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Asia’s leading global real estate & investment agency IQI has further expanded its business in Malaysia by opening an office in Putrajaya to cater to the needs of local buyers.
IQI Putrajaya was officially opened on 26th May 2022, and attracted around 500 IQI RENs and guests to attend the opening ceremony, which received a great turnout.
IQI’s leaders witnessed this historical moment, with IQI CEO Kashif Ansari, Group Managing Director Daniel Ho, CFO Shahid Saleem, COO Nabeel Mungaye, Group Executive Director Sheila Tan, and Group Project Director Anthony Lim officiating the opening.

With IQI being a member of the MIEA, the ceremony was also graced by the presence of MIEA and LPPEH representatives as a show of support for the branch opening.
At the same time, IQI also took advantage of this great occasion to welcome Eid with its RENs. Apart from the traditional song and dance performances, the event also had the pleasure of inviting Queen of Soul Ning Baizura.

Another highlight of the event was the “Potluck Stall by Team Leader”. Each team leader prepared 6 different traditional Malay food booths, including Northern, East Coast and Southern delicacies, noodle dishes, Malay pastries, beverages and fruit.
Keep updated with the latest news on IQI Putrajaya from their Facebook page, here!
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