Asian real estate technology company Juwai IQI announced its new commitment to achieving net-zero emissions and carbon-neutral certification from 2030.
The company will achieve this goal by reducing its emissions impact and then offsetting any remaining carbon footprint through scientifically valid initiatives that remove carbon from the atmosphere.

Juwai IQI Group Co-Founder and CEO Kashif Ansari said:
“We have two motivations for targeting net-zero: to reduce our emissions and to build awareness and momentum across Asia for addressing climate change. With its rapid economic growth and young population, Asia has the most to gain from swift action to beat climate change.
“We will use our journey to net-zero to create an opportunity to spread awareness and help those who also want to reduce their climate impacts but don’t have the information or support they need. That is why we are nesting our net-zero initiative within our Juwai IQI Cares program.
“Other recent Juwai IQI Cares initiatives include “IM with U” for mental health, the LoveRun fundraisers for underprivileged children, blood donation drives and free career training for people who have lost their jobs due to the pandemic.
“We have already begun mapping and reducing our greenhouse gas emissions. This emissions map will inform our emissions reduction plan, which will, in turn, guide our future action.
“We are growing so quickly that even if we dramatically reduce our carbon intensity per dollar of revenue, our total emissions would continue to rise. That is why we must become net zero.
“We are zeroing in on areas of focus that include business travel, staff commuting, energy use in our facilities and energy consumption by our remote team members.
“Because the construction and use of real estate play a significant role in carbon emissions, at Juwai IQI, we can also help our clients and customers by supporting them in the move to more sustainable and profitable practices.
“Under the Paris Agreement, 174 countries committed to taking actions that will limit the global average temperature increase to 1.5°C. To achieve that, global emissions probably must fall to net-zero by mid-century.
“Eliminating our contribution to climate change is important, which is why we are committing to doing so by 2030, instead of 2050.
“Climate change is the challenge of our century, and businesses like Juwai IQI can help to solve it. This will ensure a better future for our investors, clients, customers and team members.”
Looking for sustainability in both a career, investment and the planet? Join us to discover the endless possibilities with Juwai IQI!