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Version: EN, BM每到3月,就是大家报税的季节啦!千万不要走开!无论你是从事什么行业或工作、自雇人士、自由工作者又或是企业家,只要你有收入,就一定要记得报税!难道报税不是达到一定的年收入才需要做的吗?如果你还对报税有所误解,赶快来了解报税一事和报税步骤,不要等到当局找你麻烦才后悔!阅读内容:1. 什么是income tax?2. 谁要缴税?3. 我要怎么报税?4. 4步完成报税5. 我可以扣税吗?6. 外国人也要报税!7. 报税是最好的借贷保障!常见问题(FAQ):1. 什么是income tax?Income Tax(个人所得税)是对所有居住在马来西亚的任何人,在获得收入后所征收的税务。无论是谁,只要在马来西亚赚取收入,包括自雇人士或被雇人士,都需要向内陆税收局(LHDN)申报个人所得税。报税就是纳税?很多上班族都误以为,报税就是缴税或纳税,所以都不敢报税。但其实报税和缴税完全是两回事,报税是每个大马工作者的责任,而缴税并不是!只有年收入达到一定数额的工作者,才需要缴税。简单来说,无论你的年收入是多少,每个人都有责任报税,但缴税则有最低年收入的要求。2. 谁要缴税?就如以上提到的,只要达到一定数额年收入的工作者,就需要缴税。自2015年开始,当个人在马来西亚工作,在扣除公积金(EPF后),年收入达到RM34,000就需要纳税。当然,不同的收入范围,课税的比率也不同,以下就为你附上当局的对各收入范围的税率征收率:应课税收入(RM)计算方式(RM)比率(%)税务(RM)0 - 5,000首5,000005,001 – 20,000首 5,000接下来的 15,0001015020,001 – 35,000首 20,000接下来的 15,000315045035,001 – 50,000首 35,000接下来的 15,000660090050,001 – 70,000首 50,000接下来的 20,000111,5002,20070,001 – 100,000首 70,000接下来的 30,000193,7005,700100,001 – 400,000首 100,000接下来的 300,000259,40075,000400,001 – 600,000首 400,000接下来的 200,0002684,40052,000600,001 – 2,000,000首 600,000接下来的 1,400,00028136,400392,0002,000,000以上首 2,000,000超过2,000,00030528,400……不太明白有关当局是如何征收税率的?别担心,内陆税收局的电子报税官网将有系统自动帮你计算缴税的数额,你只需要在电子表格中输入相关数额即可。3. 我要怎么报税?如果你是“首报族”,之前没有报过税,那么需要先到临近的税务局分行申请,并获取以下两个号码来注册报税账号:个人所得税号码(Nombor Rujukan Cukai):SGXXXXXe-Filing PIN 号码(Nombor PIN e-Filing):第一次登陆税收局官网账号需要这组号码当然,你也可以通过内陆税收局的MyTax官网获取个人所得税号码和e-Filing PIN 号码:1. 点击ezHasil Services2. 选择e-Daftar3. 纳税人(Taxpayer)类型选择Individual4. 输入身份证号码、电子邮件、手机号码和安全短语(Security Phrase)5. 当你点击“Search”后,系统将显示“Sijil Digital tidak wujud”6. 选择e-CP55D,在出现“apply for income tax number”后,选择“Yes”照片取自精典集团脸书专页7. 填写电子邮件、上传身份证前后副本等,选择“Hantar”照片取自精典集团脸书专页8. 检查是否收到邮件(告诉你PIN号码正在处理中)照片取自精典集团脸书专页9. 如果申请成功,你将会收到另一封邮件(通知PIN号码申请成功)10. 点击邮件中的激活链接(Activation Link),输入身份证号码即可照片取自精典集团脸书专页4. 4步完成报税完成报税账号登记后,接下来就可以开始报税了!要注意的是,内陆税收局每年都会在3月开放给所有人申报税务,大家一定要在以下截止日期前完成报税:受雇人士:4月30日前生意人、自雇人士:6月30日前以下就是报税的4个主要步骤,无论你是不是首报族,都来重温报税的步骤,到时候报税就不会手忙脚乱了!报税第1步:登录登记账号后,现在就可以登录账号报税了!在MyTax官网首页,你会看到右边有个登入表格,只要选择“身份证号码”,并填写你的身份证号码和密码就可以登录了。报税第2步:点击2024年申报表报税登录成功后,首先你会看到自己的名字、所得税号码,而下面则分成两个部分,左边的是你以往报税的记录,右边则是“2024年的个人所得税申报表”。你只要点击蓝色的”点击这里报税和提交表格“的链接,就能开始报税啦!报税第3步:填写所有资料接下来,你会看到表格中有不同的部分,而打工族的报税表是Borang e-BE。在Borang e-BE中,我们要填写:个人资料 (Maklumat Individu),收入 (Pendapatan Berkanun)扣税减免 (Pelepasan Cukai/ Tolakan Cukai)*小提醒:扣税减免的所有单据,都必须保存起来,以备以后当局需要检查。电子报税最方便的是,系统会自动协助你计算可课税收入,再进行扣税减免的计算,最后得出你的应缴税务数额!这下,再也不用拿着计算机按按按按,然后还要担心自己算错了!*若是扣税减免后不达到缴税标准,系统在须缴付费用方面会显示0。1. 首先确认自己的个人资讯。2. 然后确认自己的报税资讯,记得确定银行资讯正确,以便退税(如有)能顺利收到哟~3. 这部分就是填写你的收入啦!根据公司的EA form填写正确的资料。如有兼职或收租,也要列明哟~4. 这里就是填写可扣税项目啦!把可扣税的项目列明,系统会自动帮你计算需缴付的税款,超级方便!5. 最后确认你的所有资料正确,在这个页面,你会看见你的收入、可扣税项目和最终需要(或不需要)缴付的税款。报税第4步:提交填写并确认资料无误后,就可以点击总结 (Rumusan) 里头的 “Teruskan” ,再点击 “Tandatangan & Hantar” 就会出现 “Pengesahan Penerimaan” 的页面,就算成功报税了!最后签名前,可以点击“cetak draf”将文件下载保存。5. 我可以扣税吗?虽然年收入达到一定数额时需要缴税,但纳税人可以透过扣税,来省下纳税钱!内陆税收局每年都会提供税务减免项目,从个人教育、医疗、生活到父母的医疗,再到子女的教育都可以扣税。 因此,纳税人一定要把单据收藏好,第二年报税时记得填在扣税项目中,真的能帮你省下一笔不小的纳税金额呢! 我去年就因为这些税务减免项目,原本是要纳税的,最后不但不用缴税,甚至还被告知纳税纳多RM68,能申请返还纳税钱! 6. 外国人也要报税!千万别以为报税只限大马人!外国人只要一年内在马来西亚居留工作超过182天,就必须向内陆税收局报税和缴税。根据1967年所得税法令,只有在大马工作所领取的收入需要报税,至于在国外工作的收入则无需报税。以下提供两个实际例子,能让大家更容易明白:例子1:我有一位印尼籍同事在这里工作多年,因为是在大马领工资,所以这位同事每年都和我们一样,需要向内陆税收局报税。例子2:我有好几位朋友都在新加坡工作,收入来源来自新加坡,而她们每年都向新加坡政府报税,因此她们不需要再向大马内陆税收局报税。更多细节:假如纳税人受聘海外公司,不在大马进行工作,只提供海外服务,那么纳税人的收入将归纳为海外收入,无需在大马报税和纳税。但是,如果纳税人是在大马通过电话或网络为海外公司服务,则表示其收入源自大马,必须报税和纳税。大马公民若把海外赚取的钱用在大马置业收租,就必须缴税。7. 报税是最好的借贷保障!很多人都害怕报税,担心需要缴税,但是想要借贷更便捷,那就一定要每年报税!无论你是买车或买房,当你向银行申请任何贷款时,银行肯定会索取收入证明,而你的报税证明就是最好的“武器”了。因为个人所得税所呈报的记录,都是最好的财务收入证明,银行也能对你的财务情况一目了然。因此,当你向银行是申请贷款买房,如果你每年都有报税,贷款的批准率也可能会提高。常见问题(FAQ):1. 多少钱才会中income tax?虽然每个人都有责任向国家汇报自己的收入,但并不是每个人都需要缴税,只有个人年收入在扣除公积金(EPF)后达到RM34,000以上,才会被征税,而所征收的税率也会视你的年收入范围,税率将从1%至30%不等。2. 怎样才会中income tax?在马来西亚,只要你有收入就有责任申报个人所得税(income tax),但如果符合一些条件的人则务必注册并申报个人所得税,包括单身且年收入超过RM34,000(在扣除EPF后)、已婚但配偶没有工作,年收入超过RM46,000(在扣除EPF后)、正经营自己的业务、员工每月被扣缴月度税款(PCB)、拥有应税收入,以及购买或出售房产。3. 年收入低于多少不用报税?无论你的收入多少,都需要报税,而根据《1967年所得税法令》(Income Tax Act 1967),只要在马来西亚境内赚取收入并居住超过182天的大马人和外国人,各行各业人士皆需要报税。IQI作为房产科技公司,善用科技的辅助帮助旗下房地产中介不断增长、提高业务,从而让他们随时随地都能掌握最新资讯!你还在等什么?赶快加入IQI成为房地产中介吧![hubspot portal="5699703" id="c063034a-f66d-41ab-881b-6e6a3f275c33" type="form"]延伸阅读:2025年报税必知:马来西亚报税优惠和扣税项目清单马来西亚租金收入报税:租金收入,房东该不该报税?房地产中介报税看这里!你一定要知道CP58表格的那些事!
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Kecerdasan buatan (AI) terus berkembang pesat, membawa Malaysia ke barisan hadapan sebagai salah satu hab teknologi utama di Asia Tenggara! Salah satu teknologi AI yang mendapat perhatian adalah DeepSeek, alat kecerdasan buatan dari China, yang menerima sambutan hangat di pasaran Malaysia. Namun begitu, kehadiran DeepSeek pada awalnya menimbulkan kebimbangan mengenai kemampanan pertumbuhan pusat data (DC) di negara ini. Ini kerana kebanyakan pusat data sedia ada direka untuk menyokong teknologi maklumat perusahaan dan pengkomputeran awan, tetapi belum dioptimumkan sepenuhnya bagi memenuhi keperluan tinggi teknologi AI.Menurut Kashif Ansari, Pengasas Bersama dan Ketua Pegawai Eksekutif Kumpulan Juwai IQI, DeepSeek berpotensi memacu permintaan pusat data di Malaysia ke tahap lebih tinggi. Dengan kos operasi yang lebih rendah, teknologi seperti DeepSeek mampu menarik lebih ramai pengguna, sekali gus meningkatkan keperluan untuk pusat data yang lebih canggih.Beliau turut menjelaskan bahawa Malaysia mempunyai kelebihan kompetitif yang menjadikannya destinasi pilihan untuk pembangunan pusat data.Kos tanah dan tenaga yang rendah, tenaga kerja yang mahir, infrastruktur digital yang kukuh, insentif kerajaan, dan ketersambungan strategik ke pasaran utama seperti Singapura, ASEAN, dan China menjadikan Malaysia pilihan utama bagi pelabur teknologi.Kashif AnsariSokongan inisiatif kerajaan dan pelaburan besar daripada syarikat-syarikat seperti Nvidia, ByteDance, Google, AWS, dan Microsoft telah memastikan perkara (pusat data) ini berlaku.Pembangunan data di Malaysia kini mencecah 1.2 gigawatt (GW) dan dijangka meningkat sebanyak 600% dalam tempoh lima tahun akan datang.Kashif AnsariKira-kira 55% daripada projek pusat data baharu di Malaysia dirancang untuk kawasan Kuala Lumpur, manakala 45% lagi akan dibangunkan di Johor, menjadikan kedua-dua lokasi ini hab utama dalam sektor pusat data.Sebagai contoh, taman pusat data hijau oleh YTL Power di Johor akan mengintegrasikan teknologi penyejukan cecair terus-ke-cip termaju, membolehkan ketumpatan kuasa tinggi yang diperlukan untuk pemprosesan AI.Kajian oleh Blackstone, salah satu pelabur infrastruktur AI terbesar di dunia, menganggarkan dunia perlu membelanjakan sebanyak USD 2 trilion (USD 1 = RM 4.47) untuk pusat data dalam tempoh lima tahun akan datang.Malaysia berada pada kedudukan strategik untuk menguasai sebahagian besar daripada pertumbuhan ini. Johor, khususnya, telah dikenalpasti sebagai salah satu pasaran dengan perkembangan paling pesat di Asia Tenggara.Kashif AnsariJuwai IQI telah dipaparkan dalam Bernama, HMetro, Sinar Harian, Utusan dan Dagang News.Juwai IQI adalah syarikat hartanah terkemuka di peringkat global yang menyediakan wawasan mendalam mengenai pasaran hartanah tempatan dan antarabangsa untuk pelabur serta pembeli.Klik di bawah untuk mendapatkan lebih banyak maklumat pakar mengenai hartanah dari blog kami!Untuk maklumat lebih
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在买房的时候除了考虑价格,选择房地产发展商也是一门学问!马来西亚有不少优质房地产发展商,用心为大马人民打造理想家园。但其实房地产市场上还隐藏着雷区,就是所谓的不良发展商。在不知情的情况下买到黑心房地产发展商所建造的房产,不仅会让你的血汗钱付诸东流,还可能会严重影响 你在日后的人生规划。一间优质的房子能够带给你美好的生活,而房子的质量很大程度取决于发展商的实力。若在购买房子时不想踩雷,你应该要谨慎选择发展商。今天就为你介绍马来西亚来最富盛名、值得信赖的发展商!*以下排名不分先后阅读内容:1. 实达集团(S P Setia Berhad)2. 森那美房地产(Sime Darby Property Berhad)3. 奕心集团(Exsim Group)4. 绿盛世集团( Eco World Development Group Berhad )5. 林木生集团(LBS Bina Group Berhad)6. 马星集团(Mah Sing Group Berhad)7. IOI地产(IOI Properties)8. UEM阳光(UEM Sunrise)9. 金务大置地(Gamuda Land Berhad)10. IJM置地(IJM Land Berhad)11. 双威房地产(Sunway Property)12. 丽阳机构(Tropicana Corporation Berhad)如何辨识无良发展商?1. 实达集团(S P Setia Berhad)实达集团(S P Setia)成立于1970年代,在马来西亚可以说是家喻户晓的“老牌”发展商,负责发展的房产项目 包括综合乡镇、豪华住宅、公寓和平房。实达集团在2022年荣获《The Edge》卓越物业奖第一名以及“最佳质量属性奖”。作为马来西亚连续14次获得《The Edge》顶尖房地产发展商奖第一名的发展商,实达集团的实力不言而喻。旗下著名项目:吉隆坡生态城(KL Eco City),金銮镇(Bandar Kinrara)、大城堡(Bandar Baru Sri Petaling)、实达阿南(Setia Alam)和实达生态景苑(Setia Eco Park)等等。图取自SP Setia官网2. 森那美房地产(Sime Darby Property Berhad)森那美房地产旗下拥有多达25个发展繁荣的城镇或项目,其中有名的房地产项目包括梳邦再也UEP区(USJ)、 布特拉高原(Putra Heights)、 武吉日落洞(Bukit Jelutong)和阿拉白沙罗(Ara Damansara)。除了在马来西亚各地拥有资产及营运点之外 ,森那美房地产的发展也涉及英国伦敦市中心巴特西发电站的重建项目巴特西发电站(Battersea Power Station)。在2022年马来西亚产业大奖颁奖礼上,森那美房地产的City of Elmina获得大蓝图发展计划奖,其Cantara Residences也荣获中高楼类别的住宅产业发展奖。旗下著名项目:莎阿南City of Elmina城镇、森美兰州芙蓉的安斯黛儿城(Bandar Ainsdale)、阿拉白沙罗Cantara Residences等等。图取自Sime Darby Property官网3. 奕心集团(Exsim Group)巴生谷房地产发展商奕心集团成立于2008年,专门开发高端住宅、商业和工业房地产项目,其中住宅项目包括公寓,服务式公寓和豪华住宅。奕心集团旨在为客户打造独具一格的生活方式,配备一流的生活标准和生态友好的设施,让客户在绿色生活环境下。其位于武吉加里尔的项目The Rainz@Bukit Jalil更是种植了250棵树和1万6000棵灌木,将大自然带入居民的生活。旗下著名项目:The Treez Bukit Jalil、The Arcuz Kelana Jaya、Ceylonz Suites Bukit Ceylon、Millerz Square Old Klang Road等等。图取自Exsim Group官网4. 绿盛世集团(Eco World Development Group Berhad)绿盛世集团成立于2013年,是马来西亚股票上市房地产开发商,旗下开发住宅、中端房产、豪宅别墅、商住综合体以及绿色商业园等类型的房屋。目前,绿盛世集团的20个开发项目遍布马来亚,包括北马(槟城)、中马(雪兰莪及吉隆坡)和南马(柔佛)区。旗下著名项目:雪隆区的Eco Sky,Eco Majestic和武吉免登城中城(Bukit Bintang City Centre)、柔佛依斯干达经济特区(Iskandar Malaysia)的Eco Botanic和Eco Spring以及槟城的Eco Terraces。图取自Eco World官网5. 林木生集团(LBS Bina Group Berhad)林木生集团是已故拿督斯里林木生在1960年创办的家族企业,以祖传父、父传子的方式一步一脚印成为马来西亚房地产大亨之一。林木生集团的前身是林木生建筑公司,主营沙石运送。随着业务不断拓展,林木生集团涉足多个房地产领域,其中包括住宅、商业、零售、租赁、酒店和旅游等等。旗下著名项目:LBS Alam Perdana城镇、武吉加里尔的Residensi Bintang公寓和蒲种的太子城(Bandar Saujana Putra)和LBS Skylake Residence等等。图取自LBS Bina官网6. 马星集团(Mah Sing Group Berhad)马星集团是马来西亚数一数二的综合发展商,在过去25年售出超过4万个单位,并赢取超过250个大大小小的国际和本地奖项。马星集团的发展足迹主要分布在巴生谷,柔佛、槟城和沙巴,旗下业务包括住宅、商业、酒店和工业。旗下著名项目:蕉赖的M Vertica,旧古仔路的M Oscar、洗都的M Centura和万挠的M Aruna。图取自Mah Sing官网7. IOI地产(IOI Properties)IOI地产是马来西亚实力雄厚的地产开发商,主要业务涵盖产业发展、房地产投资及娱乐休闲等业务,其中城镇及综合产业是IOI地产最有名的项目。IOI地产在马来西亚拥有著名的度假城、购物中心、高尔夫球场和办公楼,包括布城万豪酒店、棕榈花园酒店,One IOI Square、Two IOI Square和IOI度假酒店(IOI Resort Hotel)。旗下著名项目:IOI购物广场、IOI度假城(IOI Resort City)、16 Sierra、万宜公主城、雪邦公主城。图取自IOI Properties官网8. UEM阳光(UEM Sunrise)UEM阳光是UEM集团及国库控股(Khazanah Nasional Berhad)旗下城镇及产业开发业务的旗舰公司,主要发展宏观城镇、高楼住宅、商业、零售及综合发展项目和物业管理。此外,UEM阳光也是柔佛州伊斯干达公主城的主要发展商,该项目也预计成为东南亚最大的综合城市发展项目。旗下著名项目:吉隆坡满佳乐(Mont Kiara)和Solaris Dutamas (Residensi Solaris Parq)、莎阿南的武吉日落洞(Bukit Jelutong)和赛城(Cyberjaya)。图取自UEM Sunrise官网9. 金务大置地(Gamuda Land Berhad)金务大置地是金务大(Gamuda Berhad)的产业臂膀,自1995年成立以来就致力于发展与自然和谐共处的建设和全面一体化的城镇。今年2月,金务大置地在金务大湾城(Gamuda Cove)推出了占地6.47公顷的VR水上乐园Splash Mania,吸引大批民众前往玩乐。旗下著名项目:巴生绿林镇(Bandar Botanic)、双溪毛糯高端住宅项目Valencia、柔佛依斯干达公主城的浩然山庄(Horizon Hills)以及加影的洁玉城镇(Jade Hills)等等。图取自Gamuda Land官网10. IJM置地(IJM Land Berhad)IJM置地是IJM怡保工程机构有限公司的产业发展子公司,秉着以买家为中心、追求卓越品质,并实践可持续性发展项目为人民打造理想家园。其旗下业务横跨马来西亚各地包括槟城、彭亨、巴生谷、森美兰、柔佛、沙巴和砂拉越等,同时也涉足国外市场如中国和英国。旗下著名项目:吉隆坡Riana Dutamas @ North Kiara、雪兰莪林峇尤镇(Bandar Rimbayu)、柔佛Austin Duta,以及槟城The Light Waterfront等等。图取自IJM Land官网11. 双威房地产(Sunway Property)双威集团成立于1974年,其核心业务之一——双威房地产在管理和开发创新优质住宅及非住宅物业(包括零售、休闲、医疗、酒店和商业等地产项目)拥有丰富经验。作为马来西亚知名的社区开发专家,我们在马来西亚、中国、新加坡、柬埔寨和越南等市场都可以看到双威房地产的项目代表作。此外,双威房地产也在《The Edge》十大房地产开发商排行榜(TPDA)中连续被评为马来西亚的顶级开发商。旗下著名项目:吉隆坡双威城、怡保双威城、槟城双威城、白沙罗双威城、双威伟乐城和依斯干达公主城。图取自Sunway Properties官网12. 丽阳机构(Tropicana Corporation Berhad)丽阳机构成立于1979年,最初以丽阳高尔夫球度假村(Tropicana Golf & Country Resort)和丽阳英达度假村(Tropicana Indah Resort Homes)进入众人视线。除了发展房地产业务以外,丽阳机构还涉足了其他领域,包括度假村发展、房地产投资、制造业和投资控股。旗下著名项目:梳邦再也的Tropicana Metropark,哥打白沙罗丽阳名捷城(Tropicana Gardens)、槟城Tropicana 218 Macalister、柔佛丽阳金海湾(Tropicana Danga Bay)和沙巴Tropicana Landmark。图取自Tropicana Corporation Berhad官网如何辨识无良发展商?如果你关注的房产项目发展商不在上述名单中,也别担心!你可以在马来西亚房屋及地方政府部网站(Kementerian Perumahan Dan Kerajaan Tempatan)查询发展商黑名单。另外,你也可以通过以下方式判断发展商是否值得信赖。只要发展商符合以下任何一项特征,就可能是无良发展商:1. 无特定执照的房地产开发公司在马来西亚,所有房地产发展商都必须申请广告准证和发展执照(APDL)才能合法经营。只要发展商公开刊登广告,就必须具备APDL。如果你对发展商提供的执照存疑,可以通过APDL编号查询其真实性,确保投资安全!2. 有搁置项目的发展商你是否经常看到那些尚未完工却被搁置在路旁的建筑?这就是人们常说的“烂尾楼”!这种情况可能是因为发展商蓄意骗取买家的定金,然后卷款跑路,留下未完成的项目;也可能是经验不足的发展商,无力应对市场变化,最终导致项目无法继续进行。因此,买房时一定要选择有实力、信誉良好的发展商,确保项目能够顺利完工。3. 拒不履行仲裁庭判决的发展商房屋买家仲裁庭(Tribunal For Homebuyer Claims)于2002年成立,依据1996年《房屋发展(控制和许可)法令》设立,专为买家提供索赔渠道,无需复杂法律程序即可向违约发展商索赔。仲裁庭最高索赔额为5万令吉,申请费仅10令吉,判决具法律约束力。买家须在收到完工与合规证书(CCC)或缺陷保修期(DLP)内的12个月内提出索赔。然而,仍有发展商拒绝履行赔偿责任,若某发展商被列入黑名单,便可见其信誉如何。4. 未偿还罚款的发展商罚款(compound)是发展商因违法行为被额外征收的费用。若发展商未偿还,不仅意味着他们曾违法,也显示他们未履行延迟付款的额外罚款,信誉堪忧。让这样不守法规、习惯拖延的发展商建造你的房子,你真的能放心吗?无论是想买房自住还是进行房地产投资,上述发展商的房地产项目都是不错的选择。口碑且信誉良好的发展商能够保障房屋质量和良好的居住体验。看完这篇介绍后,有没有找到你的心水发展商呢?立即填写资料,让IQI专业的房地产中介为你寻找可靠发展商的房地产项目![hubspot portal="5699703" id="85ebae59-f425-419b-a59d-3531ad1df948" type="form"]延伸阅读:想买房,发展商很重要!马来西亚买房三选一:新房,二手房、拍卖屋,首购族应该选哪个?首购族买房能扣税?2024年马来西亚首购族买房最全指南!
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Are you halted by the complexities of the UK property market? Are you unsure where to invest your hard-earned money?Manchester could be the answer with its booming economy and thriving property market.This article will show why Manchester is a prime investment location and how you can benefit from its continued growth. Let's explore why the future of UK property investment starts here.This article's content is provided by Sue Wong, a property expert and team leader at IQI Team Ace, who has had nearly two decades of experience in overseas property investment since 2005.Manchester, Your Investment Hub1. What is Manchester Famous For?2. London's Overpriced, So Let's Look North!3. Where is Manchester Located?4. Why Invest in Manchester?a. Economic Growthb. Rental Pricec. Regeneration Projectsd. Population Growthe. Unbeatable Connectivityf. Education HubFrequently Asked Questions (FAQ)1. What is Manchester Famous For?Manchester is a city steeped in history and brimming with modern energy. It's the birthplace of the industrial revolution and home to world-renowned football clubs, Manchester United and Manchester City.The city's cultural scene is equally vibrant, with iconic institutions like the hit TV series "Coronation Street" (ITV) and The University of Manchester adding to its fame. You might even recognize the Old Trafford or Etihad Stadium from major sporting events! This unique blend of heritage and progress makes it an exciting place to live and invest in.2. London's Overpriced, So Let's Look North!It's no secret that London's property market is becoming increasingly unaffordable. Savvy investors are now setting their sights on cities like Manchester, offering a more attractive entry point and excellent growth potential.Imagine owning a charming red-brick house in Manchester for the price of a small flat in London – that's the reality of the market today! This northward shift is driven by the fact that Manchester offers a better value proposition for investors and residents.3. Where is Manchester Located?Source: Google MapManchester is strategically located in the heart of the United Kingdom, making it easily accessible from major cities. A quick 2-hour train ride will take you from London to Manchester, while a car journey takes around 3.5 hours.This superb connectivity makes Manchester an attractive hub for businesses and residents, enhancing its appeal as an investment destination. Think about the convenience of living in a vibrant city with easy access to the rest of the UK!4. Why Invest in Manchester?a. Economic GrowthManchester is experiencing an economic boom, positioning itself as a leading city in the UK. The continuous growth of Manchester has resulted in a thriving business ecosystem.Major corporations and innovative startups increasingly choose to establish their presence in the city, fueling demand for commercial and residential spaces. This is what Manchester is: the economic boomtown of the UK!Here's a closer look at Manchester's economic growth story, visualized with historical data:Source: Global Premier PropertiesManchester's economy has grown significantly since 2000, expanding by 49% to reach £36.6 billion in 2020, thanks partly to successful economic initiatives like the Northern Powerhouse project. Projections estimate this growth will continue, reaching £53.7 billion annually by 2035.This growth is also reflected in individual productivity, with Gross Value Added (GVA) per person increasing by 31% since 2000 and projected to rise a further 24% by 2035.GVA growth in major cities and combined authorities — 2022Source: EYGVA growth in major cities and combined authorities — 2023Source: EYWhile the UK offers numerous property investment opportunities, Manchester consistently distinguishes itself as a prime location, outpacing even London in key metrics. In 2022, Manchester's GVA growth was at an impressive 6.4%, exceeding London by 0.5%, whilst Sheffield and Birmingham trailed behind at 4.1%, underscoring the city's robust economic expansion.What does that mean for investors? Unlike several cities such as Birmingham and Nottingham that saw a projected contraction in 2023, Manchester continues to see an impressive projected growth rate at 2.2% - the most vigorous projected growth among the major cities, significantly outperforming many other locations, including London at 0.6%, Leeds, Sheffield and other states at less than 0.9% of predicted growth.This dynamic growth translates to a thriving property market, promising strong rental yields and capital appreciation and ultimately positioning Manchester as the clear frontrunner for savvy investors seeking to maximize their returns in the UK.b. Rental PriceKey:PCM: Per Calendar Month% YoY: Percentage Year-over-Year change3YR CAGR: Three-Year Compound Annual Growth RateRegionAverage Rent (PCM)% YoY (Oct 2024)% YoY (Oct 2023)3YR CAGRUK£1,2703.9%9.1%8.3%UK ex London£1,0135.1%9.3%8.0%East Midlands£8833.3%9.5%7.3%East of England£1,2175.4%9.7%7.7%London£2,1881.3%8.7%8.9%North East£7328.7%9.0%8.8%North West£8975.9%10.6%9.4%Northern Ireland£80110.5%2.5%6.8%Scotland£8345.8%12.3%9.8%South East£1,3574.5%9.2%7.7%South West£1,1114.4%8.0%7.2%Wales£8975.2%9.8%8.9%West Midlands£9465.5%8.8%8.1%Yorkshire and the Humber£8314.1%7.6%7.1%CityAverage Rent (PCM)% YoY (Oct 2024)% YoY (Oct 2023)3YR CAGRBelfast£81911.5%3.1%7.5%Birmingham£9854.5%8.9%8.3%Bristol£1,4334.0%7.6%7.9%Cardiff£1,1265.3%10.3%9.2%Edinburgh£1,3504.8%14.4%10.5%Glasgow£9892.9%12.7%9.7%Leeds£9871.9%7.4%6.4%Liverpool£8436.5%8.6%8.0%Manchester£1,1244.2%11.4%10.1%Nottingham£9480.0%10.4%6.8%Sheffield£8373.1%6.9%7.2%Southampton£1,1575.3%10.6%8.5%Source: Zoopla UK Rental Market Report (December 2024 Version)The rental price is crucial for property investors, and Manchester shines in this area.Manchester presents a compelling case that sets it apart. Manchester's rental market demonstrates robust growth, with a 4.2% year-on-year increase in average rents as of October 2024, reaching £1,124 per month.This outperforms cities like London, where rental inflation has slowed to a mere 1.3%, and even surpasses the national average of 3.9%.Crucially, Manchester's strong performance isn't a recent anomaly. Over the past three years, it has enjoyed a compound annual growth rate (CAGR) of 10.1%, indicating sustained and healthy demand.This impressive growth is fueled by a thriving economy and a growing population, resulting in a rental yield that often outpaces other significant cities. Unlike some regions experiencing a slowdown, Manchester's rental market is projected to remain buoyant, particularly in more affordable areas experiencing 'catch-up' growth, making it an attractive prospect for investors seeking capital appreciation and consistent rental income.In comparison, cities like Nottingham are seeing a 0.0% growth, indicating investors should consider looking to Manchester instead.c. Regeneration ProjectsManchester is undergoing a dramatic transformation, with over £7 billion invested in regeneration projects, according to Manchester City Council Annual Report 2024.These projects, including the expansion of Manchester Airport and the development of the Northern Gateway, are creating vibrant new neighborhoods, improving infrastructure, and boosting the city's overall appeal.Investing in an area undergoing regeneration means you're buying into a future of enhanced amenities, improved connectivity, and increased property values. Here are the highlights of regeneration project that undergoing in Manchester:Manchester Airport: The £1.3 billion expansion will modernize the airport and improve the passenger experience. This project will merge Terminals 2 and 3, adding a major extension to Terminal 2. This means better service, more destinations, and increased economic activity, positively impacting property values in the surrounding areas.Northern Gateway: With an investment of around £650 million, this project will create 1.2 million sq m of employment space, generating 20,000 jobs directly and 2,000 indirectly. Alongside, it includes the development of 3,000 new homes. Such development means a significant boost to the local economy, creating demand for housing and increasing property values.Salford Quays £550 million Development The areas around Salford Quays will also undergo extensive changes, featuring: Imperial War Museum, The Lowry, Ordsall Hall, sporting activities and entertainment. The unique waterfront location also one of the attractive key point of this project. This mean the project aims to turn the area into a thriving hub, enhancing property values in this zone.Pomona Island £350 million Development Focuses on 22 acre regeneration on Manchester ship, between Salford Quays and Manchester city centre, with 2 plots for retail and leisure, and commercial. The project includes £350 million metrolink extension, connecting 6 stops to Trafford centre in 30 min. These developments highlight Manchester’s ambitious urban projects, driving substantial economic and residential growth.Chapel Street £1 billion Development: This extensive project will revitalize the underused railway arches along the Irwell River, creating new walking and cycling routes that connect Greengate and New Bailey.Greengate Square £400 million in Private Sector Investment: Features redeveloped spaces with events space, bubbling fountains, ambient lighting. Enjoy scenic views of the River Irwell and Manchester's skyline, making the area more desirable and dynamic.MediaCity UK: Located at Salford Quays, this £550 million development houses major media companies like BBC North, ITV, and Kellogg's, turning the area into a creative hub. It offers skills programs and career events to support local talent and works with charities like Salford Foodbank and Salford Foundation, enriching the community. The growing population drawn by jobs and business opportunities at MediaCity UK boosts the demand for housing, making property investment highly attractive.d. Population GrowthSource: Manchester City CouncilManchester is experiencing a significant population surge, making it a prime location for property investment. The figure by Manchester City Council illustrates this robust growth, with Manchester City Council’s Forecasting Model (MCCFM) charting an increase from approximately 539,000 in 2015 to around 625,000 by 2025.Projections indicate this upward trend is set to continue, with models like MCCFM W2020 forecasting the population to reach close to 635,000 by 2026.This rapid population expansion directly fuels housing demand, creating a compelling environment for investors seeking strong rental yields and capital appreciation.i. Top 10 Cities in the UK with Highest Population in the Year 2025City NamePopulationLondon9,841,000Manchester2,833,000West Midlands2,705,000West Yorkshire1,956,000Glasgow1,719,000South Hampshire967,000Liverpool929,000Newcastle upon Tyne834,000Nottingham819,000Sheffield757,000Source: Marcotrendsii. Manchester - Historical Population Data (10 Years)YearPopulationGrowth Rate20252,833,0000.75%20242,812,0000.75%20232,791,0000.76%20222,770,0000.73%20212,750,0000.73%20202,730,0000.74%20192,710,0000.74%20182,690,0000.71%20172,671,0000.72%20162,652,0000.72%20152,633,0000.73%Source: MarcotrendsWhile the UK presents numerous appealing cities for property investment, Manchester distinguishes itself with a compelling combination of robust population growth and sustained demand. Unlike locations facing uncertain demographic futures, Manchester boasts a decade-long track record of consistent population increase, projected to reach over 2.8 million by 2025 and underpinned by an annual growth rate averaging above 0.7%. This sustained expansion, in contrast to fluctuating demographics seen in some regions, translates directly into a dependable and ever-increasing demand for housing. This data-backed trend establishes Manchester not merely as a city experiencing a temporary boom, but as a location with fundamentally strong, long-term potential for property investment, offering investors a significantly more secure and predictable market compared to cities with less certain population trajectories. For those seeking enduring portfolio growth rooted in reliable demand, Manchester's demographic strength presents a distinctly advantageous opportunity within the UK landscape.e. Unbeatable ConnectivitySource: Bee NetworkManchester boasts excellent transportation links, making it a well-connected city within the UK and internationally. Manchester Airport, the UK's largest airport outside London, offers flights to over 185 destinations.The city's comprehensive rail network, including major stations like Piccadilly, Oxford Road, and Victoria, ensures easy access to other parts of the country. At the same time, Manchester has been recognized as the best connected city in the UK. A detailed study from "Transport for Wales" analyzed 30 UK cities, evaluating them based on public transport stops, phone coverage, and broadband quality. Manchester excelled in all areas, particularly in its extensive network of public transport options and superior phone and broadband coverage.This means living in Manchester offers unparalleled ease of movement and digital connectivity.Below is the list of the top 10 best connected cities:Top 10 Best Connected Cities in the UKRankCity1Manchester2Nottingham3Glasgow4Southampton5Hull6Belfast7Coventry8Cardiff9Leeds10WrexhamSource: North Property Groupf. Education HubManchester is home to renowned educational institutions, including the University of Manchester, Manchester Metropolitan University, the University of Salford, the University of Bolton, and the Royal Northern College of Music. These institutions attract over 100,000 students, creating a strong demand for rental properties.For property investors, this translates into a consistent pool of potential tenants and strong rental yields. Many students prefer staying in well-located, modern apartments, which further boosts demand for new developments. Here are the statistic of the number of student in year 2022/23:Source: Statista 2025University of Manchester: 46,860Manchester Metropolitan University: 39,095University of Salford: 26,260University of Bolton: 10,845Royal Northern College of Music: 890Total: 123,950Manchester's remarkable economic growth, high rental yields, extensive regeneration projects, growing population, and unbeatable connectivity make it a prime location for property investment. Whether you're a seasoned investor or a first-time buyer, Manchester offers a wealth of opportunities to grow your portfolio and secure your financial future. Don't miss out on the chance to be part of this dynamic city's success story – the future of UK property investment starts in Manchester.Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)1. Why should I consider investing in Manchester property?Manchester presents a compelling investment opportunity due to its robust economic growth, strong rental yields, significant regeneration projects, rapid population growth, excellent connectivity, and status as a major education hub. Compared to London, Manchester offers a more affordable entry point with high growth potential and a better value proposition for investors.2. Is Manchester really experiencing economic growth, or is it just hype?Manchester is genuinely experiencing substantial economic growth. Its economy grew by 49% between 2000 and 2020, reaching £36.6 billion, and is projected to reach £53.7 billion by 2035. Manchester's GVA growth has even surpassed London's in recent years, and it consistently shows strong projected growth, unlike some other UK cities facing potential economic contraction. This real growth translates to a thriving property market.3. How does Manchester's rental market compare to other UK cities, especially London?Manchester's rental market is outperforming many other UK cities, including London. As of October 2024, Manchester saw a 4.2% year-on-year increase in average rents, compared to London's slower growth of 1.3% and the UK average of 3.9%. Manchester also boasts a strong 3-Year CAGR of 10.1%, indicating consistent and healthy rental growth. This strong performance is driven by high demand and is projected to continue, offering attractive rental yields for investors, especially compared to stagnant markets like Nottingham (0.0% growth).4. Where is Manchester located and how easy is it to get there?Manchester is strategically located in the heart of the UK, making it very accessible. It's about a 2-hour train journey from London and approximately 3.5 hours by car. Manchester boasts excellent transportation links, including Manchester Airport (the UK's largest outside London) and a comprehensive rail network with major stations like Piccadilly and Victoria. Its central location and superb connectivity make it a highly desirable hub for businesses and residents.5. What kind of regeneration is happening in Manchester and how does it affect property investment?Manchester is undergoing extensive regeneration with over £7 billion invested in various projects. These projects include expanding Manchester Airport, developing the Northern Gateway, revitalizing Salford Quays and Pomona Island, and enhancing areas like Chapel Street and Greengate Square. These projects are creating new neighborhoods, improving infrastructure, and boosting the city's appeal. Investing in areas undergoing regeneration can lead to increased property values, enhanced amenities, and better connectivity in the future.6. Is Manchester experiencing population growth, and why is that important for investors?Yes, Manchester is experiencing a significant population surge. The population has grown from around 510,000 in 2012 to approximately 550,000 by 2018, and projections estimate it will reach nearly 670,000 by 2030. This rapid population growth is crucial for property investors as it directly fuels housing demand, creating a strong environment for rental yields and potential capital appreciation.7. Manchester is mentioned as an education hub. How does this benefit property investors?Manchester is indeed a major education hub, home to renowned universities attracting over 100,000 students. This large student population creates a consistent and reliable demand for rental properties, especially apartments located near universities or with good transport links. This student tenant pool ensures strong rental yields and reduces vacancy periods for property investors targeting the student market.8. Is property in Manchester still affordable compared to London?Yes, property in Manchester is significantly more affordable than in London. The content explicitly highlights that investors can own a charming red-brick house in Manchester for the price of a small flat in London. This affordability, coupled with strong growth potential, makes Manchester a much more attractive and accessible entry point into the UK property market, especially for those priced out of London.9. What are some of the key advantages of Manchester over other Northern cities like Birmingham or Leeds for property investment?While other Northern cities also offer opportunities, Manchester is presented as consistently outperforming them. In 2022, Manchester's GVA growth (6.4%) exceeded both London (0.5%) and other major cities like Birmingham and Sheffield. Furthermore, while some cities like Birmingham and Nottingham faced projected economic contraction in 2023, Manchester was projected to have the most vigorous growth (2.2%) amongst major cities. Manchester's rental market growth is also stronger, and its comprehensive regeneration projects and connectivity further solidify its leading position in the North.Sue Wong, a property expert and team leader at IQI Team Ace, provides the content of this article.Sue Wong, a property expert with nearly 20 years of international real estate experience (since 2005), specializes in Malaysian, UK, Australian, Japanese, and Thai property markets.Her passion for real estate and her background as a pharmacist gives her a unique perspective. As a team leader at IQI, Sue is known for her friendly, trustworthy approach and commitment to helping clients and colleagues achieve their property goals. She enjoys travel, food, and connecting with people.Should You have any enquiries regarding real estate in Malaysia, the UK, Australia, Japan, and Thailand, you may approach Sue for further assistance.Whatsapp: +60 12-290-8483Facebook: Sue WongWechat: siewch1Email: siewch.prop@gmail.comIQI website: SUE WONG SIEW CHYONGAre you looking for a Manchester or UK property investment solution? We can help you! Please fill in the form below and our representative will approach you soon![hubspot portal="5699703" id="75dff16f-9ff7-4502-896f-fe4d3bec8865" type="form"]Continue Reading:2025 Global Real Estate Trends: Unlocking New OpportunitiesReal Estate vs Banking: Why Real Estate Wins in PakistanStrategies To Manage Inflation Risk in International Real Estate Investments
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