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Version: EN, MY买房说起来容易,但实际上却是一个艰难的路程......特别是对首购族来说,懵懵懂懂地根本不知道要如何开始。从选房、地区、可负担的房价和每月供期,到后期的各种费用,许多首购族在整个买房过程中,都会感到迷茫、困惑。此外,90%的首购族在买房过程中,都会出现以下这些念头和问题,现在就为你一一解析,以帮助你顺利找到合适又满意的房子!阅读内容:1. 首购族有什么好处? 2. 第一间屋子应该买公寓还是排屋?3. 为什么屋子都这么贵?4. 屋子要供多少钱才不会造成负担?5. 这些专业术语都是什么?6. 为什么一些银行批我的房贷,一些却不批?7. 房贷保险怎么选?8. 房屋买卖合约怎么这么多文件?9. 签好所有文件后就能拿钥匙?10. 装修房子需要花很多钱吗?1. 首购族有什么好处? 很多人都说,首购族更应该要买房,因为政府给很多买房补助。 但是,作为首购族的你,还是不知道政府给了哪些补助,甚至还不清楚首购族到底有什么好处? 没关系,现在就为你整理政府给首购族的买房补助,让你轻松拥有人生中的第一间房子! 根据政府公布的《2025年财政预算案》,在2025年买房的首购族,就有以下3个政府补助,但条件是购买房价不超过RM500,000的房子: 最高120%贷款:购买捐献地(wakaf land)房子的首购族,政府将提供高达120%融资担保。 免100%印花税:100%豁免买卖合约、贷款合约和转让备忘录(MOT)文件的印花税。 税务减免高达RM7,000:只要在2025年买房并签署买卖合约的首购族,将能获得高达RM7,000的个人所得税税务减免。 2. 第一间屋子应该买公寓还是排屋?在看房价之前,很多首购族在决定买房时,首先会在买公寓还是排屋之间犹豫。其实,这非常看个人需求,同时也要思考自己未来的计划。若是以个人需求来看,就要视乎你更在乎房子的空间,还是便利的生活:公寓:一般上设有健身房、游泳池、篮球场,有些甚至还有便利商店、餐厅等,生活设施非常便利,同时也有保安24小时巡逻、设有闭路电视,安全获得保障。排屋:有更多的私人活动空间,更不需要花时间等电梯,也不用担心有限的停车位问题。如果以长远的计划来看,许多人买公寓是当成“暂时”的住宿,直到有能力后才购买排屋等空间更大的房子。而现有的公寓则用来出租,每月赚取租金。那如果第一间屋子就买排屋怎么办?当然,当你有能力购买更大的第二间房子时,现有的排屋也能当作Airbnb投资或出租。因此,第一间房子无论是买公寓还是排屋,建议根据自己的需求、未来计划来决定。当然,最重要的,还是要根据自己的财务能力,选购自己能负担的房子。3. 为什么屋子都这么贵?这是很多首购族在搜寻房子时,会萌生的第一个念头!房地产价格每年都在上涨,加上不同地区、类型、空间、装修等,价格都会有所不同。此外,我们在搜索房子时,经常会被各种好处吸引,甚至会慢慢往越来越好的房子方向进行研究、对比,所以你看到的房价也会越来越高。如果说买房是一种能力,那么找房就是一种技能,因此在找房时可以先列下你的理想区域、预算和需求,再以此慢慢过滤,才能找到合适的房子。当然,如果你还是觉得房价太高,也可以留意政府的可负担房屋计划,从中找到价格亲民、合适你的房子。4. 屋子要供多少钱才不会造成负担?看到现在的房价都这么贵,是不是担心自己负担不起每个月的供期呢?先不要担心,你可以先大概计算自己的能力范围,再从中找到合适和你能力范围的房子。那要如何计算你的可负担范围呢?不妨参考以下3个方法:i. 看薪买房最简单、直接的方式,就是依照你的薪水范围,去购买特定价位的房子(以90%房贷、4%的房贷利率为例):月薪房价月供RM3,000RM200,000RM796.99RM3,500RM300,000RM1,195.49RM5,000RM400,000RM1,593.99RM6,000RM500,000RM1,992.49RM7,500RM600,000RM2,390.98RM8,500RM700,000RM2,789.48RM9,500RM800,000RM3,187.97RM10,500RM900,000RM3,586.46图表资料取自小红书ii. 计算偿债比率(DSR)偿债比率(Debt Service Ratio,简称DSR)是银行计算你每月偿还房贷能力的一种公式。银行会根据你的每月净收入、固定债务,来计算你的债务负担范围。不过,你也可以根据以下公式,来自行估算自己的DSR比率,从而找到可负担的房子:DSR = (每月固定债务总数 + 你的房贷月供) / 每月净收入 x 100%只要DSR比率少于70%,就表示你能负担该房价,在选房子时就能在该范围找房子啦!iii. 运用3-3-5法则3-3-5买房法则是受到新加坡公积金局认可的买房计算法则。只要在买房之前,针对以下3个法则进行考量,就能确保自己在财务安全的情况下买房:3:你的储蓄是房价的30%;3:你的每月房屋供期不超过月薪的三分之一;5:你不能购买房价超过你年收入5倍的房子。这三种方法都能帮助计算出你可负担的房价和每月供期,让你在财务安全的情况下,买到你心仪的房子。5. 这些专业术语都是什么?当你找到合适的房子,并跟房地产中介预订房子时,这时对方会要求你支付预订费(booking fees),以及填下预订表格(booking form)。截至这一步,相信许多首购族还清楚知道自己支付的是什么费用、填了哪些表格。但接下来,当成功申请房屋贷款后,对首购族而言,才是最挑战的买房过程!因为在后期的买卖过程中,首购族将从各种买房文件、房地产中介的口中看到和听到以下重要字眼。而这些都是买家都必须认识并了解的买房专业术语,包括:专业术语意思头期(Downpayment)被视为买房押金,一般上是10%,而银行最多会批准90%的房贷额,如果银行批准的房贷少于90%,买家的头期需要补上剩余的金额。印花税(Stamp duty)是针对房地产法律文件(如贷款合约、买卖合约等)而征收的一笔税费,由买家承担。买卖合约(SPA或S&P)买卖双方之间具有法律约束力的书面合同,内容包括了交易金额、条款与条件、各自的义务等,这需要付律师费和印花税。律师费(Legal fees)买家委托律师处理房地产法律事务所需支付的费用。贷款协议书(Letter Offer,LO)银行愿意提供贷款,并给你的贷款提议,内容会提到你将获得的利益、利息、条件等。贷款合约(Loan Agreement,LA)是银行愿意借贷,买家愿意偿还贷款的合约,内容包括借贷金额、利率、还款期限等,这需要付律师费和印花税。贷款进度利息(Progressive Interest)只要是购买新房的买家,当房子还在建造时,就需要支付这笔贷款利息,直至房子完工。递减式房屋贷款保险(MRTA)房贷保险之一,保额会随着贷款额慢慢减少,你的保障也会减少,若失去经济能力时,保险将偿还剩下的贷款额。抵押定额式房屋贷款保险(MLTA)另一种房贷保险,保额不会随着时间而有所改变,也具有现金价值,赔偿金额除了偿还剩余贷款额,也会分配给受益人。CCRIS由国行旗下的信贷资料局创建和管理的信用报告,记录了你所有的财务情况。CTOS由私人机构创建与管理的信用报告,以FICO计算方程式作为基础所开发,提供信用分数。分层地契(Strata Title)发给公寓、办公楼或gated and guarded住宅区的个别单位,证明屋主除了拥有本身的单位,也与其他屋主共同拥有公共空间与设施。总地契(Master Title)是房子在建造和开发阶段所签发的所有权文件,一般以土地业者或发展商的名义注册。个别地契(Individual Title)发给有地房产的一种地契,证明你在法律上是该土地的拥有者。永久地契(Freehold Title)屋主一直拥有房地产的拥有权,并可以把产权留给后代或任何人,政府不能随意收回土地。租赁地契/ 99年地契(Leasehold Title)屋主只是向政府租用该土地或居住该房子。住宅地契(Residential Title)发给用于居住的房地产的地契,持有这类地契的房产只能用于居住或短期出租给别人居住。商业地契(Commercial Title)发给用于商业经营或相关交易的房地产地契,水电费费率较高,也不受房屋发展法令的保护。房屋发展法令(Housing Development Act)用于保护住房购买者的利益,并规定开发商的许可规则、相关职责和责任。隔夜政策利率(OPR)国行设定的一种利息,作为银行和银行之间隔日借贷的参考利息。完工认可证书(Certificate of Completion and Compliance,CCC)由地方政府和大马建筑师局发出的证书,以证明房子已经建成,能安全入住,这仅限购买新房的买家需要注意。产业转移手续(Memorandum of Transfer,MOT)卖家将房子正式转移至买家名下的程序,这将会在房子建好后进行,通常需要支付律师费和印花税。无论你刚刚买房了,还是正打算买房,现在赶快了解并熟悉这些专业术语,之后签署合约或支付费用时,就不会满头疑问了!6. 为什么一些银行批我的房贷,一些却不批?一般上我们在申请银行房贷买房的时候,都会申请几家银行的房贷。而这时候你就会发现,一些银行会批准你的房贷申请,有些却不批。即使一些银行批准你的房贷申请,但不同的银行也会提供不同的贷款数额和利率。因此,相信许多首购族会开始疑惑,明明呈交的文件差不多,为什么各家银行提供不同的贷款数额?首先,每家银行在审批房屋贷款时,都会根据申请者的收入、信用记录、DSR(债务偿还率)等,进行多方面的评估。除此之外,每家银行都会有不同的申请条件,所以就会出现有些银行不批你的房贷申请,或是提供不同的贷款数额。因此,如果想要提高你的房贷获批率,首购族可以先提高你的信用记录(credit history)和信用评级(credit rating)。7. 房贷保险怎么选?当你成功获得银行房屋贷款后,银行都会要求买家购买房贷保险。一旦借贷者不幸去世或因意外失去经济能力,且尚未还清房贷,这时房贷保险就会偿还供款。一般上,房贷保险分为两种:递减式房屋贷款保险(MRTA)和抵押定额式房屋贷款保险(MLTA)。这两种房贷保险除了在价格上的差别,保险的受益对象、灵活性等也有所不同。因此,首购族可以先了解MRTA和MLTA之间的差别后,再根据情况选择合适的保险。8. 房屋买卖合约怎么这么多文件?当你获得房贷、签好相关房屋贷款文件后,那就代表已经在成功买下房子的路上了!接下来就是要签署房屋买卖合约(SPA)和其他相关文件,才算是完成整个买房过程。值得一提的是,签署房屋买卖合约不是只有一份,加上其他文件,至少要签上半小时。因此,千万不要因为文件太多,而随便签字,尤其是首购族一定要注意检查各种细节内容,包括新屋地址、房型、个人资料、房屋价格等等。如果你在签署文件的过程,发现有资料错误,或是不解的地方,一定要停止签名并提出疑问,要求律师解释清楚后再签署。9. 签好所有文件后就能拿钥匙?当然不是!当你签好所有文件后,律师会帮你处理所有文件;当一些程序完成后,才能等通知拿钥匙。不仅如此,不同的房子类型,通知拿钥匙的时间也有所不同。如果你是购买二手房子,那么签好所有文件、一切程序完成后,基本上很快地就能拿房子钥匙了。至于那些购买新项目的房子的首购族,则需要等房子建好后,才能拿钥匙。尤其购买公寓或保安围篱(Gated and Guarded)的有地房屋,要注意的一点是,当你收到发展商的拿钥匙通知信(Vacant Possession),你还需要预先支付几个月的物业管理费。而具体的费用,则视个别发展商的要求,因此购买这类型房产的首购族,一定要事先准备好现金来缴费,之后才能拿钥匙。当你拿了钥匙后,你就可以开始检查房子、构思房子装修和设计风格,打造你梦想中的家园。10. 装修房子需要花很多钱吗?许多人都会说,买房其实不贵,最贵的是装修房子。这是因为装修房子、买软装等,都需要立刻把钱付清,给人一种钱包瞬间“扁”了的错觉;而买房则是花35年来慢慢偿还银行房屋贷款。因此,装修房子真的很贵吗?其实这些都是看你想要哪些设计风格,以及房子内的装潢、所使用的材质。不过,建议先设下一个装修预算,然后咨询专业人士的装修建议,再根据自己能接受的预算范围装修房子。当房子装修好后,你就能选入伙的吉日,准备搬家住新房啦!但回到现实,接下来就是35年的房奴,同时还要缴纳各种水电费、管理费、门牌税、地税等等……现在买房的各种疑问都有了解答,那就立即行动寻找你心仪的房子吧!当然也建议寻求房地产中介的帮助,就像是IQI的专业房地产中介,他们能为你提供全面的买房建议,让你更快地找到合适的房子![hubspot portal="5699703" id="85ebae59-f425-419b-a59d-3531ad1df948" type="form"]延伸阅读:新房 vs 二手房:5大关键教你买下最划算的房子!联名买房Yes Or No?买了房才闹掰怎么办?2025年5个装修必备的室内流行色,让你的家温馨惬意又时尚!
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As we step into 2025, many of us feel inspired to turn over a new leaf. The start of a new year is the perfect time to set goals that pave the way for personal growth and self-improvement. Instead of vague aspirations, let’s focus on actionable New Year's resolutions that can truly make a difference in our lives. Here are 5 ideas to guide you toward a fulfilling year ahead!Table of contentsStart Journaling for Self-ReflectionStart Financial Planning and InvestingExplore and Travel the WorldGet Creative in the KitchenCommit to a Sport or Fitness RoutineStart Journaling for Self-ReflectionJournaling isn’t just about jotting down your day; it’s a powerful tool for introspection and growth. Writing about your goals, gratitude, or even venting about your day helps you process emotions and clarify thoughts. Dedicating just a few minutes daily to this practice can lead to greater mental health, self-awareness, and emotional balance. Use a to-do list to prioritise your writing and track your progress. Making resolutions like journaling also encourages reducing screen time and establishing a consistent daily routine that fosters reflection and personal growth.Start Financial Planning and InvestingSaving money and achieving financial clarity start with a simple first step—understanding your income and expenses. Create a budget that aligns with your priorities, making room to save for both short-term goals and future aspirations. Take on the rewarding task of exploring investments like stocks, mutual funds, or real estate, which offer a strong financial advantage and help build long-term stability.By adopting new habits like weekly budgeting and tracking your spending, you can set smart goals and achieve lasting financial security. These steps not only support your career goals but also pave the way for a brighter future for you and your loved ones.Explore and Travel the WorldTravel isn’t just about ticking destinations off a list; it’s about experiences, growth, and breaking out of routines. Make 2025 the year you immerse yourself in new cultures and landscapes. Whether it’s a road trip with new friends or an international adventure, planning your travels—from budgeting to itinerary building—adds to the excitement. Exploring new foods or learning a new language along the way can make your experiences even more enriching. For a deeper connection, consider joining a book club abroad or practicing local customs to create meaningful memories.Get Creative in the KitchenCooking is a rewarding skill that boosts confidence, encourages creativity, and helps you save money. Trying new recipes brings excitement to your meals while also offering healthier options. Experiment with different cuisines, join a cooking class, or create a family book club around favourite cookbooks. This hobby not only nurtures your personal growth but also strengthens bonds with loved ones. Whether it’s a casual weeknight dinner or a planned event, cooking allows you to track your progress and celebrate small victories in a fun, hands-on way.Commit to a Sport or Fitness RoutineExercise is often a clichéd resolution, but finding an activity you genuinely enjoy can make it a lasting new habit. Whether it’s yoga, swimming, cycling, or joining a team sport, staying active becomes easier when it’s fun. Setting achievable goals, such as 30 minutes of exercise three times a week, makes the process less daunting. Incorporating movement into your week can improve both your mental health and physical well-being. Staying active also enhances your focus, helps reduce stress, and provides a sense of accomplishment.As we step into 2025, think of your New Year's resolutions as the starting line for an exciting journey. This is your chance to embrace personal growth, try a new hobby, and create a life filled with purpose and joy.So, grab your planner, set those smart goals, and dive in with enthusiasm. Remember, it’s not about perfection—it’s about progress. Start small, stay curious, and watch how these simple changes snowball into something extraordinary!Start 2025 with a fresh focus on growing your investments! Reach out to our agents today and take the first step towards finding the perfect investment tailored to your every need. Let’s make your financial goals a reality![hubspot portal="5699703" id="85ebae59-f425-419b-a59d-3531ad1df948" type="form"]Continue Reading:The 2025 Holiday Calendar is Out! Plan for the Upcoming Weekends and School Holidays!Back to the 70’s? 2025 Home Trends Is All About Fun, Funky and Futuristic! Colour Trends 2025: 5 Interior Shades to Paint Your Home Next Year
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Version: CN, MYChoosing the right career after university or even considering a career shift can be a risk that's highly rewarding.Especially after the announcement of Budget 2025 presented by Prime Minister Datuk Seri Anwar Ibrahim on October 18th, 2024, the minimum wage will be raised to RM1,700 from RM1,500, starting on February 1, 2025.That said, choosing the right job is crucial for individuals seeking a balance between good earning potential and career growth opportunities.If you're looking to change careers or start fresh, you've come to the right place.Read on for a list of the seven latest high paying jobs in Malaysia!7 Highest Paying Jobs in Malaysia1. Surgeon2. Dentist3. Lawyer4. Data Scientist5. Senior Software Engineer6. Civil Engineer 7. Real Estate Agent / Real Estate Negotiator1. SurgeonEstimated Salary: RM10,000 - 19,000 (or higher)Qualification: Pursue a Bachelor of Medicine, Bachelor of Surgery degree (MBBS). This can take four to six years.Due to the nature of their work, surgeons are widely known as a highest paying job over the years.Surgeons are responsible for performing complex and delicate medical procedures, requiring extensive training and expertise.This high level of skill is reflected in their salary, making it one of the most high paying jobs in the medical field.The rigorous educational journey, having to complete medical school and specialized residency training, prepares surgeons to handle life-saving procedures and complex cases, justifying the high salaries associated with this profession.In addition to the base salary, surgeons can also earn significant income through bonuses and additional compensations, particularly in specialized fields like neurosurgery, cardiothoracic surgery, and orthopedic surgery.These specializations often require even more advanced skills and training, further increasing earning potential.2. DentistEstimated Salary: RM7,000 - RM10,000 (or higher)Qualification: A degree in dentistry recognised by the Malaysian Dental Council (MDC). This usually takes five years to finish in Malaysia.Dentists command high salaries due to a confluence of factors. The rigorous educational journey, encompassing a four-year undergraduate degree followed by four years of dental school, necessitates a substantial investment in time and resources. This extensive training equips dentists with specialized skills and in-depth knowledge in oral health, encompassing the diagnosis and treatment of dental diseases, the execution of oral surgeries, and the provision of cosmetic dentistry.This expertise is highly valued in the job market, contributing to their high earning potential. Furthermore, the persistent demand for dental services, driven by the importance of oral health in overall well-being, creates a favourable market for dentists. Many dentists also embrace entrepreneurial opportunities by establishing their own private practices, granting them greater control over their income and potentially leading to higher earnings compared to employment within larger dental groups. 3. LawyerEstimated Salary: RM5,000 - RM8,000Qualification: After completing Law Degree, you must sit for the Certificate in Legal Practice (CLP) examination, which usually require an additional year of study.Lawyers can specialize in multiple fields, including corporate law, criminal defense, intellectual property, and more.Each specialization comes with its own set of challenges and rewards, often translating into high financial compensation.For instance, corporate lawyers navigate complex mergers and acquisitions or handle intricate contractual negotiations, and are among the top earners in the legal field.In addition to their base salary, lawyers can significantly increase their earnings through performance bonuses, billable hours, and successful case outcomes.High-profile cases or representing major corporations can lead to exceptional financial rewards, making it a high paying job for commission-based income.The path to becoming a lawyer requires rigorous education and training, including obtaining a law degree and passing the bar exam.However, the financial rewards and the potential for career growth make it a highly sought-after profession.4. Data ScientistEstimated Salary: RM7,000 - RM9,000Qualification: Obtained a degree in related field such as Computer Science, Statistics and Information Technology.With their strong analytical skills, data scientists analyze vast amounts of data, identify trends, and create predictive models that can transform business strategies.They also work extensively with, and maintain data infrastructure, ensuring that systems and architectures used to store and process data are efficient and scalable.Additionally, their role often intersects with business administration, as they collaborate with business leaders to align data-driven insights with organizational goals and strategies.Their ability to translate complex data into actionable recommendations makes them highly valuable, reflected in their high salaries.Companies across sectors, from tech to finance to healthcare, are constantly looking for skilled data scientists, contributing to high demand and lucrative compensation packages.5. Senior Software EngineerEstimated Salary: RM7,000 - RM9,000Qualification: Obtained a degree in related field such as Computer Science, Statistics and Information Technology.As technology continues to shape our world, software engineering is at the forefront of the job market. Senior software engineers design, develop, and maintain complex systems and applications that drive innovation and efficiency across industries.Senior software engineers are highly skilled professionals responsible for overseeing software development projects, ensuring the quality and functionality of software products, and mentoring junior engineers.Their education in computer science and expertise in coding, system architecture, and project management makes them invaluable assets to companies, leading to impressive salaries and compensation packages.The demand for senior software engineers is particularly high in tech hubs and industries such as finance, healthcare, and e-commerce.Their ability to solve complex technical problems and develop scalable solutions contributes to their high earning potential, often placing them among the best paying jobs in the tech industry.6. Civil Engineer Estimated Salary: Around RM5,000 - RM8,000Qualification: Complete an engineering degree recognised by the Engineering Accreditation Department, Board of Engineers Malaysia (BEM).As urban populations grow and nations develop, the demand for skilled engineers to create and maintain infrastructure remains consistently high. The profession requires a deep technical understanding of structural analysis, materials science, and construction methods, often demanding years of education and hands-on experience. The responsibility civil engineers carry is significant, as they are tasked with ensuring the safety and durability of structures that are essential for daily life, transportation, and even disaster resilience. Many civil engineers benefit from opportunities for career growth and salary increases through advanced education or unionized positions, making it a financially rewarding profession. 7. Real Estate Agent / Real Estate NegotiatorEstimated Salary: RM11,000 - UnlimitedQualification: No basic qualification. You can start with SPM certificate. In a booming real estate market, successful real estate negotiators can earn large incomes, making it one of the highest paying jobs in the sales sector.Having good communication, leadership skills and interpersonal skills is the key to exceptional financial rewards in this field.Anegotiator's income potential is primarily driven by commissions. This means that their earnings can vary significantly based on the deals they close.Unlike fixed salary roles, the appeal of a high paying job for commission like real estate negotiators lies in the opportunity to benefit from a pay structure that rewards their skills, effort, and success in closing deals.Plus, you do not require a degree to be a real estate negotiator, which is perfect for fresh graduates and those who want to kickstart their career without any prior experience.Stepping into a new career can be daunting. However, with the right support and a healthy amount of risk appetite, switching careers may just be the best decision you can make.If you're looking to get the most out of your efforts, why not join IQI Realty Sdn Bhd? Thrive together with people who work hard and play hard. Get in touch below![hubspot portal="5699703" id="c063034a-f66d-41ab-881b-6e6a3f275c33" type="form"]Continue reading:Need Extra Money Fast? You Should Try These 8 Flexible Jobs Perfect for Uni Students!Unhappy in Current Job? Become a Real Estate Negotiator (REN) and Be Your Own Boss!What is Professional Networking, and Why Do You Need to Do It?
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Version: EN想在马来西亚购买或租房,却不知从何入手?Juwai IQI房地产专家为你解答!全球战略顾问Taco Heidinga发布了最新的马来西亚移居指南,为全球外籍人士提供引导,帮你了解在马来西亚生活与投资。只需填写你的个人信息,就可以免费获取电子书![hubspot portal="5699703" id="e3036178-fac7-4c06-b04f-4b1be2e5c3ca" type="form"]2024年,马来西亚房产市场展现出稳健的发展态势,无论是购房还是租赁,都呈现出区域性特点。 主要城市房价持续走高,而部分地区则以可负担性吸引买家。 租赁市场需求强劲,高层公寓和热门区域更是备受青睐,为投资者和租户提供了多样化的选择。 现在,就为你揭晓马来西亚的房屋购买与租赁价格,助你更进一步规划在马来西亚的安居生活! 阅读内容1. 马来西亚当前的房市状况 2. 马来西亚各州房地产的价格 3. 主要城市的房地产租赁趋势 1. 马来西亚当前的房市状况 马来西亚2024年房地产市场在全球经济不确定性中展现了韧性。 根据国家房地产信息中心(NAPIC)的数据,2024年上半年房地产交易总值飙升至1056.5亿令吉,交易量较2023年增长8%。 住宅物业仍然占主导地位,占总交易量的60%,显示该领域需求持续旺盛。 然而,全国房价指数在2024年第二季度从第一季度的223.40降至218.80,出现小幅下滑。 这是自2021年以来的首次季度性下降,主要原因是投机活动降温和买家态度趋于谨慎。 2. 马来西亚各州房地产的价格 州属平均房价(RM)知名城市/区域吉隆坡708,402- 吉隆坡城中城(KLCC)- 满家乐(Mont Kiara)- 孟沙(Bangsar)柔佛656,648- 新山(Johor Bahru)- 依斯干达公主城(Iskandar Puteri)雪兰莪535,390- 八打灵再也(Petaling Jaya)- 莎阿南(Shah Alam)槟城471,980-乔治市(George Town)-峇六拜(Bayan Lepas)马六甲305,463- 爱极乐(Ayer Keroh)- 峇都丁宜(Batu Berendam)马来西亚平均房价471,918资料来源:The Edge Malaysia与居外IQI数据、Global Property Guide吉隆坡和柔佛的房价一直居高不下,反之马六甲的低房价成为购房者最为实惠的选择。3. 主要城市的房地产租赁趋势 马来西亚大部分地区的租赁市场稳定上升,尤其是在大量外籍人士涌入的主要城市,像是吉隆坡、新山和槟城。 城市平均一房户型的月租价格(RM)平均租金回酬率(%)吉隆坡2,127 (1,400 – 3,500)4.26新山1,780 (1,500 – 2,900)6.22槟城1,833 (1,000 – 3,000)5.74资料来源:Numbeo、Global Property Guide高层公寓在吉隆坡市中心需求旺盛,投资回报率高达5.86%。 柔佛新山因靠近新加坡而需求强劲,部分地区的租金回报率更是高达8.47%。 无论你是房地产买家、租房者还是投资者,2024年的马来西亚房地产趋势都为你提供了大好的机会。想在马来西亚安家,现在正是黄金时机!担心海外买房手续太繁琐?放心,我们可为你提供一站式的服务!只需填写以下表格,我们将与你联系![hubspot portal="5699703" id="85ebae59-f425-419b-a59d-3531ad1df948" type="form"]延伸阅读:MM2H更新申请条件,门槛再提高,申请人不再获PR身份!【内附外国人买房全攻略】为什么外国人纷纷选择在马来西亚购置房产?外籍专业人士寻求职业新机遇?马来西亚是你的理想目的地!
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