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Introducing Our Remarkable Speakers for the ADAPT CONVENTION 2022!
We're excited to announce ADAPT International Convention 2022, a two-day online conference meant to inspire you to discover new strategies to evolve yourself and your business with the new era of technologies. Attend this event to learn from renowned industry experts working to maximize emerging technology use. ADAPT 2022 will take place on December 13-14, 2022.…
5 giants in the ehailing indsutry
The World of Ehailing Malaysia: 5 Giants in the E-hailing Industry Besides Grab
With the advancement of technology, E-hailing services have grown quite prevalent in Malaysia and are now a need for every Malaysian. Let's dive deeper into the article to find out what these e-hailing services are. What are actually E-hailing Services? E-hailing also known as the intermediation business, allows users to reserve public transportation using online applications.…
Version: EN 圣诞节快到了!每年圣诞节最烦恼的,就是要准备什么礼物来交换!  现在网购越来越盛行,各式各样的礼物看得人们眼花缭乱,但是特别又漂亮的礼物,价格却非常高,也担心不实用。  因此,这里为你推荐一些便宜实惠,而且精美又实用的圣诞礼物,绝对能让收到你礼物的幸运朋友惊喜、开心又满意。  阅读内容: 1. 太阳能小夜灯 2. 蓝牙音响 3. 香薰蜡烛 4. 养生花茶礼盒 5. 足浴球 6. Marks and Spencer 脉搏点精油 7. 迷你电煮锅 8. 迷你果汁机 1. 太阳能小夜灯 照片取自Shopee 这个小夜灯不需要充电,只要白天时放在阳光下让小夜灯吸收,到了夜晚就会自动亮灯,而且还会反射星空和漂亮的颜色。    2. 蓝牙音响 照片取自Shopee 蓝牙音响可是男女都爱的圣诞礼物, 只需要从手机连接蓝牙至音响,就能听音乐。同时,现在的蓝牙音响不仅小巧,还配有小夜灯、闹钟,超多功能已经给大家带来各种方便。    3. 香薰蜡烛   照片取自Shopee 没有女生会抗拒香气、可爱的东西,所以在圣诞节时给女生送香薰蜡烛,绝对不会出错。香薰蜡烛不仅有不同的香味,圣诞节还有圣诞限定设计,可以用来做摆设,还能让整个房间或房子香香的,女生们一定会非常喜欢。   4. 养生花茶礼盒   照片取自Shopee 人人都说:“年轻不养生,老来养医生”,加上疫情让大家更注重健康,因此圣诞节送上精美养生花茶礼盒,可是非常实用且贴心哦!    5. 足浴球…