يقترب عام 2021 من نهايته بشكل غير ايجابي ، مع الاتجاه الهبوطي في الاقتصاد العالمي ، والنقص ، واختناقات سلسلة التوريد ، والمخاطر الجيوسياسية ، وتحديات كوفيد -19 في أوروبا مرة أخرى وقبل كل شيء ، تقييمات سوق الأسهم المتضخمة.
ما الذي فاتك أيضًا في ديسمبر 2021؟
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2021 has been an unprecedented year for Australian housing markets, but 2022 is likely to see a further easing in the pace of capital gains. As international borders re-open, there will be an influx of rental and home purchase demand, especially across the inner-city rental suburbs, popular among students and visitors.
What else did you…
مستقبلية اقتصادية في النشرة الإخبارية Juwai IQI - سوق العقارات - ديسمبر 2021 ستظل الأيام الأخيرة من عام 2021 تمثل تحديًا للعديد من البنوك المركزية على مستوى العالم. بينما يتجه الاقتصاد نحو الإنخفاض ، تظهر آفاق النمو الاقتصادي والتضخم في وقت قريب جدًا
ماذا فاتك أيضًا في نوفمبر 2021؟
:قم بتنزيل النشرة الإخبارية لقراءة المزيد…
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The year 2021 is coming to an end on a not so positive note, with the downtrend in the global economy, shortages, supply chain bottlenecks, geopolitical risk, COVID-19 challenges in Europe again and above all, inflated equity market valuations.
What else did you miss in December 2021?
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Join us! IQI is a multi-award-winning global real estate agency and advisory firm, bringing about the latest opportunities, innovations, and technological breakthroughs in real estate.
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Sau khi đa số Quốc gia đã cơ bản hoàn thành việc tiêm vaccine phòng chống Covid-19 diện rộng, trạng thái "Bình thường mới" dần thiết lập, từ đó nền kinh tế cũng đang phục hồi sau những tác động tiêu cực của đại dịch khắp Toàn cầu.
Giá dầu đã tăng từ 37 USD lên…
TAIPEI , Dec. 2, 2021 /PRNewswire/ -- Recognized as the disruptor in innovating and driving customer success, TPIsoftware has been announced as the winner of the "CX Vendor Excellence Gold Award" for the CX Asia Excellence Awards 2021. TPIsoftware was not only chosen for the top excellence but also the only Taiwanese corporation winner…
The uncertainty of the economy recovering could only be seen before 2025. Trying to deliver an economic outlook in the final days of 2021 will remain a challenge for many central banks globally. While the economy is heading for shortage, the prospect of economic growth and inflation is making its appearance very soon.
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