dân Thành phố Hồ Chí Minh về việc thành lập Khu đô thị sáng tạo ở phía Đông (Q2, Quận 9, Thủ Đức.)Download the newsletter for more: [sdm_download id="21833" fancy="0" color="green"]Join us! IQI is a multi-award winning global real estate agency and advisory firm, bringing about the latest opportunities, innovations and technological breakthroughs in real estate. Sign up below and our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.[hubspot type=form portal=5699703 id=2380afe3-ad4c-4cfa-9abf-d3947e377bf2]

3 October, 2020

Juwai IQI Monthly Newsletter – Real Estate Market October 2020

Juwai IQI Monthly Newsletter – Real Estate Market October 2020

Global Economic OutlookI am not very confident if the global economy is for sure, heading towards recovery. Few economies have steered out of crisis and moving towards the recovery mode, while not able to get economic confidence back yet. Policymakers globally are using all measures to respond to the pandemic with unprecedented scale and speed..Download the newsletter for more: [sdm_download id="21833" fancy="0" color="green"]Join us! IQI is a multi-award winning global real estate agency and advisory firm, bringing about the latest opportunities, innovations and technological breakthroughs in real estate. Sign up below and our team will get in touch with you as soon as possible.[hubspot type=form portal=5699703 id=2380afe3-ad4c-4cfa-9abf-d3947e377bf2]

3 October, 2020

Origin Agritech Receives National Testing Standard Approval for Two GMO Corn Traits

Origin Agritech Receives National Testing Standard Approval for Two GMO Corn Traits

BEIJING, Sept. 22, 2020 /PRNewswire/ -- Origin Agritech Ltd. (NASDAQ: SEED) (the "Company" or "Origin"), an agriculture technology company, today announced that the Standard Testing Method and Procedures of the company's two GMO corn seed traits have been approved in a newly published National Standards Catalog by The Ministry of Agricultural and Rural Affairs of China (MOA). The traits that received the National Testing Standard approval are G1105E-823C, a double stack of insect resistance and herbicide tolerance corn and GH5112E-117C, an herbicide tolerance corn. As part of the approval process, Origin's traits were tested and reviewed by third-party institutes appointed by the MOA. This method will be the national standard for testing procedures for these traits in future variety development and commercialization. According to the publication, the Standard will be implemented on November 1, 2020. About Origin Agritech Limited Origin Agritech Limited, founded in 1997 and headquartered in Zhong-Guan-Cun (ZGC) Life Science Park in Beijing, is a leading Chinese agricultural technology company. In crop seed biotechnologies, Origin Agritech's phytase corn was the first transgenic corn to receive the Bio-Safety Certificate from China's Ministry of Agriculture. Over the years, Origin has established a robust biotechnology seed pipeline including products with glyphosate tolerance and pest resistance (Bt) traits. For further information, please visit the Company's website at: or Forward-Looking Statements This communication contains "forward-looking statements" as defined in the federal securities laws, including Section 27A of the Securities Act of 1933 and Section 21E of the Securities Exchange Act of 1934, as amended, and as defined in the U.S. Private Securities Litigation Reform Act of 1995. Forward-looking statements address expected future business and financial performance and financial condition, and contain words like "expect," "anticipate," "intend," "plan," "believe," "seek," "will," "would," "target," and similar expressions and variations. Forward-looking statements address matters that are uncertain. Forward-looking statements are not guarantees of future performance and are based on assumptions and expectations which may not be realized. They are based on management's current expectations, assumptions, estimates and projections about the Company and the industry in which the Company operates but involve a number of risks and uncertainties, many of which are beyond the company's control. Some of the important factors that could cause the company's actual results to differ materially from those discussed in forward-looking statements are: failure to develop and market new products and optimally manage product life cycles; ability to respond to market acceptance, rules, regulations and policies affecting our products; failure to appropriately manage process safety and product stewardship issues; changes in laws and regulations or political conditions; global economic and capital markets conditions, such as inflation, interest and currency exchange rates; business or supply disruptions; natural disasters and weather events and patterns; ability to protect and enforce the company's intellectual property rights; and separation of underperforming or non-strategic assets or businesses. The company undertakes no duty or obligation to publicly revise or update any forward-looking statements as a result of future developments, or new information or otherwise, should circumstances change, except as otherwise required by securities and other applicable laws. Although the Company believes that the expectations expressed in these forward-looking statements are reasonable, it cannot assure you that such expectations will turn out to be correct, and actual results may differ materially from the anticipated results. You are urged to consider these factors carefully in evaluating the forward-looking statements contained herein and are cautioned not to place undue reliance on such forward-looking statements, which are qualified in their entirety by these cautionary statements. 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