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Rate hikes? Recession? Or disinflation? Or deflation?
As 2022 ends, we can recap many historical milestones, like the Earth's population hitting 8 billion and the global economy surpassing $103 trillion.
What else have you missed in January 2023?
Juwai IQI - February 2023 NewsletterDownload Now
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Have you ever considered growing your real estate agency into a multibillion-dollar enterprise or being a millionaire real estate agent? Real estate may quickly make your desire to amass millions a reality. In reality, with a little instruction, anyone can start earning money in a matter of days, weeks, or even months.
The wealthy…
The University of Chicago Booth has termed the outlook "global instability and economic uncertainty" for the following year. Global investors must fathom the conditions and landscape for the coming quarters.
What have you missed in December 2022?
Juwai IQI - December 2022 NewsletterDownload
Markets are whistling past the graveyard as financial markets will not settle very soon. At the moment, investors are misreading the equity and bond markets, showcasing that 2023 will be more challenging than 2022.
What else you missed in November?
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Traditional Chinese: [sdm_download id="62094" fancy="0"]
,The Economist وفقًا لعدد سبتمبر من مجلة
شهد العديد من علامات التحذير ، مثل الحرب الروسية على أوكرانيا ، والتعافي غير المتكافئ من الوباء ، والجفاف ، والتضخم المرتفع ، واضطراب الإمدادات ، وعدم اليقين الهائل بشأن مستقبل الاقتصاد الأوروبي. وسط هذا الارتباك ، هناك اتفاق واسع على شيء واحد: الركود قادم
Global economic fragilities are getting deeper into the financial markets. It is becoming clear that inflation will stay elevated and central banks will continue to hike interest rates until year-end.
What else you missed in October 2022?
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Simplified Chinese: [sdm_download id="59914" fancy="0"]